Q: Quantity of bone meal in soil mix


Well-Known Member
Hi guys! Ive been vegging these larger plants for 8 weeks now (unknown seed and LSD) and the smaller one for 5-6 (Bubba Kush, HSO). Im about to transplant into their final pots for flowering, which will be 4 gals of 1/3 soil, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 worm castings. During the vegetative period Ive been adding some 15-15-15 to the water every now and then, and they seem to have liked it. My doubt is this: Will I be able to continue feeding 15-15-15 after adding bone meal to the soil mix, and how much bone meal should be added? As this is my first grow, I want to be really careful not to burn my plants. Any other piece of advice or idea is warmly welcomed, thanks :) 2.jpg1.jpg


Well-Known Member
well, before any of the 116 viewers takes the trouble to give me a heads-up: I mixed a little less than one cup per container, I finally decided on 5gals, which I filled almost entirely. I hope to control the strech somehow now, since Im running out of height.


Well-Known Member
that does sound like a rich adddition, but some folks do use quite a bit, burning should be a remote risk with bone meal since it releases slowly
i personally use 2 tablespoons per gallon of soil, i'm not saying that's optimum, just my own experience


Well-Known Member
but still, that would mean 10 table spoons. I think that's probably pretty close to what I added. Im really going to have a problem with the height. ..


Well-Known Member
Then FIM/Cut/Trim/Top her so you will not worry...
My veg room is set up, where I can only grow a 16" tall plant...
Once plants get to 12.5" tall, I Cut/Trim/or Top her.... maybe the top few nodes off the top...
Then let her veg for another few weeks to regain growing energy...
My plants come out of my Bud room when done, at 30-36" so double in height, which is perfect for the height of Bud room...
Where my lights are 40-44" off tables....
Plan ahead.... if your roots are healthy, you will get massive growth..
Your plants look great, keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
we all struggle with height, just part of the game
bend your girl in any position you want, they like that


Well-Known Member
Hi guys! Ive been vegging these larger plants for 8 weeks now (unknown seed and LSD) and the smaller one for 5-6 (Bubba Kush, HSO). Im about to transplant into their final pots for flowering, which will be 4 gals of 1/3 soil, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 worm castings. During the vegetative period Ive been adding some 15-15-15 to the water every now and then, and they seem to have liked it. My doubt is this: Will I be able to continue feeding 15-15-15 after adding bone meal to the soil mix, and how much bone meal should be added? As this is my first grow, I want to be really careful not to burn my plants. Any other piece of advice or idea is warmly welcomed, thanks :) View attachment 2883793View attachment 2883794
nice plants mate..i lack of space as well..keep em short and bushy :D . toping is the best solution imo..!!


Well-Known Member
well look at my poor Luck. my geopots have finally arrived. I didnt think theyd be here on time, but just this afternoon they arrived to laugh at my face for having transplanted into 5gal of empty painting cans. shit luck. should I transplant ASAP into the 5gal geopots?? what do you think? thanks for all the comments, on the taller one, the upper leaves have been burned, so Ill have to top no matter how little Id like to do so. Will it affect my bud production poorly? again, thanks for the interest in helping me out. If youd kike, Ill make it a journal since the exciting part, flowering, is about to start.


Well-Known Member
hey growone, dont quite understand your comment. does it mean, that if Id burnt my leaves, I still wouldn't be able to tell? just to clarify, in this case Im talking about light burn, not nute burn regarding it's tallness. should I top some 10" off of it? its really close to the lamp and I fear to be ruining the penetration for lower bud production. area 51 recommends 18" distance to the canopy with this product, and truthfully, Im really far from that now


Well-Known Member
hey growone, dont quite understand your comment. does it mean, that if Id burnt my leaves, I still wouldn't be able to tell? just to clarify, in this case Im talking about light burn, not nute burn regarding it's tallness. should I top some 10" off of it? its really close to the lamp and I fear to be ruining the penetration for lower bud production. area 51 recommends 18" distance to the canopy with this product, and truthfully, Im really far from that now
that the burnt leaves will be barely visible, new vegetation will cover up the spot, normally
i did understand that it was light burn, nute burn could be more serious
but i'd be surprised if you have a light burn at that distance from the light
that should be plenty of distance, if i'm reading your reponse right


Well-Known Member
Ill upload a photo tomorrow when the lights come back on, and then youll tell me to top or not. thanks again :)


Well-Known Member
I finally just decided to top it, it didnt look well with the burn and all. When I find something to put under the geopots, Ill transplant to them and find a different use for the painting cans


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benbud89-679090-albums-about-flower-picture2888311-side.jpgbenbud89-679090-albums-about-flower-picture2888306-panarama.jpgThink that I may have finally discovered how to UL the photos in the nicer way. A question, as Im about to start flowering and the girl on the left has been mainlined, what topping, pruning fimming should I do on her now? todays it's still 13/11, it has been going down from 18 to 17, etc., and tomorrow it'll be 12/12. I hope any of you mainliners can help me out ! :)
Unless you add some living organisms to the soil that will break down the bone meal, it will be useless.

Even if you do, potted container environments change so rapidly (you let it dry out fully, then fully irrigate for example) that it will kill the organisms anyways.

Bone meal would be applied in a garden bed. Kelp meal breaks down easier and may want to see if you can benefit from such, even bat guano.

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Great answer, what would be a nice way to go about it?
Go about what? Going into flowering you want to lower the nitrogen levels instead of the status quo of pumping mad amiunts if phosphorus. The decrease in nitrogen is the key to flowering.

Since your running a 15.15.15 I would consider running something else with all the minors in it while having a lower nitrogen rate if not just run that feed at a low rate and supplement phosphorus, plus cannabis loves calcium. With my hydro tomatoes, I have a fertilizer with everything I need for veg and another for flowering and even in container all I need to concentrate then on is the media build.

I like how you use castings in your media, remember always to keep it no more than a third as part of the composure. To get the full effect of the perlite and more air in the soil while saturated you want it 1/2 or more made up into the media. Then you may say oh I'll lose water retention, well then switch out the soil with peat instead. Something I'd use like (20 casting, 60 perlite, 20 peat)

Media dries out fast but not fast enough so that the plant can uptake what it needs from the feeding. Also fast enough to flush out the soil every once and awhile to eliminate salt build ups.

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Well-Known Member
Thanks for your elaborated comment, but Im not too fond of big amounts of peat moss, it's ph is really low and since I dont measure my PH leves, I try to stay away from messing to much with the balance. With that much perlite I would probably just go hempy bucket, it was a coin flip between that and what Im currently doing. But thanks a lot, Ill just add the bone meal in waterings and find a way to add some potasium to the feedings :) Thanks man! :)


Well-Known Member
Guys, just got some dolomite lime powder and rich P guano. Ive added some guano by topdressing a few inches into the top layer of the soil for it two works over the next few weeks. How should I add the dolomite lime? Im afraid to mess too much with the PH, but Id really like to give them some CaMa


Well-Known Member
I don't like to use either bone or blood meal that much, did try it in the start, but you really don't need it with the Bat guano and some decent soil/few repots in veg

all I use now is some Lime (Maerl) to get my PH on track in my soil mix and some Bat guano both in the mix and as top dressing doing flowering (week 3 and 6 etc) and some Epsom salt in my water

but if I should end up using the last from the Box I have I will mix it in to the soil and let it "cook" for attest a few weeks as its slow release and no more then 1/4 a cup to 5 gallon of mix and only for big plants in Veg, not for seedlings, they don't need much and not in flowering, even tho the Bone meal have some good K it also contain a lot of N