going to start gathering supplys. need input/advise.


New Member
im about to start gather supplys for a small indoor grow but im not sure what route to take. I rent a trailer with an enclosed garage from my parents who are across the yard in the main house. my mom stores stuff in the garage and is over there now and then, this causes a problem because I plant on having my grow in the garage. so basicly im looking for ideas on what to grow in? I was thinking a double stacked rubber maid with a few plants and a 150watt hps. don't know if I have any other options? or should I use one of those 6 foot tall wooden closet things with the two doors on the front? im also concerned about the smell and maybe someone touching the "grow box" and wondering why it feels warm. any input or advise would be appreciated. and I will post a full grow journal if people help me out or are intrested. I wanted to have the lights on yesterday so ya lol


New Member
didn't mention that everything stored in the garage is in Rubbermaid containers. so either they would blend in or my mom would think there hers and open them


Well-Known Member
Sounds tough when someone can come in whenever they want.
But if it were me I'd go with a tall cabinet of some sort. Metal or wood. I'd start by sealing every crevice in it with silicone or something similar. Next step would be to make it sound/smell proof. If you have money, car audio sound deadening will stop any vibrations and sound from escaping the cabinet. But it's expensive. So maybe just some of the styrophome insulating sheets from lowes. The downside to this is it will retain heat in the cabinet and in the summertime this can be an issue since its in a garage. But you'll need an intake fan bringing in fresh air. And an exhaust fan at the top of the cabinet ridding of the hot air. This exhaust must have some sort of carbon filter. Otherwise your exhausting smelly air. You can add Ona-gel and a tower can inside the cabinet to help with smell as well. Also, the cabinet will most likely have light leaks on the door since it can't be sealed with silicone. To solve this simply install a tarp door that can be open and closed with light leaks. I like to use Velcro strips for this. For lights I'd look into a 150w hps and maybe some Cfl's. you don't want it to get too hot since it'll be such a small space. I'd just do 2 plants vegged for 3-4 weeks and scrog it.


Does your mom go in the trailer as well? Is there an extra closet there? Honestly man odds are your mom will find it in the garage if she goes in there. Might be best to grow where she doesnt go.


New Member
My mom won't be going in the trailer unless I invite her in but I still don't want anything to look out of place like an obvious grow cabinate like in the living room lol. There is a 3x3 closet in my bedroom I could use but its up against an exterior wall and I really don't want police in helicopters to be able to pick up a heat signature and come and bust me( maybe I'm just paranoid about that?). As for my goal. It deff needs to grow weed cheap enough that it makes sense to grow instead of buying. But I would like to be able to unload a few ounces on friends every harvest to make a few extra bucks. If I got a QP every harvest i'de be a happy man. Anything less then that wouldn't seen worth while


That closet is the winner!

I wouldnt worry about the heat signature, nothing will look out of the ordinary.

Also unless you want to do some cutting and venting stick with a cfl setup. HPS will put out some heat.


New Member
Kind of worried about CFLs. All the grow journals in the cfl page end up with kind of shitty results. Sorry for you cfl growers but from what I've seen its true


Well-Known Member
IR has not been allowed since 2009................they can not use that as the reason to go into your house
it could be a bird or a snake ......u have to give them other reason to enter then just a hot spot

CFL are great for clones and starting off along with T5s...........the issuse is heat once u add to many cfls it gets to hot .........but t5 lights give u 2000 lumens for 2ft and 5000lumens for a 4 foot

here is what u do fallow it if want to or not but this will get what u ask for and work several times the cost (not going to give u shitty things)

2 foot 8 bulb t5.............16000 lumens the heat is low

u are going to have to modify items in the cloest to work
frist u need a place to hang the lights
second u need a exhust venting point ( out of the trailer )
thrid u need a intake on the cloest door

after that u have a basic start .........u want me to keep going or just stop there u are going to do what u want and not worth the effort to write this


New Member
First just want to clarify You mean 8 two foot bulbs? And would I be able to vent the hot air out into the house instead of outside? My parents own the place and I don't wanna cut big holes in there trailer


Well-Known Member
Mom, I Smoke Weed. I'm sure you knew that already.
Can't afford to buy it. So, can I Please grow a couple plants for personal use?

