Strange spots!Never seen them!Help!


Active Member
So i've taken a clone from my mom and the spots are very strange.Take a look at the picture.Do you know what that might be?



Active Member it possible? the worst is that the spot is getting bigger in the same random pattern(like a worm trail).I look at the clone like every 2 hours or may be less...
I don't see any bug.Could be a "micro" bug(some little bastard that i cant see)?


Well-Known Member
Its a leaf miner....get some neem oil. The chemicals are ment for the adults but don't get the larvea that are inside your leaves. You can also remove the affected leaves too.


Well-Known Member
Its a leaf miner....get some neem oil. The chemicals are ment for the adults but don't get the larvea that are inside your leaves. You can also remove the affected leaves too.
Yup you got leaf miners but neem does not work cause they are inside the leaf so remove infected leaves and spray the rest with neem to prevent further infection.


Well-Known Member
Its a leaf miner....get some neem oil. The chemicals are ment for the adults but don't get the larvea that are inside your leaves. You can also remove the affected leaves too.
+10! I've gotten leaf miners on some of my plants. Remove the affected leaves if possible, and dose with the neem according to directions. I went ahead and hit ALL plants including my seedlings (yeah, the special ones!) twice, once this morning and once tonight. Since I had to remove a lot of affected leaves I went ahead and dosed with a little Superthrive.


Active Member
id suggest u just cut that leaf of just incase the thing that made that trail had laiyed eggs or sumthing...better to be safe then sorry


Well-Known Member
That's not quite how they work. I've got a few plants that are clearly affected, and by my research I'm finding that they are VERY hard to eradicate. Little FUCKERS! :evil: I just did a buttload of pruning this morning, damn that was hard. :cry:


Active Member
Yeah they're fuckers!I researched the net after my other plat has got a lot of them for one day!I can'get rid of them!And that neem oil aint doing good ...I cut the "borken,eated,ill etc." parts but they seem to get all over my crop!Don't know what i'm gonna do about this ...only one I know : neem oil don't do anything to them!(may be prevent but if they are on the leaf there is no savior!) :( Advice sth else pls!


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's the problem Jovial: leafminers are larvae that are eating the leaves from the inside out. The only thing the neem is doing for us is, hopefully, killing eggs laid externally, as well as any pupated larvae that have come out of the leaves. There are no good systemics that I have been able to find that will kill the bugs once they're inside the plant, and that's what I was hoping for, something that would be taken up by the roots and go into the plant tissues that would stop the attack dead.

Also, I'm sure you have learned that there are MANY leafmining bugs, not just one. I am pretty sure I've now found the culprit, but not positive. I could talk to our county agricultural department, but there's no way in hell I'm bringing them a leaf sample. I have found two tiny grubs, each on one plant, but I killed them both. I can "hope" to find others, and probably will, but by then the damage is done. However, if I can find another grub I can take that to the ag department and possibly get at least a positive ID, then try to encourage those insects that are parasites to the bugs that lay eggs that lead to leafminers. I hope I'm making sense.

I've got some links if you like, but so far nothing is definitive in terms of helping gardeners like us that I've found so far.


Active Member
Yes I understand you! :)
If you can find some good info from county pls report it-this would be helpfu to all of us!I was just wondering where this creatures come from...After I cut the ill places a sprayed with some oil but they still produce themselves!I now know they are invisible for the naked eye(larvaes)...:(


Well-Known Member
Indeed. I actually started a thread. I'm in the middle of giving my garden its THIRD dose of neem mix. Third, and while doing so, I've found two more grubs. I'm saving these ones, and then I'm gonna go from there.

In any event, I think my thread is in this same forum... and now I can't remember what I titled it, but it should have leafminers in the title or somethin' like that. I hate having to cut away so much leaf material, and with some plants they're so affected that if I were to cut away all bad leave material (even just cutting lobes off individual leaves) then I fear I'm going to leave the plant unable to generate energy for growth.

I wonder if there's anyone on site who's just let leafminers do their thing and what the outcome was.


Well-Known Member
There are chem sprays you can get too... I don't remember the name. Neem doesn't ever work with just one application...and even then.. as you guys are finding it still may not help. Let me know if you guys find some sort of "amazing" cure


Well-Known Member
The problem with sprays is that they will not reach the bugger that's doing the damage because it's within the leaf tissues. The leaf protects it. By the time it's pupated and come outside it's a done deal, too late. Little FUCKS. The plants are so beautiful (even if it didn't get me high it's a very pretty plant when all bushy and colored up), I HATE to see them so raggedy.