damn, just damn..


New Member
so they deserved to be run over?? idk, maybe i missed something..

Yeah, the part where the bikers brake checked him, forced him to stop, and then TRIED TO TAKE HIS KID OUT OF THE CAR.

A biker would get shot in the fucking face if he tried that shit on me.

It's just too bad that RR driver didn't have a handgun like me and many others.



Well-Known Member
no, you were making internet tough guy veiled threats.

the only thing that's gonna do is cause me to be an even bigger dick to you and your two wheeled buddies with similar attitudes.

and since you'll be on a deathmobile and i won't, just imagine how that'll work out.

apparently you reading compensation has failed you?

did you just decide not to address the part of the bikers suddenly speeding up every time i went to make my lane change? do you not realize that this causes a driver to have to swerve back into their lane and slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the idiot biker that believes they own the road and the truck they are trying to pass?

it was very simple, i would have made my pass and gotten back over. but the wannabe badass parade didn't want any interruption in their line of douches, so they made unsafe traffic maneuvers at my expense over and over.

until i decided that they could do so at their own peril instead of mine.

that's called the bronx school of driving. make the other guy brake first.
What part of right of way dont you get?
People who ride try to stay out of blind spots so they are not side swiped. So they speed
up to get past you.

Sack up, I didn't threaten you. I asked why you are scared of people who ride. Then I told you the way you
act could get you in trouble. Seems like friendly, potentially life saving advice.

lmao, I never said I would harm you in any way, I told you some people might.
Try again.


Well-Known Member
I don't care what country it is but if idiots are trying to intimidate because they are asshats fuck em. 100+ riders and they pick on one dude. Sounds like pussies to me.

When I see a rider coming in my rear view or side view ( that's if the asshat isnt doing 100 and comes outta no where) I always exaggeratedly move over. Usually they get the point " hurry the fuck up and pass" If they don't then fuck em. I don't have time for idiots.

Pass on the left and dude coulda switch lanes to the right. 100+ riders took the right of way but didn't know how to use it.

Sir Stanky

Active Member
Here is a perspective of someone who lives and works in the area:

Solo DenisMarc Roffman wrote: "Here is some additional information you all might want to read. This is my personal experience with this situation.
I made sure to post this on the support site as well. As a trucker that would deliver in north jersey and New York I am familiar with these gangs.
I can hopefully clarify a few things. First the initial "accident" is part of a game they play. They ride in a huge group and will operate together to slow down traffic.
Next they pick out high end vehicles targeting people with families in them, the targets will usually be white or Asian. Then one of the riders will
do a "brake check" and stop suddenly in front of the target vehicle causing a minor bump. In some cases they will just roll back into their target vehicle.
They will then mob the vehicle demanding money and or begin attacking the person inside. It is their practice to also slash the tires to prevent
the vehicle from escaping. Truckers are well aware of them and are advised not to stop. You can clearly see in the video how they are well practiced
in this style of attack. The police in NY have backed off them after an officer ran one down using his vehicle a few months back.
The video was all over the net so I advise you to check it out. These "bikers" ride dirt bikes and sport bikes very few of which are street legal and
even fewer have plates. They run red lights, stop signs, and have no regard for the law. If you are ever in this situation do not stop, immediately
call the police and do whatever you have to to keep them from boxing you in. NEVER leave the scene of an accident if you are not under direct threat!!!
Only run if you have no other choice, and again immediately call the police. This is not rare by any means, the only reason this incident got any attention
is because of the helmet cam video being posted on the net. If you see anyone in this situation, call the police. Make no mistake confusing these
punks with true bikers. You will rarely if ever see a member of these gangs on a Harley. Do not for a minute blame true bikers for this kind of behavior.
Bikers like those involved
in the 2 million Bikers to DC Rally are American Patriots and would be among the first to come to your aid. A final note, always be aware of motorcycles
and share the road.
Check your mirrors and don't ride anyone's bumper, motorcycles have a much smaller profile then a car and are harder to see."


Well-Known Member
That biker with the helmet cam is going to be real popular with the other bikers, especially the ones being charged. The dumbass shoulda dumped that evidence.


New Member
Except its real life, not a game.
I dont think the guy in the RR gives a fuck, hes already knee deep in shit.

like I said, I wouldnt have sat there and let him smash my window in. I also wouldnt have pulled a gun like a true scared pussy.. throw it in reverse and continue on your rampage, they deserved it right off the bat. wtf do they think is gonna happen when they crowd someone in a vehicle like that, especially someone who they know is capable of crushing them and not giving a fuck. real smart. darwinism at its finest.


Well-Known Member
.....a .45 I don't carry that piece anymore.
Correction would be a. 45 would Be pretty realistic. Typing on this phone isis a bitch!


Well-Known Member
Gun carriers are pussies?? Lol, some people, some real fucked up people need to be stopped sometimes.not this story .......I mean in general.
How the fuck is carring a gun for personal protection make someone a pussy?


