Someguys cabinet grows CA MMJ


Well-Known Member
Good luck bud! I remember that feeling well. With us, I am usually the calm one, but it was pretty cool watching how zen my wife became, and I was running around all frantic when it was time to go. :)


Well-Known Member
We have to call back at 10. They are busy so inductions get put off. Its kewl! We are chillin and waiting our time. Trying to chill


Well-Known Member
The hour is very near. Water broke a bit ago and things are progressing fine. Just waiting for the final stretch and this baby will be here.


Well-Known Member
Neil is here! 8lbs 11oz. 2:17am today. Perfect baby boy.

I think she had to push about 10 times and it was over. She lost over a liter of blood but is doing really well. Baby is very happy and has had zero problems. :-). I am caching a shower and grub at home now before taking my 10yo daughter to meet her little brother for the first time. She doesnt want to know the gender yet! She is such a great kid and will be a great big sister.


Well-Known Member
Neil is here! 8lbs 11oz. 2:17am today. Perfect baby boy.

I think she had to push about 10 times and it was over. She lost over a liter of blood but is doing really well. Baby is very happy and has had zero problems. :-). I am caching a shower and grub at home now before taking my 10yo daughter to meet her little brother for the first time. She doesnt want to know the gender yet! She is such a great kid and will be a great big sister.
That's awesome! Congrats! Glad to hear momma and baby are well!


Well-Known Member

Sorry SG, had to blow that up. Most impressive mate, you've got quite the spread in there. You and jig got me a bit envious with those sweet verts you guys run. Props


Well-Known Member
Saturday will be 4wks 12/12. I pull from 9-10wks as it takes me a week to get to it all done. Hoping for a 1/2lb. We will see. :-).


Well-Known Member
Coming up this Saturday (26th) will be 5wks flower. Hopefully I will get an update out this weekend. I like to have some time in between so the comparison in growth is easy. Everything is super frosty... especially for this early. I am super excited as this is looking up to be one of my best grows in a long while.

Neil will be two wks old on Sunday! Cant believe it. Working is so tough with him at home! he slept 5.5hrs solid last night! Then another 4 after. Such a good baby.


Well-Known Member
so what are you gonna run next time? I am looking for some different strains to add in the lineup. :-) I imagine you are gonna go back to the tube and get some yield this next time too eh?

How is your baby? She is probably growing crazy style.