" No you may not"
OK, No problem...I'm moving


New Member
Wish it was that simple bud. I used to make 100g a year and then the mine I worked at shut down and now I make minum wage at a auto parts store and have 1200$ a month payments on the challenger I baught. I'm lucky my parents are nice enough to let there grown ass kid live in there rental for half of what other people would pay.


Well-Known Member
the door will be modified no way around it it so get a spare one to hang

u need to have 2 holes in it one down near the bottom and one up top

yes 8 2ft bulbs

like this

this will give u decent light i was able to get 1 oz off a plant using this ................there is heat but nothing to hot like 10 15 degree change

u will need a method of controlling the smell
a air polisher
or ona buck
Mom, I Smoke Weed. I'm sure you knew that already.
Can't afford to buy it. So, can I Please grow a couple plants for personal use?

" No you may not"
OK, No problem...I'm moving
haha this is bad ass.. my mom let me grow.. just not inside.... then i moved.. and she helped me build my grow box to grow inside my rent house lol :P

like everyone already said i would grow in the trailer in that closet... heat and smell are probably going to be the worst of your problems.. mostly the smell becasue those lights dont put off that much heat if you have a good vent system....

smell is what im worried about with my grow... afraid that some one is gonna smell my grow... so if your not afraid that your parents will come into your house or walk by the out side and smell some dankk... then i wouldnt be worried about that but still find a way to scrub the air free of that skunk lol cause its a very distinct smell..


Well-Known Member
Wish it was that simple bud. I used to make 100g a year and then the mine I worked at shut down and now I make minum wage at a auto parts store and have 1200$ a month payments on the challenger I baught. I'm lucky my parents are nice enough to let there grown ass kid live in there rental for half of what other people would pay.
That is a rough boat to be in..ouch
You could try to educate them and still ask. If it's No, then it's No. My Dad was No, Never guy, don't want to hear it.. Till I educated him. He still doesn't like it. But, I was honest about it.
Hiding the grow and the chance of it being discovered is not worth the Head ache that will proceed after. JMHO


New Member
So I figure about 15$ a month for that 200 watt light and a few fans during flowing and maybe like 18 a month during veg. So I'm thinking like 50-60 a harvest without paying for nutes soil and seeds.
So In my 3x3 closet I'm thinking I would need 4 plants. And at least an ounce each for it to be worth while. Think this is possible at all? Could even use smaller pots and so 6 plants on like two levels with the sides higher then the middle.


New Member
I'm all for being honest. I'm thinking that because where I live growing up to 5 plants isn't a crime with a jail time charge that I might give em a good old white lie and say it isn't a federal crime to grow less then 6 plants. But I don't know. I just moved into the place and I'm thinking that after I've bin here for a bit longer she'll stop coming around as much. If I have too I'll scale things back a bit and start mid winter just to veg a few dozen to have ready for another outdoor grow next year.


Well-Known Member
If you're looking for lighting and grow equipment, Craigslist is a good place to get stuff pennies on a dollar.


Well-Known Member

think about what u spend on smoke a month..................now stop spending it and use it for the gear u need

do not get something from craig list or anything else..................order it from a place brand new so u will get the full life out of it plus if something did go wrong in shipping u can prove it to the ppl and get a new peice sent out to u

doing this on the cheap ...................will end up costing u more money sinnce u have to replace items and upgrade

that light i showed u is 30x25........your room is 36x36 so the light lvls are almost prefect (the room on the sides allow the hot air to raise away from the plants)

once u got that set in then u need to make a SCRoG set up ............the plants pass that point u clip under the screen all the power is up top and the buds will be nice size and decent

as i said about the door u need 2 holes one low to the bottom to pull in cool air
the one at top is where the hot air will be pulled out ( u can use a cheap 240cfm inline booster fan )

in the end this whole thing is going to fun between 350 to 500 bucks to get started

to recover the cost fast u want to order AutoFlowering strains ..........seed to smokable in 75 days