
Well-Known Member
well jeez how the heck old didya think i was?!
Well I assumed you were in late 30's early 40's just from the way you post and what you say and some of your pic's would indicate an older person. I stand corrected. Don't be offended by this it is a complement.


Staff member
Well I assumed you were in late 30's early 40's just from the way you post and what you say and some of your pic's would indicate an older person. I stand corrected. Don't be offended by this it is a complement.
no not offended at all


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
well jeez how the heck old didya think i was?!
106, 107 or thereabouts :) actually you act far more mature than I, currently (for those without a player roster I'm 50+).

I thought you were older too. Much much much much older. So old, I wanted to cut you. Deep.
She is much, much older than either you OR I :) and we know what you want to 'cut' her with, deep LOL! I like the subtle advertising of length, clever!


Well-Known Member
Blunts are for folks with shitty weed... Why else would you ruin a beautiful flower with tobacco? Retarded? Maybe
i musta missed something? why does smoking a blunt ruin the flower. idk bout u but i empty my blunts completely of tobacoo b4 entering the sweet Ganj lol
and i have fine weed i just like to smoke a gram or 2 @ a time with only lighting my lighter once lol.