We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
What's the low temps in the winter there? You're not gonna clone? No training? Seedlings right to flower?..not sure if I understand the seedling thing..let my stoned ass look at the pictures..lol


Well-Known Member
Yea so I'm assuming all into flower..no clones? No extra space at that point I suppose...what's your plans for next crop?


Well-Known Member
I can't afford to clone... I would have to build a space for it ...get a light... I mean its not that expensive I'm just that poor.... Well, I will be into 12/12 in about 14 days.... Those seedlings will just have to go into flower with the rest of the crop.... IN winter here at night can get as low as 45 in the dead of winter and the days will be 50-65 at its coldest... I think a outdoor plant here would do OK in the winter... better than the summer anyways...there is so much outdoor for sale around here it is stupid... it is like shwagg weed when compared to the top shelf....but it is still hella bomb ...but one gets accustomed to super dank with all these clubs.


Well-Known Member
Damn..that sucks..what happens if ya end up with the best ever but haven't saved at least a seed?? Ya hate yourself..lol..been there..


Well-Known Member
I can't afford to clone... I would have to build a space for it ...get a light... I mean its not that expensive I'm just that poor.... Well, I will be into 12/12 in about 14 days.... Those seedlings will just have to go into flower with the rest of the crop.... IN winter here at night can get as low as 45 in the dead of winter and the days will be 50-65 at its coldest... I think a outdoor plant here would do OK in the winter... better than the summer anyways...there is so much outdoor for sale around here it is stupid... it is like shwagg weed when compared to the top shelf....but it is still hella bomb ...but one gets accustomed to super dank with all these clubs.
I use an 18gal storage tote with 2 23W CFLs and 2 PC fans for veg. I had everything I needed to make it except for the light sockets that plug in to an outlet directly.
You gotta have a place to root clones and keep a mom. What happens if you meet that special lady you want to keep around indefinitely and you don't have a space to keep her? Don't have the one that got away.


Well-Known Member
Si ive started keeping beans from mistakes and pollenations I didn't intend on having but were blessing after all. 1st round went mr. nice medicine mang which at the time took the equatorial sativa dom trait and was def gonna be at least a 11 weeker to finish, I bought dog og from breeders boutique(if ya haven't grown there gear do yourself a favor and grab some dog or deep blue)that was a feminized bean throw nanners for a week one outa 10 plants threw nanners before ya start shouting, and that trait is only from bean if you clone the dog your smoking a recent cannabis cup winner and fire cannabis. anyway the dog pollenated the medicine mang so here is the result! first pollenation try 001.jpgfirst pollenation try 007.jpgfirst pollenation try 008.jpgfirst pollenation try 009.jpgfirst pollenation try 002.jpgfirst pollenation try 003.jpgfirst pollenation try 004.jpgfirst pollenation try 005.jpgfirst pollenation try 006.jpgfrom seed. Only had 2 weeks of veg due to space constraints so I revegged another week hence I think I stressed them into 3 blade fans but all is not lost they seem to be responding quite well. under 12/12 since nov 6th and the terpene profile has me fucken amazed at what this is so far im excited. If any of the crew here that im familiar with would like to try some just ask and you shall receive. Popped three beans all were female believe it or not! I also included the barrel cactus Gatsby who seems to have picked up a hitchhiker into his pot this summer being outside, almost looks like fucken goldenrod :blsmoke:, the aloes of course, the peppers thriving in a plastic bag for a planting pot lol, im a hick wtf mang? I also have some deep blue f2's that are an early finisher 7-8 weeks and there's threads here of there potential here its breeders boutique deep blue not anything else, I wont accept secondary genetics if I can help it lmao. Just ordered barney's pineapple chunk and vanilla kush from san's. cant wait to see that potential too alas never enough space. If duck lived closer to me he and I would be fucken sprouting clones in our belly buttons together!:blsmoke: I love to see this thread thriving and doing well.


Well-Known Member
Damn..that sucks..what happens if ya end up with the best ever but haven't saved at least a seed?? Ya hate yourself..lol..been there..
No, that WILL happen.... But I did not plant all the sharksbreath....only half...i think.... ..Ya, Duck I know it is not expensive to do...just a little creativity and I could have a nice mother chamber/ clone box. ..... Im still a rookie. I really should have invested in cloning to begin with.... I had the money once upon a time... my money comes and goes, my money comes and goes and rolls and flows and rolls and throws through the holes in the pockets of my clothes...lord im walking down the line


Well-Known Member
No, that WILL happen.... But I did not plant all the sharksbreath....only half...i think.... ..Ya, Duck I know it is not expensive to do...just a little creativity and I could have a nice mother chamber/ clone box. ..... Im still a rookie. I really should have invested in cloning to begin with.... I had the money once upon a time... my money comes and goes, my money comes and goes and rolls and flows and rolls and throws through the holes in the pockets of my clothes...lord im walking down the line
yeah me too! money canbe the root of all evil!:clap:


Well-Known Member
I dont even care about shit at the store LOL... if it was not for my wife I would be living in the mountains with a huge beard and i would forget english... only speak mescaline and owl.... fuck stuff and things.... ....yeah, its bullshit i go to Target and have to search to pick out the dishsoap that is 1 $ cheaper... fml


Well-Known Member
I make my own laundry detergent from Fels Naphtha soap, borax, and washing soda. Half a bar of soap dissolved into a gallon of hot water and then the borax and washing soda are mixed in a gallon of water. Mix everything up and allow to cool until you have a goopy mess. Half a cup works great. It works out to be about $0.02/load.


Well-Known Member
I use tom's of maine religiously. I have a fond love of lavender! Love it! adore it! Wow rory you just made me realize I don't think I have EVER gone into a store without price checking like a nervous tick. What a slice of freedom of the mind not worring about that shit would be for just one year...nice break from the monotony imho.


Well-Known Member
how about dish soap? I tried lye soap and I got to say ...there ain't nothing like a good bar of DIAL or some liquid body wash LOL


Well-Known Member
That was my question about the hi eff washer and the soap..that shits expensive..and I found tonight my soap treay on my washer is leaking..hard to be efficent when you're leaking soap..ugg.
Imp..I'm in the mountains,with a SMALL beard,and a wife..its all the same when you go 'whoooooo...dosed me!?'