Finally found my way over here from the LED section....i didnt actually know there existed more outside of it....(im very closed minded) ..3 days later and i am finished reading this behemoth of a thread...just in time to realise im not wearing any pants....
So thanks to: Rrog, Hyroot, Sullivan666, Headtreep, Cann, Mohican, Green Santa, Jubiare, Spliffandmylady, Rising Moon, Nick Nasty and Fattiemcnuggins for all the info i have tried to take in.
Now a few questions:
I am keen to get into using the Comfrey that i have on my property. Have seen a few references to it but no definitive way of how to use it.
What i am doing currently: Picked the leaves and left in a uncovered bucket with water in it. (that was about 4 weeks ago) Looking at it now...the leaves have dissolved and it appears black liquid...and sure has a nose to it. (but no ears...) So is this ok to dilute with water and water it on? What about bubbling Comfrey leaves?
Went out picking Dandelion flowers yesterday (i know what you are thinking....yes i put my pantz on...

) So i dry these out...and food process them. What is the best way to use them? As a mulch on top of my pots or bubbled in a tea?

So Comfrey liquid on the left....picked Dandelion flowers on right
As a Artisan bread maker....'The Pantless Baker'....(enough of the pant jokes...and wait im not a bread maker!) no i just have some Diastatic Malt i understand it the method is: 1 teaspoon per 4 litres of water and add to soil. Can i bubble it? will it change its enzyme make up or degrade the product and its usefulness for the soil/plant(s)?
Since i have the diastaic Malt i actually need this for enzymes aswell? i have seen the word 'diversity' mentioned in this thread a maybe it would be still helpful in my applications. I am going to try it in my home made bubble cloner as i have heard of success with coconut water with clones.
I think there are a few people who are doing this: My food scraps are now transformed into a 'scrap smoothie' after the blending i give them. Also picking up my mulcher today so i can break up those stubborn leaves and help my brother microbes out a bit.
Thanks all..