Conservatives hate your constitution

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
If I was a sitting president, I would be hard pressed to think of a better reason to use my pardon powers.
if i was the president i would have a big ass "PARDONED" rubber stamp and spend my evenings setting potheads and tax resisters free.

i would probably have to hire a team of guys to do the stamping, and set up dozens of Autopens, and everybody pardoned gets a free Kynes Whitehouse Pardon-Palooza Pen and a bong emblazoned with the Presidential Seal.


Well-Known Member
if i was the president i would have a big ass "PARDONED" rubber stamp and spend my evenings setting potheads and tax resisters free.

i would probably have to hire a team of guys to do the stamping, and set up dozens of Autopens, and everybody pardoned gets a free Kynes Whitehouse Pardon-Palooza Pen and a bong emblazoned with the Presidential Seal.
If you promised to cut defense by at least 30%, I would vote for you. Hell, I would vote for dracula or even Jerry Sandusky if they promised to cut defense by at least 30%.

El Tiberon

Active Member
That made no sense at all to me. 30% is the waste in the silly process. The process of defense spending gets too messy, for my taste.
If you understood that Costa Rica does not have a military it would be easier to comprehend. It is nothing more than a jab at the paranoid nature of those who support spending trillions of dollars invading other countries because they are afraid of being attacked.


Well-Known Member
Actually, if they did have a military, it would be a trade opportunity because they would almost certainly be purchasing weapons from the US.


Well-Known Member
he said that obama raised his tax rate from 20% to 30%, which is a demonstrable lie.

obama has signed no such legislation.

but good job on defending liars, add that to the list of unsavory types you have defended today.
My post said my taxes went up since 2008. Learn how to read gooder :dunce:

I am stating facts. Rather or not he signed a bill has nothing to do with the fact that my taxes have gone up. Can you honestly say that you are not paying more taxes today then you were in 2007?


Well-Known Member
Nope. All legal through Ellis Island. Then made a living for themselves through hard work. It's a family tradition for us.

Oops, almost forgot, can't leave the G-G-Grandmother out. Full blooded Native American.
So they applied for a Visa and like Mexicans waited 18 years for permission?
Or did they just come over and get off the boat?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
My post said my taxes went up since 2008. Learn how to read gooder :dunce:

I am stating facts. Rather or not he signed a bill has nothing to do with the fact that my taxes have gone up. Can you honestly say that you are not paying more taxes today then you were in 2007?
Yes, Buck can honestly say that. The state of Oregon exempted him from paying federal income taxes.


Well-Known Member
If you understood that Costa Rica does not have a military it would be easier to comprehend. It is nothing more than a jab at the paranoid nature of those who support spending trillions of dollars invading other countries because they are afraid of being attacked.
But, I am sorry, I missed it. What does Costa Rica defense budget have to do with the USA? They don't need defense. They are protected by the USA, under the Monroe Doctrine.

El Tiberon

Active Member
But, I am sorry, I missed it. What does Costa Rica defense budget have to do with the USA? They don't need defense. They are protected by the USA, under the Monroe Doctrine.
The point genius, is that the US is full of cowards who think every country in the world is out to get them and they are not above telling a lie that Costa Rica is planning a full-scale invasion in order to justify killing hundreds of thousands of more people.


Well-Known Member
The point genius, is that the US is full of cowards who think every country in the world is out to get them and they are not above telling a lie that Costa Rica is planning a full-scale invasion in order to justify killing hundreds of thousands of more people.
Yeah let's get rid of our military. I bet no one out there would even think about an attack. It's not like the US has enemies or anything.


Well-Known Member
The point genius, is that the US is full of cowards who think every country in the world is out to get them and they are not above telling a lie that Costa Rica is planning a full-scale invasion in order to justify killing hundreds of thousands of more people.
Costa Rica invading? They don't have a military. So, I think you should get some intelligence increase, yourself, if you think we are cowardly.
I myself could show you that is not so.