New Member
Thank You dude! Your a big help. I do live In the North Eastern part of Ohio. I think most of the hunting will start at the end of september and my harvest will be complete by the this time also. If there's peole hunting squirls then this may be a issue but I live In Buckeye State and mostly deer hunting Is the norm. I plan on spacing my plants out good so there not in rows or any pattern since this is not normal. And If mabey some sort of monitor that will inform me If somethings going wrong; I'm sure some type security has been created for this situation.Your only hope of escaping the hunting season is to plant in a state forest that doesn't allow hunting or an animal reserve, but both of those are heavily policed by park rangers. Good luck, I heard alot about hunting season and what gets found. I'm hoping you live in the North Eastern part of Ohio as well. I pulled up Google Earth and the North Eastern portion has "Deaper" forests, but still not all that deap. The weastern part is mainly all farm land.