R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

lol, read the articles abut what happened sir.. its your thread im trolling.

they , the FBI, subpoenaed the company that jumbles your IP address. so even with a fake IP u are still watched. its not complicated.
please cite your sources for this gibberish.
please cite your sources for this gibberish.
Oh man, I dont know how to put this nicely, but with all do respect (even though I know your age approx. by assumtion)..... read man. Start with CNN articles every day, it is third grade reading level and not hard to digest. CNN will up date you on news and current events, it is a rescourse for information so you can gain political, and cultural knowledge. The news is not fun and after you have read it for a month or two I recommnd a short break as it is very disturbing. If you are republican then read fox news, im not judging... just read man. It is so good for you!
If youhate CNN and Fox like me then go BBC. but read. You cannot scramble your IP without that complex algorythm, but the formula can be reversed and watched simply by asking for the company that hosts the servers for the algorythmic code. Its just a simple rerouter when you take the code out. Only an advanced hacker genius with their own code can be successful, or a government or group of math geniuses... i assume.. certaintly you cant run a illegal empire using some companies algorythmic code cuz they will be forced to divulge it.
so help me understand your opinion. you think the fbi subpoenaed tor for our ip addresses.....? also, you say "only an advanced hacker genius with their own code can be successful" - sounds to me like whatever it is you're talking about is a difficult and complex process, so why would this even concern me? maybe if this were true, it would concern high-level vendors, but not people like me nor the majority of online black market users; therefore i am not being watched like you say.

and please stop talking to me like i am a child. if i were to assume your age based off what you post then i would suspect you of being a child. shit, you can hardly spell 30% of your words correctly. i don't know if you are making these spelling mistakes on purpose, but otherwise you come across as a 14 year old boy.

..as i've said before, run along child. you do not know what you're talking about. peace:leaf:
lOl blaming the ipad and your big thumbs now. you are simply blabbing on about unrealistic bullshit that you have made up yourself. how about you start quoting this amazing cnn article you keep referring to? i'd love to see where it says the government subpoenaed tor for their "algorithmic code" and are now reversing said code to unmask our ip's and watch us.

..please, do quote these claims. i'll be waiting lOl.
so help me understand your opinion. you think the fbi subpoenaed tor for our ip addresses.....? also, you say "only an advanced hacker genius with their own code can be successful" - sounds to me like whatever it is you're talking about is a difficult and complex process, so why would this even concern me? maybe if this were true, it would concern high-level vendors, but not people like me nor the majority of online black market users; therefore i am not being watched like you say.

and please stop talking to me like i am a child. if i were to assume your age based off what you post then i would suspect you of being a child. shit, you can hardly spell 30% of your words correctly. i don't know if you are making these spelling mistakes on purpose, but otherwise you come across as a 14 year old boy.

..as i've said before, run along child. you do not know what you're talking about. peace:leaf:

Please allow me to explain.

Home--->NSA--->FBI--->Local Fuzz --->ISP--->Website

That is how injection points work. They can, will and do those things.

***ISP's*** here in Canada are required to allow any law enforcement agencies real time access with a speed of 500ms (I think but it is close to that)

How these busts happened is because of spying and the fact that the US seized the servers.
Regardless, with the ISP's and the worlds largest net services like google on board there is no hiding.

Any users who hit the SR made it to a list, dont fool yourself.
ok paranoid people we are all being watched and the strong arm of the law will be grabbing me by the neck any moment now. i'm done trying to teach you people about this subject clearly you are incapable of understanding.

oh no i'm on "the list". my sr user name and encrypted messages are on a list, noooooo!

i'm done discussing this with y'all. if you think i am being watched because of my prior sr use then i guess we will just have to conclude this as a difference in opinion.
These arrests come 'ONLY' because the people who have been apprehended neglected their own personal anonymity on SR. A bloke named PlutoPete was arrested in Devon and it is known known that he never sent his address encrypted and he was using his vendor account to place orders. Im pretty sure the shit he sold were not even illegal items, just bongs and pipes and some MBB packaging. Once the FBI had the servers it was a free for all on all unencrypted addresses. Im sure the other arrests in Manchester were similar circumstances.

As long as you used PGP and sent your address encrypted like everyone was told from the start you have nothing to worry about. People fuck up...they make mistakes...That is where these arrests are coming from...People slip, and it bites them in the ass. Its not the FBI using super computers to hack in accounts and decrypt messages or some shit like that. It is people who were slack with security who are going down. Unfortunately, DPR was one of those people who slipped up in the early days...It was not the FBI's 'MAD SKILLS' lol...Sure, they did catch up with him in the end, but it was only DPR's naivety that led to his downfall...
“The hidden Internet isn’t hidden and your anonymous activity isn’t anonymous. We know where you are, what you are doing and we will catch you."

