R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

i'll be surprised if he even gets bail..pretty obvious he has enough money to pay whatever bail they set and he will just dip out as soon as they let him go. dude has so many connections he could disappear like thin air.

yeah, can you say flight risk??? no way in hell he's getting bail, again, imvho..
i'll be surprised if he even gets bail..pretty obvious he has enough money to pay whatever bail they set and he will just dip out as soon as they let him go. dude has so many connections he could disappear like thin air.

I agree. It would be an awesome story though, and really piss off a lot of people.
I agree. It would be an awesome story though, and really piss off a lot of people.
i think this case is going to turn into an awesome story. i just feel like there is no way dpr had no plan for when he got caught..definitely has a few tricks up his sleeve imo.
There is already another site up and running and vendors have already made their way there and orders are still being placed.
There is already another site up and running and vendors have already made their way there and orders are still being placed.
yeah there's supposedly a silk road 2.0 in the making that is 90% finished. they have a forum up and running already. the intro to the forum reads like it was written by a 10 year old. orders are being placed but with no escrow system set in place. honestly, if they are already 90% finished after a week then i want nothing to do with silk road 2.0.
yeah there's supposedly a silk road 2.0 in the making that is 90% finished. they have a forum up and running already. the intro to the forum reads like it was written by a 10 year old. orders are being placed but with no escrow system set in place. honestly, if they are already 90% finished after a week then i want nothing to do with silk road 2.0.

The site itself is up and running and I know what you mean when you say it looks like it was written by a 10yo. I was just saying that there is another site that has already taken the place of the SR. I personally wouldn't order anything right now, but that's me.
The site itself is up and running and I know what you mean when you say it looks like it was written by a 10yo. I was just saying that there is another site that has already taken the place of the SR. I personally wouldn't order anything right now, but that's me.
really? would you mind pming me the link? there's an escrow system going already?

..waaaaaay to quick for comfort. i'm going to go see if i can find the site myself lol.
I'll send it to you if you want, but I thought you didn't trust the 2.0? :lol: Or are you just curious? It is real easy to find the link if you know where to look.
I'll send it to you if you want, but I thought you didn't trust the 2.0? :lol: Or are you just curious? It is real easy to find the link if you know where to look.
i still don't trust it. i won't be placing any orders, just curious. i knew about the sheep marketplace i was actually talking about something that is literally named 'silk road 2.0' and will supposedly be identical to the old silk road.

thanks for sending the link though, appreciate it.
A vendor claims to have had 250k tied up in the site...J+H for anyone familiar with them' smh...sad times
<p>Sad too for who knows how many prisoners in their own homes due to ptsd or social anxiety, etc. who might get inadvertently tied to a violent drug n weapons market, r go to jail for possession or attempting to grow their own medicine. I say a million peaceful mj lightings up n passing down in the national mall&nbsp;next independence Day and smaller but just as unstoppable peaceful gatherings in every state that criminalizes cannabis is far better than continuing to hitch a ride on the black market bus. MLK's dream is also a dream and a strategy for the decriminalization of cannabis.</p>
dude , DPR was slow. The FBI will release his IQ i bet, def under 110... the trick up his sleeve was dont use my home computer just the one 500ft away in a coffee shop.
dude , DPR was slow. The FBI will release his IQ i bet, def under 110... the trick up his sleeve was dont use my home computer just the one 500ft away in a coffee shop.

Except he was using his personal laptop that was confiscated.
DPR wanted to get caught... all part of the master plan....to spend the rest of his life in a maximum security federal pen...pure genius. He asked the FBI how did you ever find me?? uh....dude you left your name on a internet site asking for help on SR code...oh boy
You all know the FBI has known where DPR lives for two years now right? come on guys, i hope you have at least figured that out. The FBI was using SR to boost drug raid stats, they were probably nailing coke and heroin dealers left and right for two years. DPR was a giant patsy, he just got too stupid.., even too stupid for the FBI.... there was probably dudes in other forums asking him, "dude, you are DPR arnt you?"... then the feds were like, ok thats fucking it. hes gone super retarded.
i'll be surprised if he even gets bail..pretty obvious he has enough money to pay whatever bail they set and he will just dip out as soon as they let him go. dude has so many connections he could disappear like thin air.
I don't know if he had connections like that I doubt he'd hire a fed for murder.
Im pretty positive all this dudes money was in one bank account ... a bank account that says Dread Pirate Roberts Secret Account.
there was a very large btc wallet belong to "pirateat40" that was once discovered that was widely believed to be one of his but it disappeared.
that is pretty funny. I think we all, especially me, learned something about internet security with this fiasco... there is none! I only post here about my grows and hobbies because I feel safe in anonymouty ... i know there will always be a jackass doing things more illegal and more dumb than me on the internet...it keeps me surfing...the waves of anonymouty