Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?


Active Member
on the toppic of guns and switzerland at one point if not still every house was issued a gun by the government for protection and has the lowest gun crime rate.


Active Member
Their contains the word he. Therefore you use their when referring to people. Skuxx you came on to mock me for my granmer but its you who's wrong. Oh my god you stupid idiot made a fool of himself stoner!! :) :)
you are an idiot, an asshole, and immature. great job.


Well-Known Member
What's with hating on america? We sure were the hot spot for your ancestors around 1900 or so..we got beter potatos also..a state the size of ireland produces most of them..idaho..my grandfather didn't own a castle..the castle has the family name..we had a wealthy baron in our family..cccmints is def a friendly dude,he's just not gonna take any 'shite'..just like everyone on r.I.u..perhaps the way you jumped on people(me) for comments made in jest got you the actions you have received..either way I'm taking the high road and conversing like an adult,and not resorting to childish namecalling..you get what you give here in america..A.M.E.R.I.C.A. GODDAMMIT!!!!!! ©2013!


Well-Known Member
Irishguy turned out to be a jackass but I thought that bozo dude came off really harsh at first


Well-Known Member
I'm not irish, remember? I'm just plain old american rory420420...nevermind my heritage...I'm not italian either apparantly.....what I am though, is polite,and educated...a vast pipe dream for some people...


Well-Known Member
I always say I'm native american. Because I was born in america......... and I'm tan.

Did you see his reaction when I corrected his grammar? Priceless.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many people spray that 'lmnop-431.7' shit on schwag ass brick weed and try to pimp it to novice potheads as the 'dankness'?


Well-Known Member
Actually if you had read my post you bozo dimwit i had already stated that i had found loads of sites but wanted to know which was legit. By the way id knock your teeth out if you ever called me that to face! And im on the Hallucinatory Substances section of this website, what do you think its for? Cannabis blotter tabs? You stupid fuking cunt!
GUy come on. Your a STRANGER... which means you have new found interest in these sorts of extra curricular activities..... Don't be aggressive, disrespectful and defensive. It's no different than if you walked into a strangers personal party asking where the cocaine is..


Well-Known Member
Skuxx...he also should have used 'whom'..not 'it is you who's wrong'..but english and irish are tottaly different languages..


Active Member
Received a perfect gram of jwh-250 this morning in the post! Lot of scam websites out there. A lot of American shites on this website. Roll on 9/14.. :)


Well-Known Member
Received a perfect gram of jwh-250 this morning in the post! Lot of scam websites out there. A lot of American shites on this website. Roll on 9/14.. :)
what is an american shite?

in the past 2 days i've seen a couple people suffering from spice induced psychosis. it really is pretty sad, as they may never snap out of it. this is where you are heading so you might want to get your head out of your ass asap.


bud bootlegger
what is an american shite?

in the past 2 days i've seen a couple people suffering from spice induced psychosis. it really is pretty sad, as they may never snap out of it. this is where you are heading so you might want to get your head out of your ass asap.
does spice even contain jwh anymore cc?? not that i'm condoning either, just curious.. i've never touched spice and never will, same with jwh..


Well-Known Member
A lot of american shites..well were polite shites...id rather be a shite than a big fat sack of floppy cocks I guess..or is that bangers?..I don't know..where I from its called being a douche.


Well-Known Member
does spice even contain jwh anymore cc?? not that i'm condoning either, just curious.. i've never touched spice and never will, same with jwh..
spice is simply a term used to describe synthetic marijuana. however, as we all have observed, the effects of spice don't come anywhere near close to mimicking the effects of marijuana. so in reality 'spice' is just new chemicals mixed in a herbal blend and sold as synthetic marijuana. the only times we become aware of what is actually in these blends is when the government figures out the names of the dangerous chemicals contained within, and then adds them to the controlled substance list.

they've found JWH-073, JWH-018, JWH-200, CP-47,497, cannabicyclohexanol, etc. so it's not always a jwh compound, but often seems to be.

the fact of the matter is, spice induced psychosis is not new so it is safe to say jwh compounds can be held responsible. as if it isn't obvious enough, please everyone stay away from jwh..lol