damn, just damn..


Well-Known Member
The passing lane is any lane to get passed;). What was so hard to move over 1lane to the right?
See the bolded, that is not correct. It is the left lane. What was so hard to pull over to the right was, the fact that when you watch the video and see all the bikers illegally and dangerously passing him on the right.
See the bolded, that is not correct. It is the left lane. What was so hard to pull over to the right was, the fact that when you watch the video and see all the bikers illegally and dangerously passing him on the right.
Lol. He should have pulled to the side and let them pass instead of trying to be tough with the Jeep. If someone is slowiing me down for a group to pass go the fyck ahead ESP 100s on a "annual bikers day"


Well-Known Member
lol that asshole in the rover had to deal with a group of angry bikers,,the guy should have stopped and not plow through an entire group like that,the driver was asking for a beat down or worse.
If he had stopped, he would have gotten a beat down. When he did stop, he got a beat down, and stabbed, too. He should have backed over the other bikers when traffic ahead stopped him. Two men attempted to rob a cab driver with ball bats from outside the car. One was crushed to death against another car and the second was severely injured. The second is serving a life term for the death of his cohort.
I like that people are saying they would have done what the driver did. Probably where you live on a country side but no way in NYC. The driver is lucky all he got was a beating. That could have been 1 of my brothers who got their leg ran over and bike so in this case I agree with the bikers. Cops even pull aside to let them pass wtf!
If he had stopped, he would have gotten a beat down. When he did stop, he got a beat down, and stabbed, too. He should have backed over the other bikers when traffic ahead stopped him. Two men attempted to rob a cab driver with ball bats from outside the car. One was crushed to death against another car and the second was severely injured. The second is serving a life term for the death of his cohort.
wtf he was not stabbed! Unless the local newspaper, channels are lying about the cobndition of the driver he left with stitches and bruises /


Well-Known Member
Im not threatening you, I gave you friendly advice. :)
no, you were making internet tough guy veiled threats.

the only thing that's gonna do is cause me to be an even bigger dick to you and your two wheeled buddies with similar attitudes.

and since you'll be on a deathmobile and i won't, just imagine how that'll work out.

Oh Im sorry, I don't know where you learned to drive, perhaps where you are there is no such thing called
right of way, in which you do not have if you are trying to change lanes into traffic.

What you are admitting to doing is called wreckless endangerment and potentially vehicular manslaughter or worse.

Dumb ass.
apparently you reading compensation has failed you?

did you just decide not to address the part of the bikers suddenly speeding up every time i went to make my lane change? do you not realize that this causes a driver to have to swerve back into their lane and slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the idiot biker that believes they own the road and the truck they are trying to pass?

it was very simple, i would have made my pass and gotten back over. but the wannabe badass parade didn't want any interruption in their line of douches, so they made unsafe traffic maneuvers at my expense over and over.

until i decided that they could do so at their own peril instead of mine.

that's called the bronx school of driving. make the other guy brake first.


Well-Known Member
Lol. He should have pulled to the side and let them pass instead of trying to be tough with the Jeep. If someone is slowiing me down for a group to pass go the fyck ahead ESP 100s on a "annual bikers day"
From what I saw, the RR was not given very much time to get over. I too would "get out da way" but I could only do that with ample time and space.


Active Member
the people supporting the bikers in this thread are bad human beings, since they obviously think its ok for people to own the road and be aggressive assholes to whomever they want. you dont own the road, and self defense wins every fucking time. dash cam and concealed carry all the way. first time that biker hit my window with a helmet he would have be shot.


Well-Known Member
And the driver was righteous for hitting a bike almost killing him at that speed running over how many bikes
Rewatch the video my dude. The guy that forces him to stop rides up and shares some sort of words before he forces the RR to stop. Now go to the 50 second mark and pause. Use a magnifying glass and look at the dude trying to get into the RR. Fuck that, I'm not letting some adrenaline junkies open the car door with my kid inside. Especially after they force me to stop and surround my car. If you look at the beginning of the video as well you can see bikes passing on the RR drivers right preventing him from what appears to be him trying to get into the right lane. Or you can choose to ignore what is right on the video and think that forcing a vehicle to stop on a highway is the right course of action.


Well-Known Member
I like that people are saying they would have done what the driver did. Probably where you live on a country side but no way in NYC. The driver is lucky all he got was a beating. That could have been 1 of my brothers who got their leg ran over and bike so in this case I agree with the bikers. Cops even pull aside to let them pass wtf!

What video did you watch dude? Because it wasn't a matter of pulling over to let them pass... they literally SURROUNDED the RR, who, you know, was just trying to go about his day and get where he wanted to go... I personally would have been pissed right off the bat. I realize that bikers should have the right of way, sure, because cars have the safety advantage... but when a pack of bikers TRAPS YOU IN, would you not be a little ticked off?? Then, not only do they trap you in, some dude BREAK CHECKS you and you're forced to slow to a stop while a massive group of sketchy thugs threaten you with your wife and kid in the car. And you seriously think they should have just "let them go"?? How would that even be an option?


Well-Known Member
Damn this thread is still going.

I fucking ran out of popcorn a long time ago, oh well guess I'll get more.....



Global Moderator
Staff member
Damn this thread is still going.

I fucking ran out of popcorn a long time ago, oh well guess I'll get more.....

Can you please morph back into your latino hottie persona ?
I try to keep an open mind, but your skinny black dude look ain't workin for me atm.


Active Member
The way I see it ,people who drive RRs think they are a cut above. Snobby pricks ,usually. The guy probably deserved it somehow. That said, I always told myself if I was in a car facing a threat, I would just mow that threat down . You can't really do that with a biker gang, so even though he acted on an instinct to hurt the threat he didn't factor in that he cannot outrun a biker gang.