Hey guys, I've snagged about 400 lbs of trim and I'm wondering what you think the best way to turn it into oil is. I was debating doing ten lbs at once of QWISO. Is there a more practical way.
Also is anyone familiar with super critical extractions? I was debating getting the 5000 psi 20l with the 3 modules so I could run 36lbs at a time. But this would run 170g roughly. Does anyone have one or similar in design? trying to find the yield since the super critical boasts increases output.
The cheapest way that we've found to extract quality oil, is with a recycling butane system like the Terpenator. It can do a load in an hour, that typically takes a SCFE CO2 system eight hours and cost about 10% as much for the equipment.
The CO2 systems have greater specificity potential, but to get a higher yield with them, brings along undesirables for the ride.
Lower pressures produce a more floral extract, and as the pressure is raised for more speed and greater yield, chlorophyll extraction increases. Maybe a multi step extraction would solve that issue, but with that comes even more time.
SCFE CO2 is a nice process and is moving toward its 15 minutes of fame, but as of today, is still in its development stages with regard to cannabis.
Those having invested the capital, and the time to develop CO2 processes, are mostly playing their proprietary information cards close to their chest these days, so the details may not be rapidly known to all.
Eden Labs and Apeks both serve the same market, with similar equipment, because they were once both at Eden.
At least Eden Labs is offering a dual unit for around $80K or so, that can extract with either CO2, or use refrigerants like Propane and Butane. I haven't toured Apeks in Ohio, so don't know what they may have new and exciting.
Right now, my best guess is that delivery from either manufacturer is most likely an issue, so if you have immediate needs, anything but a used machine may be moot.