I'm sitting here naked...

Should he come home and do me now, or do me later?

  • Yes, Dave should come home and do her now.

    Votes: 17 26.6%
  • Yes, Dave should come home and do her later.

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Dave should just come home and do her.

    Votes: 17 26.6%
  • Biscuits (I've had too many muffins).

    Votes: 26 40.6%

  • Total voters


Active Member
damn fdd, you just killed me a little bit, this isnt the "can a man lick his own.." thread

:D :D :D :D :D :D
If I could lick my own my wife would be outa here! 2 more inches and i'll be there. It won't grow any more so I can't wait to get a rib or 2 removed.Then I'll be able to reach and it's bye bye honey.


Well-Known Member
lol, not at all, for some reason the way she described it was a little much. like the bathroom door open with the smells and all. It would be different if it was a guy, but a pretty lady with that image in my head is a little too graphic. but ya, when i do naked surfing i use a towel, just because ill get stuck to the leather chair otherwise:roll:
Hmm.. no leather furniture for me, just leather chaps. I knew a guy much like you, really nice kid, but some things just grossed him out. It's all good.

If I were going to use a towel, I may as well just get dressed. Kinda goes against the whole point, which is freedom. I think I've always been that way, my mother says she used to have a hard time keeping clothes and shoes on me when I was little. Plus, right now it's getting pretty hot out here.

Oh yeah, mine smell like strawberries. Is that better? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey, any biscuit voters want to speak up? I can't believe that more people voted biscuits than anything else. That's not to say there's anything wrong with biscuits, mind you. I love biscuits, flaky tender buttermilk biscuits. Hell, I make a pretty mean biscuit from scratch, if I do say so myself. I just figured more people would be into love than biscuits.

Thanks to the ONE who voted that Dave should just do me now. :D


Well-Known Member
daves a lucky guy i wish my woman would make a poost here telling me top come home and do her

also cleaning the house nude rocks my girl wont even clean the house clothed lol


Well-Known Member
do you bake your own 'biscuits' seamaiden?
mm i do
fresh and hot and dripping with the aroma of
butter ...mmmmm...


Well-Known Member
PN, I bake actual biscuits. Hot and flaky. :)
Dude, I haven't heard it called a whisker biscuit since I was a kid. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Whew Im outta breath .. I just got back from being a peeping Tom and was Checking out Seamaiden... NOT BAD GUYS ... wink... actually I just smoked some real good bud and IM stoned as hell...


Well-Known Member
what would you eat that is covered in whiskers and about the size and firmness of a soft warm biscuit? :blsmoke:
pie! I mean, a bearded clam! I mean, cake! I mean .... okay, I guess I could continue listing vagina euphemisms, but I don't wanna.

also, thank you fdd for acting so quickly on that other thing, preciate it =)

ps ... I think 'easy bake oven' is one of the funnier synonyms I've heard of


Well-Known Member
Edit: Shit, blynd got in the bearded clam before me. I used to have an Easy Bake Oven when I was a kid.
Also known as a bearded clam. :lol:

I'm just waiting for Zekedogg to pop up. HAR!

Here's a picture of a real American biscuit, PN. :)


Well-Known Member
man your muffins sure look tasty seamaiden

that looks so good i'm going to go and make