Dumbest quote ever....
these arrests come 'only' because the people who have been apprehended neglected their own personal anonymity on sr. A bloke named plutopete was arrested in devon and it is known known that he never sent his address encrypted and he was using his vendor account to place orders. Im pretty sure the shit he sold were not even illegal items, just bongs and pipes and some mbb packaging. Once the fbi had the servers it was a free for all on all unencrypted addresses. Im sure the other arrests in manchester were similar circumstances.

As long as you used pgp and sent your address encrypted like everyone was told from the start you have nothing to worry about. People fuck up...they make mistakes...that is where these arrests are coming from...people slip, and it bites them in the ass. Its not the fbi using super computers to hack in accounts and decrypt messages or some shit like that. It is people who were slack with security who are going down. Unfortunately, dpr was one of those people who slipped up in the early days...it was not the fbi's 'mad skills' lol...sure, they did catch up with him in the end, but it was only dpr's naivety that led to his downfall...

We already know from leaks not the gov that they either have backdoors to encryption or have cracked it.

They have teams working 24/7 365 to do this.
Why do people think they are smarter than the people who built, control and own the infrastructure
they are using. The very same people who can seize or infiltrate encrypted data from other governments.
Servers and programs built by the best, not some script kiddies that had to be found on the net.

Why is this an issue, Im trying to help you.
I hope for your sake you are not one of those that gets popped.
We already know from leaks not the gov that they either have backdoors to encryption or have cracked it.

They have teams working 24/7 365 to do this.
Why do people think they are smarter than the people who built, control and own the infrastructure
they are using. The very same people who can seize or infiltrate encrypted data from other governments.
Servers and programs built by the best, not some script kiddies that had to be found on the net.

Why is this an issue, Im trying to help you.
I hope for your sake you are not one of those that gets popped.

I can assure you mate, I will not be one to get 'popped'... I will however, be sure to keep you posted.

I am not saying I, or any other user are smarter than the big boys. What I am saying is if you sent your address and any other sensitive information encrypted you should not have a worry in the world. Not once, anywhere has there been any solid evidence of the LE decrypting any information which has led to an arrest. Some half-assed, second rate news reports on youtube have said "Oh, the FBI hacked Silk Road and won" but it is obvious it was a poorly reviewed news report and does not have any merit.

Look over the reports. Silk Road went down because of link to DPR's real identity promoting SR in the early days. That was the only bread crumb they needed to get the ball rolling. The vendor from Devon has been confirmed as PlutoPete(he confirmed this himself on SR forums) and only amounted as he let his security slide and made buys through his vendor account, sending his address unecrypted. There are no other details on the Manchester arrests and we are not 100% they were even vendors. They could have simply been bulk buyers sending their addresses unecrypted. The arrest of NOD in the US on the other hand came about from luck as the ICE agent stated in the official report that a drug dog alerted to a package, they found drugs, then they found another package which contained money but it also had the same handwriting on it. That there is the first bread crumb for that arrest. Nothing to do with hacking or decryption mentioned in any official documents.

Like I said...Until there is some evidence that they are in fact able to and 'are' busting people based on decryption I am going to sit back, roll a blunt, crack a beer and enjoy the show :bigjoint:
These arrests come 'ONLY' because the people who have been apprehended neglected their own personal anonymity on SR. A bloke named PlutoPete was arrested in Devon and it is known known that he never sent his address encrypted and he was using his vendor account to place orders. Im pretty sure the shit he sold were not even illegal items, just bongs and pipes and some MBB packaging. Once the FBI had the servers it was a free for all on all unencrypted addresses. Im sure the other arrests in Manchester were similar circumstances.

As long as you used PGP and sent your address encrypted like everyone was told from the start you have nothing to worry about. People fuck up...they make mistakes...That is where these arrests are coming from...People slip, and it bites them in the ass. Its not the FBI using super computers to hack in accounts and decrypt messages or some shit like that. It is people who were slack with security who are going down. Unfortunately, DPR was one of those people who slipped up in the early days...It was not the FBI's 'MAD SKILLS' lol...Sure, they did catch up with him in the end, but it was only DPR's naivety that led to his downfall...
Hopefully he didn't keep a list of customers based on the things he was selling.
Though we are all discussing this on a clearnet site hosted in the US.
CCC aint paranoid, hes only 14! still a minor. ^^^^who knows what the weirdo kept on file... he was just some dude that gained all this trust and popularity based on lies....still working too as we can see... I think some of these youngsters would go kill for DPR... its looks like a cult mentality here... blind trust, refusal to look at facts of the case.

Murder for hire
Fake Money
Drug dealers strong arming drug dealers
weapons sold to minors like CCC with no check

all bad