Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?


Active Member
Hi people, sorry if i am breaking any rules in anyway looking for a link but i want to order a gram of JWH-250 to Ireland asap. Could anybody post up a legit website link? There seems to be loads of sites selling them but not sure which are fake. Or else PM me the link




Well-Known Member
...they don't have Google in ireland? ...or are you just too fucking lazy to do your own search? ...this is a ganja growing forum not a 'drugs-R-us' outlet.



Active Member
Actually if you had read my post you bozo dimwit i had already stated that i had found loads of sites but wanted to know which was legit. By the way id knock your teeth out if you ever called me that to face! And im on the Hallucinatory Substances section of this website, what do you think its for? Cannabis blotter tabs? You stupid fuking cunt!


Active Member
Kervork ive smoked both mj and jwh for a few years. I honestly think their both as bad as each other. Except its easier to get up and focus in work on the jwh. Have you ordered off that site? There seems to be hundreds of sites but not sure which isca rip off - thanks


Well-Known Member
Actually if you had read my post you bozo dimwit i had already stated that i had found loads of sites but wanted to know which was legit. By the way id knock your teeth out if you ever called me that to face! And im on the Hallucinatory Substances section of this website, what do you think its for? Cannabis blotter tabs? You stupid fuking cunt!
...did i strike a nerve sonny? ...rotflmao, grow a pair and figure it out for yourself dickbreath.



Well-Known Member
yeah, lol, at the end of the day internet tough guys never seem to get that internet fights are like internet sex, all you actually do is beat yourself, lol.



Active Member
Well I live in Dublin city center and two druggie types tried to mug me on liffey street last thurday, one of them was actually stupid enough to give me a dig and I turned around and gave himvthree nasty nasty punches into the mouth and face while his associate just stood their frozen in fear, probably because someone had actually hit back for once!! Felt good tho!

Now if you don't like jwh, why are you even on this posting?


Well-Known Member
Wow..three micks fighting..never heard of that before(before you get testy mate,I'm half irish,only the good half)..
Id really not mess with synthetic cannabis compounds..they do not produce like effects as cannabis,usually very frightening hallucinations..and pardon the bluntness,if you're to inept at finding it,you def should not be handeling such a powerful chemical..it could be really bad for you if things were done improper as you were making your smoking substance..id stick to hash..you guys got great hash overseas(not as good as us americans,but good)..be safe and study more bro!


Active Member
How do you know he's Irish? I thought he sounded like one of those fat Americans who spends his life on the internet annoying people.

ok Rory just because your great great grandmother fled ireland in the 1800's doesn't make you half irish. It makes you an American, so be proud of it!

I've been smoking herbal blends since 2008 so I know what they are. There is no good hash in Ireland, you might very low quality soapbar that smells like parffin oil but otherwise the country is all weed. Same in the UK. So i dont know what shite your on about. As far as I knew it was all weed in America too, in fact my friend was over there last year and swooped a black guy 2 joints of hash for 10 joints of weed. He was mad for it because he had never even seen hash before. So stop being a know it all yank when everything you have said is incorrect


Well-Known Member
ok..irishguy26 and dublin city..sorry I'm assuming..but you have it wrong..my grandfather is irish..we have a castle in ireland,and I in no way know it all,but friends who fly from ireland to my 'pot vacation' every year as well as britan ect..they all say we have better hash on a market level...I in fact seen a national geographic special where an irish importer had a few different nice hashes..also how was I to know you have been smoking jwh whatever for 4 years..and I know not what black guy you speak of,but all my friends whom are black love hash,and know quality..I hope you have a splendid day..I'm gonna finish my qwiso on the back porch and feel sorry for humanity.


Well-Known Member
How do you know he's Irish? I thought he sounded like one of those fat Americans who spends his life on the internet annoying people.

ok Rory just because your great great grandmother fled ireland in the 1800's doesn't make you half irish. It makes you an American, so be proud of it!

I've been smoking herbal blends since 2008 so I know what they are. There is no good hash in Ireland, you might very low quality soapbar that smells like parffin oil but otherwise the country is all weed. Same in the UK. So i dont know what shite your on about. As far as I knew it was all weed in America too, in fact my friend was over there last year and swooped a black guy 2 joints of hash for 10 joints of weed. He was mad for it because he had never even seen hash before. So stop being a know it all yank when everything you have said is incorrect
judging by your attitude i am in no way surprised you have difficulty finding good drugs. probably why you've been smoking jwh since 2008 lOl. do you really think america is "all weed"..? damn dude you're waaaaay outta the loop.


Well-Known Member
...they don't have Google in ireland? ...or are you just too fucking lazy to do your own search? ...this is a ganja growing forum not a 'drugs-R-us' outlet.

Can you not read what section of the forum you are in? Please do not return.


Well-Known Member
I'm ashamed of my heritage at this point..oh well,I'm half italian also..ill be proud of mariani wine...whoop!