damn, just damn..


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised at the number of people defending the Rover for running someone over breaking a leg. Also he was not stabbed but received stitches and was released.
Luckily the RR person wasnt a conceal and carry member of the country because I see a justified shooting once that window got broke. Most likely they would ha e broke that window when they first stopped the RR driver too.


bud bootlegger
I'm surprised at the number of people defending the Rover for running someone over breaking a leg. Also he was not stabbed but received stitches and was released.
this happened up your way wyte, did you hear anything more about it on the local news or anything??

and thanks for the link bygon, i forgot to say that earlier..
this happened up your way wyte, did you hear anything more about it on the local news or anything??

and thanks for the link bygon, i forgot to say that earlier..
That he was assualted when the came turned off. One biker has a broken leg. Rr driver released with stitches. That's it no arrest has been made.
Luckily the RR person wasnt a conceal and carry member of the country because I see a justified shooting once that window got broke. Most likely they would ha e broke that window when they first stopped the RR driver too.
Same if the biker who got ran over had a gun ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised at the number of people defending the Rover for running someone over breaking a leg. Also he was not stabbed but received stitches and was released.
Lol... I like the way this is phrased. How the hell do you think he got those stitches?? :roll: The driver didn't break the guys leg by viciously going after him... he was in the way as he attempted to flee a potentially life threatening situation. Then a mob of bikers followed him until he was stuck in traffic, drug him out of his vehicle and beat the shit out of him in front of his wife and 5 month old baby. A broken leg may be a bit of a more serious injury, but my god...


Well-Known Member
Wow. Just wow. Some of you people amaze me. As a biker of many years and a patched member of a club im almost positive that the driver of the rr did something to provoke this. Ive been almost run over, run off the road because of some asshole that wasnt paying attention. I give not half a fuck that his kid is in the car. He obviously didnt. He did something to piss off those bikers. Running me or another memeber off the road will certainly do that.


Well-Known Member
another person doesnt have to have a gun to justify opening up their chest in self defense. intentionally running into my car while 99 of your buddies try to slow me down to a stop is more then enough ammo for a lawyer to keep you outa trouble.

anything viewed as a deadly weapon (police have used this term very creativly in the past) or deadly force (Again very open to interpretation) can be defended against with deadly force as well.

basically if your in the situation to use deadly force to defend yourself your gonna know it. (well most of us).

IMO good on the guy. once he stopped he lost all tactical advantage over the bikers (minus monster truck rallying of course) and like racer said You dont know what you would do in that situation but i know I value my child's life more then any other living being on this planet. i pity the one who puts her in jeopardy.


Well-Known Member
If you are in a vehicle and they are not, common sense should tell you, that you have the upper hand already and they are at a disadvantage at all times, so let them be. I see they were acting like dip wads, but there is always that moment, where you have a choice and that rover driver could have easily avoided the whole mess by making the right choice and spared the trauma for all.

Regardless of who is a fault in this scenario, the driver is going to be lucky if it stops with just a shank wound or two. The future could hold a much worse fate for him and/or his family<<< too much criminal minds, I know.




Well-Known Member
And just for the record I let asshats on bikes go by, not call the cops. and by asshats I mean stunt riders on public roads.


Well-Known Member
Alot of you assholes have never put a bike on the road and dont realize how shitty most other drivers are. Im sure alot of you have almost hit a biker and never even realized it. Til you almost hit the wtong guy. Bottom line is put the fucking phone down and watch the god dakn road.
Lol... I like the way this is phrased. How the hell do you think he got those stitches?? :roll: The driver didn't break the guys leg by viciously going after him... he was in the way as he attempted to flee a potentially life threatening situation. Then a mob of bikers followed him until he was stuck in traffic, drug him out of his vehicle and beat the shit out of him in front of his wife and 5 month old baby. A broken leg may be a bit of a more serious injury, but my god...
In the beginning of the video you see at the side the range hit the bike back wheel causing them to all stop he put himself in that position.


bud bootlegger
Wow. Just wow. Some of you people amaze me. As a biker of many years and a patched member of a club im almost positive that the driver of the rr did something to provoke this. Ive been almost run over, run off the road because of some asshole that wasnt paying attention. I give not half a fuck that his kid is in the car. He obviously didnt. He did something to piss off those bikers. Running me or another memeber off the road will certainly do that.
if you really wanna get pissed jimmy, follow the link over to boobtube and read some of the comments over there.. :(


Well-Known Member
Wow. Just wow. Some of you people amaze me. As a biker of many years and a patched member of a club im almost positive that the driver of the rr did something to provoke this. Ive been almost run over, run off the road because of some asshole that wasnt paying attention. I give not half a fuck that his kid is in the car. He obviously didnt. He did something to piss off those bikers. Running me or another memeber off the road will certainly do that.
only rumor so far is he called 911 on their reckless driving to provoke it. idk how they woulda known that but thats all the info we got so far about what got it rolling. the bikers were definitely intending to do harm to him. no other reason to risk so many lives in an attempt to stop him.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Just wow. Some of you people amaze me. As a biker of many years and a patched member of a club im almost positive that the driver of the rr did something to provoke this. Ive been almost run over, run off the road because of some asshole that wasnt paying attention. I give not half a fuck that his kid is in the car. He obviously didnt. He did something to piss off those bikers. Running me or another memeber off the road will certainly do that.
I helped build two award winning Triumphs, a Trophy and a Bonnie. I seen doors get kicked for cutting off my pops on his bike. I grew up around guys and their ballpeen hammers. Stunt riders give bikers a bad name. The time and place is not in traffic.


Well-Known Member
if you really wanna get pissed jimmy, follow the link over to boobtube and read some of the comments over there.. :(
I dont need to read youtube comments. Road expierience tells me that a man on two wheels doesnt start shit for no reason with a person on 4 wheels.
No then its premeditated because broken leg tough guy would have to leave the scene and follow up. Hard to shoot someone you intimidated when your laying down with a broken leg.
in the act of getting his leg broke he could have fired a kill shot don't you think? Once one of the other bikes in front got ran over I would have been in fear of my life


Well-Known Member
I helped build two award winning Triumphs, a Trophy and a Bonnie. I seen doors get kicked for cutting off my pops on his bike. I grew up around guys and their ballpeen hammers. Stunt riders give bikers a bad name. The time and place is not in traffic.
I saw no stunts in the video. My opinion is based on expierence and what i saw. I grew up with the same guys.


Well-Known Member
If you are in a vehicle and they are not, common sense should tell you, that you have the upper hand already and they are at a disadvantage at all times, so let them be.
In my head 100 guys on bikes trumps one family in a truck anyday.