Everyone Has Their Own Little Trick. Whats Yours??


Well-Known Member
Keep it simple
Have a lot of patience
Soil grow is the only medium for me. (Home made soil)
Limited nutes
Fabric pots
Progressive pot transplanting.
Lift an weigh watering
Use a loop
Keep everything clean
Just the basic tips and tricks that work for me:weed:


Active Member
...remember weed is just a plant
...but also remember its "produce", and going into your body (lungs specifically)l weed is what you give it
...I don't have anything in my grow area I can't wipe down & clean (like porus wood surfaces, et)
... I try not to use too many chemicals (like physan, chlorine, insecticides), if so; its to a absolute minimum if at all
...I try to keep a open mind, but also remember anyone/everyone can equally sound like either a expert or moron on a internet forum


Well-Known Member
As I look at a plant that just hermied that had RUNT marked on its label: I gotta quit trying to nurse lousy plants back to health. I could never kill a plant unless it turned male but its a wrong way of thinking. From now on when a plant doesnt take off properly, or has a mutant or otherwise sickly look to it, Imma pitch that somebitch straight away because sure enough if somethings gonna turn hermie later on it'll be that bastard.
Keep only your healthiest of plants.
Just thought I'd throw that in. Now I gotta learn to take my own advice :)


Well-Known Member
My little trick, is to veg the piss out of them--I usually flip to 12/12 after at least 2 months of veg. It's a lot easier trying to get more weight this way (to me) than running a shit load of small plants 12/12 from seed and squeezing in more crops a year.


Well-Known Member
There are 4 tricks that I use to grow weed.

Trick #1
Lighting. Make sure you're using enough light for the plants you are growing.

Trick #2
Temperatures. I've had my best buds in temps between 18C-24C/65F-75F.

Trick #3
Nutrients. Use a well balanced base nutrient that is pretty good in N and K and lower in P. heavy amounts of P in container gardening isn't required. Outdoors the P gets leached into surrounding vegetation, indoors that doesn't happen.

Trick #4
Genetics. Whilst bagseed can turn out some surprises there is nothing like using a reputable breeder for your seeds. Find something that you like the look/sound of and the look on seedfinder to check lineage etc.

That's it.



Well-Known Member
PH everything she gets fed. If something starts to go wrong, be mellow. Don't over react. Don't assume what works in one person's will work exactly the same for you. Dial in a system that gets you decent grow consistently without peril, then figure out how to improve upon on it. And remember, growing is fun!

I followed those general rules with homebrewing and now can brew some good beer. I am on my fourth grow and am getting over all bumps easily. I feel confident in my system and set up. So soon, it will be time to figure how to up it a notch!


Well-Known Member
You also 4 got to add in check the ppm's of his nutes.. ;) I make sure I do. Helps with over doing and burning your babies.. Not hard to do at all.. :mrgreen:
PH everything she gets fed. If something starts to go wrong, be mellow. Don't over react. Don't assume what works in one person's will work exactly the same for you. Dial in a system that gets you decent grow consistently without peril, then figure out how to improve upon on it. And remember, growing is fun!

I followed those general rules with homebrewing and now can brew some good beer. I am on my fourth grow and am getting over all bumps easily. I feel confident in my system and set up. So soon, it will be time to figure how to up it a notch!


Well-Known Member
I must admit, I don't own a PPM meter. I look at plants and adjust the feeding chart recs based on that. I think filtering my water makes that more viable. But again, works for me but may not for others.


Well-Known Member
I must admit, I don't own a PPM meter. I look at plants and adjust the feeding chart recs based on that. I think filtering my water makes that more viable. But again, works for me but may not for others.
Well, idk. I've always been told and have found it to be true that "filtering" water can and does take a lot of viable nutrients in the water, such as cal- mag. And other benificial nutes.
The only reason behind me owning a ppm metter is to make sure there isn't a spike in my waters ppm's, and or in my nutrients thus causing my palnts to burn. I've done it a lot in the past 15 yrs. Lol. Wouldn't have never happend if I owned one way back when. That and I always make sure to ph my water after adding in my nutes. One being bc nutes can drop the ph reading down in the lower 5.0 range or lower sometimes depending on nutes the grower is using.


Well-Known Member
I am sure it will bite me in the ass sometime!

I do need the dynagro mag pro in my mix.

And of course, I am far from maximizing yield. But so far, being conservative on all nutes has made burn not an issue. I think we all find our own comfort place once we accept the hobby.


Active Member
Is there any little thing special that you do to make your buds stickier, denser, more frosty etc. and just better all around.
I've tried my fair share of gimmicks to attain these goals and found them to be a waste of time and money. Just today I poured a bottle of Floralicious Plus into my compost bin. Not only did it screw with the pH in (aerated) ebb/flow hydro, but I discovered that "aromatic oils" are on the ingredient list. That's pure bullshit designed to affect the perception of the user and does zero for the plant. (GH likes to go on about how this product is supposed to improve "aroma".) Genetics determine aroma but they will be happy to stink up your reservoir with essentially useless products.

The trick is to identify a superior plant, clone it, and then work with that clone to determine the optimum nutrient levels it can take over the shortest flowering cycle needed to get the effect you are looking for. That takes more than one cycle to perfect, but once you get it down, you can crank it out like a factory.


Well-Known Member
Choose your genetics carefully. Look up how it grows, how fast it grows ect instead of only thinking about potency and appearance.


Well-Known Member
yea what he said.

Keep a journal. Keep track of your environments average daily humidity and temperatures, what mix you watered with, how high the lights are above your canopy, how intense the lights are, as well as anything you did to the plants such as topping, foliaring, thinning out, etc. I also keep a camera handy to take pictures and then keep those with the journal. This way if I can replicate successes and avoid failures as well as establish a timeline and set procedure for each strain. Feel free to message me if anyone has any questions.


Active Member
Keep a journal. Keep track of your environments average daily humidity and temperatures, what mix you watered with, how high the lights are above your canopy, how intense the lights are, as well as anything you did to the plants such as topping, foliaring, thinning out, etc. I also keep a camera handy to take pictures and then keep those with the journal. This way if I can replicate successes and avoid failures as well as establish a timeline and set procedure for each strain. Feel free to message me if anyone has any questions.
Until the federal law is changed, I would advise against keeping such records of past activities.

banks dank

Active Member
Until the federal law is changed, I would advise against keeping such records of past activities.
If someone was to have a grow and it was discovered it wouldn't matter in the least if there was a journal discovered...your still fucked either way...I love my legal grow!


Well-Known Member
Until the federal law is changed, I would advise against keeping such records of past activities.
I agree. My first couple runs I used to doc every little thing. Then I came to realize I rarely looked back on it, and now the plants tell me everything I need to know.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's some good stuff! Dyna - Gro lineup. However I do know that the cal-mag DG nute isn't suppose to be used as a stand alone nute. I have also found that with the DG it tend to causes salt build up on a plants leaves. Which isn't nothing to really worry about. Also, the DG is a good nute to use for any kind of deficiency going on. :mrgreen:
I am sure it will bite me in the ass sometime!

I do need the dynagro mag pro in my mix.

And of course, I am far from maximizing yield. But so far, being conservative on all nutes has made burn not an issue. I think we all find our own comfort place once we accept the hobby.


Well-Known Member
I seen where you was wondering what product would add in resin/trich production and the add bulk to your buds. I have been using Snow Storm for resin & trich production along side of molaases to plain h2o and to add, over the years I have to say this combo has far out done anything else I have dosed my ladies with.. Hope that helps bro.
Yeah let me know how that works for ya chief 8)