George Carlin died


Well-Known Member
Carlin, was admitted into the hospital sunday afternoon after complaining of heart problems. He passed away at 5:55 p.m. Sunday at Saint John’s Hospital in Santa Monica, Calif.



Well-Known Member
I just heard it on NPR too.

A sad day, he was a crazy funny dude.

"If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?"


New Member
George was the best of his kind, a satirest of the highest order. He actually told the truth and made it funny. One of my heroes gone. You will be missed George., Although he didn't believe in God, I hope he will be well rewarded in the next life for his contributions here on earth. So long George.


Well-Known Member
Stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the news ... I was shocked:o and deeply sadden:cry: He was one of my favorite comedian ... a truth teller ... back in the 70's his comedy routine would have me in tears ... remember the hippy dippy weather man? ... or the seven words you can't say on TV? I believe he added a couple of more later on ... I don't know if anyone has ever see the 70's movie "Carwash" but Carlin was good in that even though he played a small role... :mrgreen: I loved it when he was on "Real Time with Bill Maher" I didn't agree with all his views (voting) but he was definitely a true Liberal ...

I will miss you George Carlin ... you were one of the best ... You are one of the people that can look back on their life and smile ... :hump:

Tonight I will watch one of your DVD's in your honor God Bless your Soul ... :clap:

This one's for you George ... bongsmilie:joint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What a force that man was! His social commentary was, well it was awesome. He was part of a traditional comedy team until he saw Lenny Bruce on stage. With the inspiration he took from LB, he struck out on his own and invented his own brand of comedy, which he imparted on younger comedians.

He is missed. :cry:

jimbo e

Active Member
R.I.P. George will be deeply missed...there will never be another like were truly one of a kind!...This country lose a comedic hero!