Black little bugs running about in soil!? Help?


Hello, i have just noticed this few minutes ago, that my seedling has little black bugs in soil, tiny but my other one seems not have? any advice urgently thanks, worried incase i have to destroy :(


Well-Known Member
Fungas gnats by the sound of it. Let the soil dry out completely...try cinnamon and sprinkle on the top of the soil...apparently they hate it... and it won't harm the plant. Hang fly strips or paper. If they get out of control they get into the root mass and feed off them.


where can i get cinnamon from? :( little tiny bugs like fleas, dont want to have to destroy seedlings, not cheap when paying £55 for 10 seeds :( let soil dry out and sprinkle cinnamon on soil how much?


i only seen a couple and there crawl not flying and whats best to get rid of them? as be a waste to have to destroy lovely growing plants :(


Well-Known Member
where can i get cinnamon from? :( little tiny bugs like fleas, dont want to have to destroy seedlings, not cheap when paying £55 for 10 seeds :( let soil dry out and sprinkle cinnamon on soil how much? up some pictures bro if you want more specific advice and cinnamon is a spice dude, you know, you put it on your waffles? ...which means you can get it at the supermarket.

peace, bozo


hard to get picture of them as there so tiny and blend into soil, and i been told that cinnamon doesnt help... :S :S


Well-Known Member
hard to get picture of them as there so tiny and blend into soil, and i been told that cinnamon doesnt help... :S :S
...chewberto is right, do a google image search for fungus gnats, thrips and spidermites so you'll know what they look like, you need to know for sure what they are because the treatment isn't the same for all of them. ...and these three are the most common pests so learn what they look like now.

...and cinnamon is nearly useless as a pest control, in my opinion it is a waste of time and effort.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
You might have trouble getting a pic, but try! Fungus gnats can be controlled a number of ways, yellow sticky traps, hanging traps for the flying adults, and cheap mosquito dunks will work on the larvae...other products will work on larvae as well but dunks are readily available an fairly inexpensive....water drench with them


nope couldnt see any when i just looked these are my plants atm, just hope there okay :( 1st Pic Has The Bugs1239043_554225544646269_829133041_n.jpg1238277_554225434646280_1370831791_n.jpgSeen Any In It So far :)
2nd Pic Have Not


Well-Known Member
nope couldnt see any when i just looked these are my plants atm, just hope there okay :( 1st Pic Has The BugsSeen Any In It So far :)
2nd Pic Have Not, you need to do some basic research and i can tell that just by looking at that soil, ...can you take a shot or 2 from a step back? we can see the pot as well? that stage they are very fragile and easy to kill and neither of those seedlings look particularly healthy.

...i'd seriously recommend you either go to a bookstore and get yourself a couple books on cannabis horticulture, and there will be a much larger section on the topic than you might imagine.

or, if you are familiar with torrents then go to PirateBay and do a few search's and i promise you will find an assload of books AND videos available for download.

the fact is all you really need to do is go to youtube and you'll find all the video you would want, you just can't download and keep them.

peace, bozo


done research, but never seen these before, im watering plant every 3 days, and im just confused as how to kill these fungus gnats, as loads of discussions about it and stuff not working, and got told other day that my plant was looking Healthy, can you please explain how my plant looks unhealthy?


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like your media doesn't have much aeration... Also the yellow first leaves show an issue! Sprout roots an have trouble penetrating such a tough ground! Regarding the gnats, Only water when it feels pretty damn dry, do it once really good and repeat... Drain excess water from drip trays, thy will help too.


okay thanks and aeration? and yellow first leaves show an issue :L ? how? no yellow on leaves i took picture while lighting was on, which can cause pictures to look mistaken :)