Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Dank, thanks I do have and use that equipment, I currently aerate every watering, aerating for about a day or so. I also have General Organics black forest humic acids, if someone could explain that with chloramine treated water, that would be awesome.

MO, on my way to Lazy Acres in LB to grab coconut water powder and organic lemon juice thanks!

Rrog, thanks I read about inoculating the char on Canns ROLS page, did so with fish emulsion and ewc, grinding it is a bitch, used a rubbermaid tote and cinderblock, about to start running it over with my truck, tired of smashing...
Dank, thanks I do have and use that equipment, I currently aerate every watering, aerating for about a day or so. I also have General Organics black forest humic acids, if someone could explain that with chloramine treated water, that would be awesome.

MO, on my way to Lazy Acres in LB to grab coconut water powder and organic lemon juice thanks!

Rrog, thanks I read about inoculating the char on Canns ROLS page, did so with fish emulsion and ewc, grinding it is a bitch, used a rubbermaid tote and cinderblock, about to start running it over with my truck, tired of smashing...

An organic ingredient like molasses will neutralize the chlorine/chloramine in your water. A small amount (tablespoon) in 5 gallons of water, bubbled for 24 hours is supposed to do the trick. I'm not certain with the humic acid, though. Maybe someone else could chime in on that.
Awesome results dude! I just finished my first plant in reused no till, and I'll be damned it came out great. The coconut water is great, haven't been able to try the barley or aloe yet. This is the recipe I am using now:

One Cup Alfalfa Meal
One Cup Fish Meal
One Cup Bone Meal
Homemade Shrimp Shell Meal
1/2 cup Kelp Meal
1 Cup Soft Rock Phosphate
One Bag Roots
One Bale Promix
One Bag Roots Coco
One Bag Worm Castings
One Bag Compost (have my own started)
One Shovel Diverse Soil from outside
Maybe 2.5 gallons Biochar
Mix everything well.
Innoculate with some molasses, homemade lactobacillus, nematodes and BTI dunks.
Let sit 3-4 weeks and it is ready to go. I plant seeds and clone directly into this mix, yet with some minor topdressing it has the juice to take me to the end of flower no problem. Still have a ways to go but the results keep me motivated.

daaamn i;m making mine..!!
molasses neutralizes chlorine. It breaks down chloramine into ammonia. Then the ammonia takes twice as long as chlorine to evaporate..
So much good help... no one on this thread should have any issues growing organically except time to find answers. I am surely blessed to have access to such a wealth of knowledge and experience... Everyone should take an extra toke for being so helpful .... On me of course....stop by anytime and you can sample all you want while visiting...:bigjoint:
Alright just got back from Lazy Acres, to my surprise the "natural living" section girl had no idea what coconut powder was and said they didn't have it... I knew they did because I called and talked to someone who sounded older and wiser than an off-in-ten, part-time worker. Luckily I grow and smoke weed uh? So then a random worker helped me and found it after finding me searching for a needle in the haystack...

Coco Hydro (lol) is what it is called and it contains sea salt so please chime in... here is the link to the product...
Evaporated Coconut water
Sea Salt
Ascorbic Acid (v-C)

While searching for that I came across Coconut Secret Raw Coconut Crystals (organic coconut sap crystals),
-Abundant source of Minerals
-17 Amino Acids
-Vitamin C
-broad-spectrum B vitamins
-Nearly Neutral pH

It is rich brown in color and rich tasting, like a coconut molasses or brown sugar....

by the looks of it, it appears to be a triple whammy for my chloramine treated water, providing coconut, molasses, and vitamin C

Let me know what you all think, either way I will use them up for personal consumption.

Should I still add Lemon Juice?
Coot's experience with this was that really you needed the fresh white coconuts and that bottles / concentrates were not the route. I like to recommend a seed enzyme tea. Like Barley Seed
^^^^They are on People don't post much on there. Theres not much going on there like here
Out of almost 1200 pages on 2 threads on ICmag... I read posts by only 3 individuals.... The others are not important :) :) THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for that information! You're the best!!
Finally found my way over here from the LED section....i didnt actually know there existed more outside of it....(im very closed minded) ..3 days later and i am finished reading this behemoth of a thread...just in time to realise im not wearing any pants.... :D

So thanks to: Rrog, Hyroot, Sullivan666, Headtreep, Cann, Mohican, Green Santa, Jubiare, Spliffandmylady, Rising Moon, Nick Nasty and Fattiemcnuggins for all the info i have tried to take in. :)

Now a few questions:


I am keen to get into using the Comfrey that i have on my property. Have seen a few references to it but no definitive way of how to use it.

What i am doing currently: Picked the leaves and left in a uncovered bucket with water in it. (that was about 4 weeks ago) Looking at it now...the leaves have dissolved and it appears black liquid...and sure has a nose to it. (but no ears...) So is this ok to dilute with water and water it on? What about bubbling Comfrey leaves?


Went out picking Dandelion flowers yesterday (i know what you are thinking....yes i put my pantz on... :) ) So i dry these out...and food process them. What is the best way to use them? As a mulch on top of my pots or bubbled in a tea?
So Comfrey liquid on the left....picked Dandelion flowers on right


As a Artisan bread maker....'The Pantless Baker'....(enough of the pant jokes...and wait im not a bread maker!) no i just have some Diastatic Malt i understand it the method is: 1 teaspoon per 4 litres of water and add to soil. Can i bubble it? will it change its enzyme make up or degrade the product and its usefulness for the soil/plant(s)?


Since i have the diastaic Malt i actually need this for enzymes aswell? i have seen the word 'diversity' mentioned in this thread a maybe it would be still helpful in my applications. I am going to try it in my home made bubble cloner as i have heard of success with coconut water with clones.

I think there are a few people who are doing this: My food scraps are now transformed into a 'scrap smoothie' after the blending i give them. Also picking up my mulcher today so i can break up those stubborn leaves and help my brother microbes out a bit. :)

Thanks all.. :)
Seed sprout tea's with pumpkin seeds ? Any thoughts

I have like 5 pumpkins. Stripped one down , cooked seeds. I will be sick of them after this batch. So will have left over seeds.
making pumpkin cheescake with the flesh too.... Hehehe
Well I can answer about the comfrey and will leave the rest to others. With the comfrey tea you want to do a 10:1-15:1 ratio, 10-15 parts water to 1 part tea/concentrate. Comfrey is a strong fertilizer so realize this and start light. I prefer to let my leaves dry and crumble it and add it as an amendment to my soil and I also add it as an amendment to my compost.
the leaves and dandelions you dry out and use as mulch or feed to worms. dandelions can use fresh or dry in a tea. The malted powder no need to bubble. You don't need coconut water if using diatistic malted powder. its made from pureed seed sprouts.. Veggie and fruit scraps, I freeze for a few days. Then thaw, puree and feed to worms.
So the Diastatic Malt powder has all of the same enzymes as the coconut water? no difference?

What is the point of freezing the scraps before putting them in the compost or feeding worms.....just seems like another step...