Q: Quantity of bone meal in soil mix


Well-Known Member
Yes, I get what youre saying. I just dont have a lot of stuff where I am at, 150 gram of bat guano is like 20 USD >.< I am probably able to get some epsom salt, or sulfato de magnesio, I just dont know where to look yet. Thanks though! This is now the third day since I flipped the light to 12/12, I really hope to see some small, pretty flowers popping out soon :) I should get some more information on soil cooking, I know it would be worth it, there is just so much different information that when not knowing anything at all, it is really hard to figure where and how to start.


Well-Known Member
Guys, just got some dolomite lime powder and rich P guano. Ive added some guano by topdressing a few inches into the top layer of the soil for it two works over the next few weeks. How should I add the dolomite lime? Im afraid to mess too much with the PH, but Id really like to give them some CaMa

if it is`t broken don't fix it

that also works great with plant`s/MJ, I have bad experience with Lime/maerl if you over do it or use it when it is`t needed, but also great experience when I had a PH that was off a bit and/or the plant is in need of Calcium

I normal only use a few table spoons per 5g of soil mix to get my soil mix from 5,5ish up to 6,5ish and then agin in mid flowering I use another table spoon as top dressing, like I use two spoons of Bat guano, a nice "trick" is to leave room in the pot for a few inch`s of soil and make a mix with the lime/guano and top dress it in week 3 of 12/12

but agin, don't over do it, my first results was so good that I made another one a week later, and got a too alkaline soil and problems the rest of flowering

hope this help some, but in the end its all a trail and run to gain experience, also big differences between strains aso but in most cases, less is more, go slow



Well-Known Member
Yes, I get what youre saying. I just dont have a lot of stuff where I am at, 150 gram of bat guano is like 20 USD >.< I am probably able to get some epsom salt, or sulfato de magnesio, I just dont know where to look yet. Thanks though! This is now the third day since I flipped the light to 12/12, I really hope to see some small, pretty flowers popping out soon :) I should get some more information on soil cooking, I know it would be worth it, there is just so much different information that when not knowing anything at all, it is really hard to figure where and how to start.

a lot of reading and research, and some experience/a few grows, keep it simple, after all its just a plant/weed, think nature and use common sense and logic

I get my Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) at my local wellness shop (place where the hippis also buy there herb medicine and tea`s aso) also got em to order me some Black strap molasses once, about the bone meal, if that is what you got its fine, but I would still "cook" it (mix it in advance and let it sit for some time) and be careful with it, specially in your flowering pot`s
Guys, just got some dolomite lime powder and rich P guano. Ive added some guano by topdressing a few inches into the top layer of the soil for it two works over the next few weeks. How should I add the dolomite lime? Im afraid to mess too much with the PH, but Id really like to give them some CaMa
Good thinking with top dressing the guano. Whats the guaranteed analysis on the type you got? I add a half tbsp to my hydro, it dissolves in water.... But I'd do a higher rate for potted stuff.

You should be able to dissolve the lime and water it in. When in doubt start with a little and test your pH an hour later. Take soil and mix with distilled water to get a ball park estimate.

Oh and if you don't like perlite, use pine bark fines or cypress. Awesome stuff but hard find.
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Well-Known Member
Hi guys! Ive been vegging these larger plants for 8 weeks now (unknown seed and LSD) and the smaller one for 5-6 (Bubba Kush, HSO). Im about to transplant into their final pots for flowering, which will be 4 gals of 1/3 soil, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 worm castings. During the vegetative period Ive been adding some 15-15-15 to the water every now and then, and they seem to have liked it. My doubt is this: Will I be able to continue feeding 15-15-15 after adding bone meal to the soil mix, and how much bone meal should be added? As this is my first grow, I want to be really careful not to burn my plants. Any other piece of advice or idea is warmly welcomed, thanks :) View attachment 2883793View attachment 2883794
I may be repeating what others have said I didn't read all the responses. ur soil mix is out of whack. that's way too much castings. try looking at subs mix in the organic section. castings are a soil conditioner. u only need 2%% or so by volume. I add perlite by eye. not by measure. I think ur mix seems hot but the pix speak for themselves. bone meal is real strong and it pays to let it mellow first. I did get claw because of that and don't use it anymore. since u used so much castings I wouldn't use the 15 at all.


Well-Known Member
When you say they speak for themselves, in relation to your comment, Im not quite sure if that is a good or bad thing. About the worm castings, I had no idea, Ive seen a lot of different amount in soil mixes. I hope that the bone meal wont burn my plants, but I dont think that I added that much really, but time will tell. The claw comes from too much nitrogen, right? I havent used the triple 15 for two weeks now and I dont plan on adding any more.


Well-Known Member
When you say they speak for themselves, in relation to your comment, Im not quite sure if that is a good or bad thing. About the worm castings, I had no idea, Ive seen a lot of different amount in soil mixes. I hope that the bone meal wont burn my plants, but I dont think that I added that much really, but time will tell. The claw comes from too much nitrogen, right? I havent used the triple 15 for two weeks now and I dont plan on adding any more.
I thought the plants looked good despite all the castings. I learned something at your expense. claw can come from too much N so I would be very careful adding bone meal. did you find subs mix? it has ground minerals like azomite which have 70 different elements in it. and it doesn't burn if you add too much. let me know if you need the recipe.