Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Just woke up about an hour ago. Its currently 80F with a slight breeze. Should get to about 90F with 2% humidity and a slight breeze.

Yea. Arizona has some fucking amazing weather.
was thinking CA has great weather too esp when I see folks talking about snow and frost... gonna hit a nice 84 today may find the energy to clean up the yard for my spring harvest.


Well-Known Member
Just woke up about an hour ago. Its currently 80F with a slight breeze. Should get to about 90F with 2% humidity and a slight breeze.

Yea. Arizona has some fucking amazing weather.
It also has some much too hot weather lol... can't decide whats worse, a cold winter or burning your hand trying to open your car door.


Well-Known Member
It also has some much too hot weather lol... can't decide whats worse, a cold winter or burning your hand trying to open your car door.
No one goes outside here in the summer.... gets to 100+ for months.. all you hear is the sound of AC clicking on and off outside...

match box

Well-Known Member
50 and cloudy here. It doesn't get real cold here for more than a week at a time. Mostly just cloudy and raining. In the summer it's just warmer with rain. Everything is very green.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an absolutist response...

You know all absolutes are wrong, right?

DS, I'm still willing to set up a perimeter encampment, to guard your serenity... Just an offer. LoL :bigjoint:
No absolution here. There's a reason why Buddha taught the 4 noble truths and not the 4 absolute truths.