R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

That is sad ,I, so many people wanted to believe that our government could not touch Silk Road, that maybe there was a beacon of hope to freely buy drugs..... that is childish though, we need to understand what liberty means and what economic liberty means. To have any kind of liberty there must be regulation. I cannot own property without others being told to keep off it. A free, unregulated market such as the S.R. will always become corrupt. Without a government setting rules , greed will always prevail. Even the most conservative libertarian asshole on earth would agree that markets need to be regulated and watched to insure no one is stealing.
I have only read 6 of the 19 pages of this thread and I am sure it's been covered but, after just reading
the arrest warrant they have shit.

I am sure they have the right guy but, they still have very little. Outside of the ID thing and a few other small
slip ups there is a lot less there then I expected. To play devils advocate, if went through the lengths that
DPR did in the creation of silk road, I think I may also spend a few hours creating a fall guy. Maybe I would
send some fake ID's to his house or log in from a internet cafe near his house...

Either way I wish I was a good writer and could turn this into a screenplay.
"Even the most conservative libertarian asshole on earth would agree that markets need to be regulated and watched to insure no one is stealing. "

I think many libertarian assholes would say that it doesn't require the government regulating and watching the market. In the case of the silk road, peer to peer monitoring seems to have worked quite well. The vast majority of transactions went smoothly. I think the idea that you can inject liberty via government regulation and monitoring is quite laughable. I can point out countless cases where government monitored markets have gone to total shit. This just promotes the whole "You're too stupid to do anything without us" mentality that the government thrives on.

If not for some fuckups by DPR the government wouldn't have been able to touch the SR. The first fuckup being him living in the US and not on a yacht off the coast of Somolia. There will be a replacement for the SR and the replacement will be 10 times harder to shut down.
Shit i only found this website a month ago and then it gets shutdown. I ordered a gram of 70% pure hi heat cocaine just under two days before it was shut down. I never checked the status to see if it was shipped. Hope Ulterect gets off with everything, poor guy he doesn't look like he is suited to one of those mad American prisons you see on the tv shows. God bless him!
i bet the real dpr is pretty damn angry with ulbricht. imagine watching your creation you are so passionate about just crash and burn.. hmm, this leaves me with another thought. the person who was capable of creating silk road is still free..maybe he's sitting somewhere right now mapping out his plan for the next sr, a potentially invincible one? watch a year from now silk road come back with it's original founder at the reigns.

also one thought i've always had about silk road that i didn't see mentioned in this thread. think of the impact sr had on addiction. when people are doing an addictive substance such as cocaine, crack, or heroin, and sr becomes the only source they trust, they are much less likely to suffer the consequences of addiction. why is this? well, ordering from silk road is a process; obtain coin, place order, wait for shipment (1 week). buying drugs off the street is a little quicker; pick up phone, make deal, pickup drugs (20 minutes).

about replacement markets.. i won't be using them. i couldn't bring myself to trust any market aside from sr. i could just feel how passionate the owner of sr was about what he was doing. remember the silk road charter? i knew he was in it for more than the money, and i found peace with that.
I think what you say about addiction might sound ideal but if your a crack addict who needs a hit, will you order it off SR and wait a week or run up to your local drug dealer?
If you're a cocaine conniseur you will...there are a lot of people(me included) who love high quality drugs..then there are people who just like drugs..the whole idea..just chopping up a line of 20% coke and 80% baby laxitive gets some high..or strokes their ego..'i got cocaine,so I'm cool..'
There are others who like their drug of choice as to abstain for a while and when the time comes,they 'get shit done'..meaning they get really high and make time to enjoy it..who wants to do a line and run out the door,to not enjjoy the buzz and go to work?.
And I'm prestty sure if you are a crackhead,you can't afford the patience to get bitcoins and wait for delivery in an established residency...
S.r. was a 'virtual reality' of real honest drug dealers,like the guys I buy from..it weeded out the rip offs and inferior quality drugs..guys I get shit from are honest...'man it really sucks,you gotta take 2mg of this mdma,but ill give ya a 20$ discount'...street dealers will sell it to ya full price claiming it'll cause overdoses...that uncertainty was not there with s.r...
Ok imp I gotta call you out..'it brings a certain degree of honesty and saftey to the drug biz..'
Sorry,but you said it...
I still say its a double edged sword with silk road...you gotta love it for your own reasons but there has to be the bad side where it doesn't agree with your morals...kinda like going to walmart....

If you ask me... talking about it was great. It's out of the bag.. There will be another, and another.

I'de share a few markets that are pretty fucking good and still kickin', but, you don't want me to talk about it, so I won't.

It sucks it ended. yes. But, damn, looking back, it was pretty incredible. The thought of a 2.0 (same thing, better) will come along.
If it just stayed in some group of say 200,000 users and just stayed the same, never grew vendors, never grew members, never innovated, but never ended... 2.0 would never come along.

Just my opinion. It's out of the bag.

Honestly, there are several others out there now... not as good with variety, but, pretty decent.
I think what you say about addiction might sound ideal but if your a crack addict who needs a hit, will you order it off SR and wait a week or run up to your local drug dealer?
you are right, but the thing with those people is they are already addicted. however, they still have a chance. lets say they have had nothing but street quality crack, and that is what they've became addicted to. then they score some sr quality crack and become addicted to that instead. street quality just might not do it for them anymore, it might not be worth it, they mightbe able to wait for a package now.

rory makes a good point though. there are people out there, myself included, who found silk road and then began holding their quality of drugs to a certain standard. for instance, once i tried mdma from sr i realized how stupid it was to even consider picking some up off the street, and never did again. the same concept works for more addictive substances imo.
I don't think out of the bag is your opinion,its fact at this point..

Of course. I meant... In my opinion... or, more like, what I would prefer to see... is SR get as big as possible and come to an end... rather than not exist.

If you never heard of it, it never existed (perception). Basically, if it stayed small enough to just go on and on... most likely non of us would have ever heard of it.

Better things will come along. Green Screen Macintosh computer to iPhone. SR to ???.
...not to mention... SR was prbly already able to be seized by the FBI before any of us here placed an order...

It's like saying "you forgot to lock the door!!" to your buddy seconds after/before LE kicks in your door..
Yea I've laughed all week at these so called 'computer genuises' whom I had to explain exactly what silk road was/is...a few acted like they knew what a bit coin was,when I showed them a bitcoin symbol,they laughed but it was obvious they thought it was a sports team or something...
When the hotel bust for me happened,all I heard was a knock..I went to the door,as I came close to the handle,I heard 'clicky click' and the door opened with lasers all over..kinda the same instance with s.r...you never expect it..
^yeah its so sweet of them to knock on the door first huh? even if you manage to open it for them they practically run you over while throwing guns on your whole family.

..sometimes i wonder how people like that sleep at night.
They didn't even charge me with the geltabs!!..took 5 and a half sheets..but its ok they gave my boy back his personal belongings and his bookbag had a secret pocket with 200 orange dolphins...suckas.
"creating an economic simulation to give people a first-hand experience of what it would be like to live in a world without the systemic use of force" of the kind imposed by "institutions and governments."

^ Way more incredible than having an amazing mdma connect at the moment (that will come back anyway)...

Now, say, mdma being wiped off the face of the earth?? Then yeah, stop talking about it... haha.