First Grow Outdoor UK

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
no problem greenb, i think this was one of my big mistakes i worked out how much water i needed for my plants and gave them less so i got no run off for a month. then i started to get ph problems and deficancys. i think your plants will be fine, i can tell you give your plant all the TLC they need, and a good bit of rain will do them wonders.

have fun


Well-Known Member
Hi all, Just a very quick update following my feeding and subsequent leaf tip curling. I'm glad to report that after a couple of days, and a few good heavy rain showers, the girls are looking much improved. The leaf tip curling has all but gone, with almost all tips now back to normal, and all leaves are looking nice and green.

Pic 1: Looking Better

New growth at the nodes has taken off like crazy. The new stalks have grown about 2 inches in as many days, and the leaves have doubled in size.

Pic 2: Rapid "Under-Growth"

Could this be due to the food and / or the rain? Or just a coincidence?

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Well-Known Member
sup green man when u said Cinammon i was thinking didnt realise they were ganja plants lol and those white sposts look savage man that cant be rain can it... someone help him god damn it.. green read as much as you can bro on white spots!! but can u rub them off or are they like burns raised up off the leaf or burns into it like a scar?


Well-Known Member
Na it's definitely damage caused by rain or dew followed by strong sun. It happened when those leaves were still folded up as they were sprouting out of the top of the plant. The little leaf cluster / shoot must have filled up with water I guess. ALL the leaves at that level on ALL FOUR plants have basically a line of those across them at exactly the same place LOL. If you look at the second pic above, you can see how you could literally use a compass to draw a semi-circle and join up the dots across all five leaves. They're like little burns, or bleach marks more like. Weird, but nothing to worry about. But thanks for you concern man, very much appreciated ;)
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Well-Known Member
Thanks jayzero, good to see you :) Think the rain has has been real healthy for them, which is great as it saves me dashing out to "hide" them every time it rains LOL. I think you can baby these babies too much ... have to stop being so over-protective haha.


Well-Known Member
lmao i love my plants gona make em big and strong and then chop the little bastards to bits..all in good time..:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Looking excellent man, keep it up! Busy as heck the last day or so and the next day or so but so sorry im being vague lol i'll be in full flow on these soon! Still need to read through you PP journal!


Well-Known Member
greenb, i have nothing to say but they are looking healthy and i think you doing a great job Have fun
Thanks kulan hunter. Actually they were a bit windswept when I took the last pics, a little bedraggled looking, but they soon sort themselves out.

They move around a lot outdoors, it's really interesting to watch. Like when the sun comes out the large fan leaves turn 90 degrees, so they are literally vertical, and they follow the sun around all day. And when the sun moves around the other side they flip 180 degrees - they're like little satellite dishes or something LOL. Later in the day you find the leaves closing up in a V-shape along the central vein, probably to focus the dwindling light is my guess at the moment, or possibly to do with the fact it's getting cooler? Have started reading up on plant tropisms to try and figure out why they do certain things, at certain times of the day etc. It's very interesting and adds a new dimension to what is fast becoming an obsession LOL.

Looking excellent man, keep it up! Busy as heck the last day or so and the next day or so but so sorry im being vague lol i'll be in full flow on these soon! Still need to read through you PP journal!
Thanks for dropping in GigglePimp, I know you are very busy so appreciate you taking the time. No need to apologize, I think we can allow you to have a little fun for a few days LOL. Will be good to see you back in full flow next week all the same. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking nice
Can't find my lead for digi camera yet so no journal yet! Repotted though and look much healthier...


Well-Known Member
Hi Staropramen,

Thanks for the comment. I always see mine take off after a re-pot, if they're ready for it it does them the world of good. Can't wait to see you get a journal going. Hope you're able to get your camera going soon.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Well, pretty crappy weekend here weather wise - some sun early mornings but the remainder has been cloudy and wet for the most part. Very windy today as well. I just couldn't resist taking this pic of my tall girl showing off and doing her fan dance - she's been doing it all day LOL:

Fan Dance

Believe it or not those large leaves have a total span (ie from one side of the plant to the other) approaching 2 feet. A bit of WIND AND SUN is what these girls need and they would surely fly ...

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend folks ;)


Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Man those babies look mint. they are a perfect green colour and not a spec of yellow on them. Having some really poor weather here too but hope they continue like they have been doing. Pulling up a seat to watch this one.



Well-Known Member
Morning all!

mate those things are lookin BIG nice as man lol weekend lol i been workin all of it lmao
Sorry to hear you had to work all weekend UK - hope you get plenty of time off during the week to make up for it LOL.

Man those babies look mint. they are a perfect green colour and not a spec of yellow on them. Having some really poor weather here too but hope they continue like they have been doing. Pulling up a seat to watch this one. Che
Yeah I can't believe the colour Che. I've just been letting the rain rip away at them this last three or four days whereas before I was hiding them every time the rain came on. Think it did them the world of good. Hope your weather improves ;)

They look so sick, im jealous.
Wait and see if I get any buds before you start getting jealous Jin - I might end up the one seething with envy LOL. Things seem to swing around for these things every couple of days, although no major disasters yet thank goodness (touch wood).

damn, those are huge. Big pots and a good wind are a magical combination, it seems =D
It's amazing how they really stretch out like this when there isn't much sun, and especially when it's windy. They're just feeding off the abundance of CO2 and whatever sun they can grab I guess. The tall girl is a beauty when she gets going. To be honest I don't think these pots are going to be big enough. Dread having to re-pot these girls again :(

Thanks all for stopping by. Hope all your own grows are going well. Will call in later today and have a look see. Bye for now :)
