Shittiest Tasting Halloween Candy?


Undercover Mod
Particularly the vanilla, strawberry or raspberry ones!!!!

"The anal glands of a beaver, conveniently
euphemized as castoreum, are a common ingredient in perfumes and colognes but are also sometimes used to — believe it or not — enhance the flavor of raspberry candies and sweets."

The ingredient can be chemically derived instead of sucked from the ass of a dead beaver.


Well-Known Member
Milk duds, look and taste like deer droppings.
And malted milk balls. otherwise known as whoppers.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this helps, I don't eat candy but at the end of Halloween
I put the candy back in the cupboard till next year
for some reason kids don't stop by my house.


Well-Known Member
these... although I kinda like them for breath mints.. these should not be passed out..

someone here ALWAYS passes this crap out too..



Well-Known Member
I don't know if this helps, I don't eat candy but at the end of Halloween
I put the candy back in the cupboard till next year
for some reason kids don't stop by my house.
Picky little bastards...I guess nobody told them that Halloween is basically organized begging.


Well-Known Member
I hate these things.

I dont care for the taste of these earlier.. but I have fond memories of making them into necklaces for my lil siter.. using a needle to poke out the middle was a PITA.. but she enjoyed wearing them..


Well-Known Member
an apple..

like okay asshole ruin your own kids lives im here for a week long sugar high step aside


Well-Known Member
Lol I like pretty much all the candy posted... even gross shit like candy corn and vanilla/fruit Tootsie Rolls. Actually, I'd say I dislike regular tootsie rolls more than anything else... or licorice anything (Twizzlers count). Yeah.. I guess I'd pretty much just pick out the tootsie rolls and twizzlers and happily eat the rest.


Well-Known Member
Not much of a candy eater but I'm board with kenetic as far as that stupid candy corn goes. That stuff makes my stomach hurt thinking about that taste.


Well-Known Member
if you find yourself at home on holloween with no candy, just give out ice.. don't let them see in the bowl.
if you find yourself at commander ice's house, use all the eggs and TP there is always next year for the rest of the houses.

(also a good idea but kids are just the dickens)