So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
Groovy- Like the Pilgrims being shown how to grow corn. So do you plant right away or let the fish decompose?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
so i just got home from the old timers house and he tells me as of late hes been pretty much following the revs 3.1 TLO mix? he sent me home with the revs book to flip through and told me to get back out my Teaming with microbes book and read that too.
Teaming With Microbes changed my life HGK. The first half is all you need. Since I read that, understood it, and started applying the knowledge, I am yet to see a single blemish or premature yellow leaf. That is a revolutionary bit of reading, it really is.


Well-Known Member
Lots of good stuff in fish. Just wondering about the timing and the potential to burn
I'm in a tropical setting so about 6 months with lots of turning and they'll be decomposed. Don't know about the burning haven't had that happen.


Well-Known Member
Man that sounds awesome. I love the concept of fine tuning what's available locally. Everything's there.

I'd like to see about incorporating more leaf mulch, less peat. Looking for ideas for other materials that won't suck the N from the soil but have more gross texture. The springiness of peat is great. Pure (coarse) leaf mulch would seem to still need some added structure...


Well-Known Member
Hey Rrog. Just caught up. Always a great confab going on in here. I like that idea HG. The flowers in my area seem to do better where theres a big buildup of decaying cones, and pine needles.


Well-Known Member
Pine needles are used a lot, but that's a bit acidic. For acid loving plants, pine products would be great.

Peat Moss is ancient. Tens of thousands of years old. Just moss plants that composted in a low O2 environment. Really doesn't compost a a result. Peat is also being used up.

This seems interesting. Cow shit (still mostly straw) that is also composted in a low O2 (anaerobic) environment. Makes a good peat substitute, apparently. I'm checking this out. Will report back


Well-Known Member
ya we got a couple beds that just have pine needle mulch and the plants always do so well. even with a bit less light. Hostas REALLY thrive under pine trees but im sure its more shade related. i cant really think of any hostas ive planted not under a pine tree to compare.


Well-Known Member
I would think these needles and cones would hold up well over time. Peat is acidic also, and we add liming materials in advance.

I'm digging this idea of anaerobically composted cow manure. Mostly straw, let's face it. I think it also makes fuel gasses. That might be a different process than composting. I'm still a-learnin'!


Well-Known Member
I think it's great you keep a humble attitude like that. It's sort of a rare thing on this site. I feel the same way. If I stop learning, I stop improving. Simple really.


Well-Known Member
My buddy's second grow ever. The LEDs and stretch were an issue earlier, not now. The plants are in 2 gallon Geopots and the ROLS recipe soil is about 5 months old. You can see from the leaves the soil is verrryyyy mellloooowwwww. Plants are exploding in it.

Also note the Geopots below. That's from his first run. See the clover keeping things groovin? That's fixing N in the soil, decomposing the old root ball, and keeping the microbes happy until these are transplanted.



Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
The day we stop learning we might as well start etching our grave stones. The best destinations are all at the end of an epic journey ;) Anyhow, just getting my first little issue in LOS. Never seen this before, and there's not much of it, but small black spots on a few leaves, with tiny bits of the tips drying back. Very slight yellowing on a part of the one leaf. I think my IPM program needs to be taken down a notch, I noticed a mite on an outdoor plant and ramped it up for just over a week. Also might be Ca def, not enough gypsum or high pH due to too much lime in the mix... Very hard to get pics, the leaves are in places where I need a flash if not carrying the plant out the room, not too keen on the latter...


Well-Known Member
Might check out a mint, cilantro, parsley, sorta tea. Spray as a foliar. Powerful insecticidal / fungicidal agents.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Yessir, I need it a bit more mellow. Been using one made with Tulsi basil, Rosemary and Thyme. Alternated with a canola oil and garlic spray, canola is really cool in case of eggs...


Well-Known Member
flowering plants? i got a couple myself that sound like what your describing and i havent managed to fix it. im just assuming its strain/ceed related. mine are kryptonite by pyramid that are doing it. only 3/5 have the dots and it kinda looks like K def or lockout. idk really. might be cal too like you say. ive checked my runoff and its always around 6 so idk. lemme know if you come up with something. il take some pics of mine here in a little bit so you can compare.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
That would be great bro! If I don't get a pic to work out I might just cut one leaf off for the sake of science and post it up. Its not looking too bad but I want to catch it before it does.