First post...first grow...not the first problem =/


Active Member
Hi all...

im reading here alot but this is my first post. im growing 4 plants in a small closet 25X19 and 65high.
with 250W DualSpec light, 2 fans (inflate and deflate) and adding some SENSI GROW A+B.
its been 6 weeks from seeding and im having a problem here =/ Attached 2 photos.
its seems like the light burn the leaf but im not really sure. what do you think about the temp?
and what should i do? i want to start flowering in 2 weeks but i want them to be strong for it.

Thanks for your help:weed:



Active Member
What are u temps?
How far the light is fro mthe top of the plants?

Looks like can be nute burn to me bu give us more info and zoom out a bit so we can see the whole plant. and rotate the pictures please.


Well-Known Member
first thing is first

check your PH .........if a issuse that is normally the first thing it is (soil u want a range of 6.5 6.8 )check this if it is to low or to high it will nurt lock and the plant can not take in the goodies it needs

to fix this u can get water in gallon jugs and then PH it ..................if my water is at 5.9 i ph it up to about 7.5 8 then run a gallon tho the soil and then run 2 gallons of phed to 7 ...................this corrected my troubles

if it not the PH then u are lacking in the feed area and need to look up on sections about that ( they have some good posting here with pics to compare yours too)


Well-Known Member
What soil? your pics are bad don't take them under the hid! From what I can see though looks like a CA/Mg def Mg specifically..a word on Ph, from now on buy good soil which is already Ph balanced, buy a full nute line and if you don't want to spend alot most every line has a one grow start to finish kit, last always leave tap water out a couple days before use. If you do these three things you NEVER need to worry about ph..usually not a problem anyway in soil just hydro but it seems to be the go to thing people advise when they have no clue what's wrong


Well-Known Member
Oh ya, also very unnecessary to use an hid for veg just grab 4 100w cfl bulbs and clamp holders. this will save electricity, make temps easier to handle for veg, and you can get then about two inches from your plant without burning which causes nice tight nodes with good training causes a better canopy..your temps are on the line you never want to see 80 and your aiming for a constant average of about 75 during the day..lowest hid I've ever run was 400w and I would not keep the light any closer than a foot and a half or two away so depending where it was before you moved it you could have also fried the plant a bit again can't be sure with the Pic given but id still bet on the Mg over the heat at this time


Active Member
thanks for the help! i bought some PH kit and tried to balance it. hope everything will go good.
im really noob on this and some of the things you wrote like CA/MG i didnt understand- will be happy if you can translate :)
about the CFL, my first try was with 65W CFL (big one) and it made it grow really tall and didnt looks like the right thing
to do so i just went to a grow store and been told that this light (DualSpec) will be good for veg and flower but if you said that
CFL will be better maybe ill try it next time. can you give me any advice with that kind of light? how many bulbs? how can i get
the corret spectrum? and can i change the light to what i have now in the flowering period? is it better veging with CFL than with the DualSpec,
i mean better for the plant, not for me (heat problems, electricity saving and all that)?

thanks again and sorry about the stupid questions =/


Well-Known Member
The cfl must be labeled daylight..cfls must be placed very close to the plant like two inches or you will get alot of stretch..but placed closely and you get less stretch than an hid that must be placed father far as better for the plant, you will see zero detrimental effects from using flourescent lightning..I will link a grow I did using cfls through veg,I used 4 100w cfls over 5 plants so I would still use 4 over 4 plants I think..when they are seedlings you only need one and as they get larger you need to add the others..CA/Mg is a nutrient mix calcium and magnesium..the sensi grow likely does not have micro nutes in it probably just npk (shown as x/x/x on the bottle) is your light switchable like you can put an hps or an mh in it? Or same bulb has both spectrums, if that is it I would not advise using that for flowering you really need an hps for flowering and can keep the cfls on to make sure you get a little blue light also...this is a grow I did in a single tub with five plants, very small closet grow with cfls for veg and hps for flowering


Active Member
Yea..same bulm had both spectrums, so you said it was a shity deal with the grow store?
i mean...they gave that as a cheap/easy solution for both veg and flower. there is nothing to
do with that kind of light?


Active Member
If dual spectrum then it's hps and will be fine. Get yaself a nice soil mix an transplant up to bigger pots. Ignore any advise about cfl's matey, piss poor lumens and yield to match. Transplant em into bigger pots and some good soil and re-asses.


Active Member
Haha...ok so now im really confused..i guess differnt people got differnt opinions =] but i will be happy
to know for next time - do i need to change my setup or this is good for 4 plants in a small closet?
again, i have got dualspecturm light, 2 fans and my temp inside are stable on 77F. i can change the setup
for next time if its needed but in need what to change. about the pots - this is the max size for 4 plants inside
the closet, i think next time ill go down to 2 plants with bigger pots.

again, thanks for keeping this thread alive :=)


Active Member
Haha...ok so now im really confused..i guess differnt people got differnt opinions =] but i will be happy
to know for next time - do i need to change my setup or this is good for 4 plants in a small closet?
again, i have got dualspecturm light, 2 fans and my temp inside are stable on 77F. i can change the setup
for next time if its needed but in need what to change. about the pots - this is the max size for 4 plants inside
the closet, i think next time ill go down to 2 plants with bigger pots.

again, thanks for keeping this thread alive :=)
You have good temps, good air flow and good lighting and in my books that's a good setup, if it ain't broke don't fix it. You have plenty of room there for bigger pots. Your environment is fine, nothing to do there apart from increase lumens if you want to, healthy happy roots = increased output and I doubt that your roots will be happy in those little pots.


Active Member
thanks feeling better now ;-) so what would you do? keep this grow as it is and wait for the next one
to change the pots, or keep the 2 better looking plants and re-plant them in a bigger pots?


Well-Known Member
buddy to help u out

go to amazon and type in the word "go box"
it will link u to a line of organic feed for plants ............the best part about this stuff is u do not need to PH the water the organic micrbos do it for u

u need the go box (has a feed plan on the back/side pannel for u
and u need 1 ml pipettes(this is to mix the feed up ) 1 ml makes it easier then 3 mls

the go box will work for about 12 plants (i got 16 since i do auto flowering)


Active Member
thanks feeling better now ;-) so what would you do? keep this grow as it is and wait for the next one
to change the pots, or keep the 2 better looking plants and re-plant them in a bigger pots?
Re-pot em all, the ones you are in now look about 2 litre, jump to a 6-7 litre and ya plants will love you for it...... fill the pot up also.


Active Member
Actually is a 6 litre, i guess its the pic that looks confusing but i filled the pot up like said.
i think i have some sex indication starting [on the plants] : these are 3 different plants that i suspect are one male, one hermaphrodite and
finally a female. what do you think? should i already introduce them to my trash? or should ill wait till start flowering time (this weekend)?




Well-Known Member
If its an hps its fine didn't mean to throw you off I wasn't sure what you had..I also agree your temp is ok but like I said your on the border, a few hot days might hurt ya in the summer..and def toss the male its surely a male lol..the reason I still suggest to use flourescents in veg though is cost but mainly because you will get your nodes almost twice as close


Active Member
haha..thanks man. about tossing the male - its 3 different plants so which one you sure is the male?
cuz in the second, third and the fifth pic i think its a female. the first and the last pic looks like a male and forth
looks like hermaphrodite. what do think?!


Well-Known Member
And read up on Ca/Mg ( aka CalMag ), it's something you need to know ASAP because it is the most common deficiency when growing MJ.