Well-Known Member
Rewatch the video my dude. The guy that forces him to stop rides up and shares some sort of words before he forces the RR to stop. Now go to the 50 second mark and pause. Use a magnifying glass and look at the dude trying to get into the RR. Fuck that, I'm not letting some adrenaline junkies open the car door with my kid inside. Especially after they force me to stop and surround my car. If you look at the beginning of the video as well you can see bikes passing on the RR drivers right preventing him from what appears to be him trying to get into the right lane. Or you can choose to ignore what is right on the video and think that forcing a vehicle to stop on a highway is the right course of action.
Nobody tried to get into the Range Rover before he attempted to kill. The first time they stop, after the chase begins, someone does try to gain entry into the Range, and succeeds. The Range's doors were unlocked until the end of the chase. If someone had tried to get into the Range before the chase began, they would have succeeded.

The biker's may have been ass holes, but dude in the Range is a pussy, and attempted to kill.

If I get into a fist fight, and I feel like I'm about to get my ass kicked, am I allowed to start blastin' mother fuckers?

None of us were there. Why is anybody taking sides? All parties involved in this situation made huge mistakes, and should be held accountable for their actions.

I'm all about a person's right to bear arms, and defend themselves and their family. Deciding to take someones life because you're a little bitch and panicked is not what I'm all about.


Well-Known Member
Nobody tried to get into the Range Rover before he attempted to kill. The first time they stop, after the chase begins, someone does try to gain entry into the Range, and succeeds. The Range's doors were unlocked until the end of the chase. If someone had tried to get into the Range before the chase began, they would have succeeded.

The biker's may have been ass holes, but dude in the Range is a pussy, and attempted to kill.

If I get into a fist fight, and I feel like I'm about to get my ass kicked, am I allowed to start blastin' mother fuckers?

None of us were there. Why is anybody taking sides? All parties involved in this situation made huge mistakes, and should be held accountable for their actions.

I'm all about a person's right to bear arms, and defend themselves and their family. Deciding to take someones life because you're a little bitch and panicked is not what I'm all about.
Watch the video again. Pause at 50 second mark and take out a magnifying glass or zoom the video.


bud bootlegger
Watch the video again. Pause at 50 second mark and take out a magnifying glass or zoom the video.
damn, i just went back to my op and hit play.. video has been removed by the poster.. a lil late to remove it, after everyone has been arrested imo.. i know, not funny..


Global Moderator
Staff member
Nobody tried to get into the Range Rover before he attempted to kill. The first time they stop, after the chase begins, someone does try to gain entry into the Range, and succeeds. The Range's doors were unlocked until the end of the chase. If someone had tried to get into the Range before the chase began, they would have succeeded.

The biker's may have been ass holes, but dude in the Range is a pussy, and attempted to kill.

If I get into a fist fight, and I feel like I'm about to get my ass kicked, am I allowed to start blastin' mother fuckers?

None of us were there. Why is anybody taking sides? All parties involved in this situation made huge mistakes, and should be held accountable for their actions.

I'm all about a person's right to bear arms, and defend themselves and their family. Deciding to take someones life because you're a little bitch and panicked is not what I'm all about.
We must be talking about different incidents then because according to the news articles I've read, after he was stopped (for something over 25 ish seconds) his "vehicle was being attacked and tires slashed".

Where did you read that during the majority of the confrontation that the doors of the rr were unlocked ?


Well-Known Member
damn, i just went back to my op and hit play.. video has been removed by the poster.. a lil late to remove it, after everyone has been arrested imo.. i know, not funny..
That's either the lawyers or the poster realized he didn't get the response he was hoping for. I'm all for watching out for bikers. I don't want to lose any family when they go out riding like I almost did when i was younger. I can't condone mob mentality tough guy actions against a family though. My whole point I guess is that you don't get to be the outlaw badass adrenaline junkie that removes the license plates off your bike and still get sympathy when ones actions lead to dire consequences.


bud bootlegger
That's either the lawyers or the poster realized he didn't get the response he was hoping for. I'm all for watching out for bikers. I don't want to lose any family when they go out riding like I almost did when i was younger. I can't condone mob mentality tough guy actions against a family though. My whole point I guess is that you don't get to be the outlaw badass adrenaline junkie that removes the license plates off your bike and still get sympathy when ones actions lead to dire consequences.
i hear you loud and clear, it's just that i missed the part you were talking about and wanted to go back and really watch for it this time and now i'm not able to.. :(


Well-Known Member
i hear you loud and clear, it's just that i missed the part you were talking about and wanted to go back and really watch for it this time and now i'm not able to.. :(
I watched it a bunch and read a shit ton of articles trying to find commonality. I had some heated debates with a friend of mine. I had to tell her that her husband being a stunt rider was clouding her view. That's when I looked at it and noticed the the 22 second mark the RR couldn't get over when Chris Cruz was next to the drivers window because there were bikes passing on the RR's right hand side. The RR had tapped his breaks and started to try and get right but couldn't. That's when Cruz got in front and slowed him down to a stop. At the 50 second mark there is definetly someone at the door with aggressive body language. At 52 seconds is when the driver's reptilian brain kicked in and it was fight or flight. You can see just past that point that the rear passenger tire is flat as the bikers gave chase.