Black on White Crime.... "The Knockout Game"

Nether Region

Well-Known Member
Anyone heard of this yet? Some friends of mine live in the Midwest and they say it's been a problem for years but the media refuse to talk about it because they are afraid of being labeled racist for reporting that groups of blacks are targeting whites for violent beatings to celebrate later. Even four Alabama football players were arrested for it earlier this year. This is very real, and spreading because nobody will talk about it. Will you? Curious to know what you think about it.


Well-Known Member
I'm from Aus and i just read in the paper of something similar
People go around in a group and take it turns to pick randem people and knock them out while the others are filming
then they laugh about all the footage later of people being King hit


New Member
shit,that game has been played so long.........They used to play paper scissors rock to see who robbed the occasional white guy that walked by.There weren't to many white guys walking through Cornhill


Well-Known Member
shit,that game has been played so long.........They used to play paper scissors rock to see who robbed the occasional white guy that walked by.There weren't to many white guys walking through Cornhill
some people have no conscious at all
How could you pick a random person and king hit , Rob , Stab etc , ?


Well-Known Member
That's pretty disgusting. Apparently a guy died in New Jersey from one of these incidents. This type of shit makes me want a gun.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
On the same token I read in my local paper a couple was charged with NOT breaking up a fight between two teens.
I've seen fights between teens and there's no way I'm gonna stand between 10-40 kids watching and videotaping the event.
lol, I will be getting my ass beat and videotaped if I tried to stop it.


Well-Known Member
And that is the perfect reason for black on black crime.
I see it on local news every friggin night.
it's sad when you look at the reality of things.

i had a group of about 20 friends when i was a young dumbass doing drugs. only 2 of us ever got busted for pot. one of them had wealthy enough parents to beat the felony drug possession, so it didn't follow him.

now compare that to black me with a group of 20 friends. black me has 8-16 friends carrying drug possession charges with us, since blacks are 4-8 times more likely to be arrested for cannabis. nevermind the lower average SES that often precludes us from hiring a lawyer to beat the felony charge.

nevermind that black me's job application or resume is less likely to even be considered in the first place, much less when black me is 400% or more likely to have a felony drug possession.

black me doesn't even get the same service at a friggin restaurant.

black me has a grandpa who won't shut up about how he wasn't even allowed to vote without being able to recite the constitution word for word. in greek.

i could go on and on, but you get the point. wherever desperate situations exist, crime exists. this goes the same for white communities, black communities, asian communities, hispanic communities and so on and so forth. no race is inherently immune to crime, crime occurs in all races and strikes worst in historically persecuted and opportunity-diminished communities.

some people have expressed how these facts make them want to get a gun, but these facts make me want to end the plight that so many face.

that to me is the difference between opposing lines of political thought in the issue.


Well-Known Member
it's sad when you look at the reality of things.

i had a group of about 20 friends when i was a young dumbass doing drugs. only 2 of us ever got busted for pot. one of them had wealthy enough parents to beat the felony drug possession, so it didn't follow him.

now compare that to black me with a group of 20 friends. black me has 8-16 friends carrying drug possession charges with us, since blacks are 4-8 times more likely to be arrested for cannabis. nevermind the lower average SES that often precludes us from hiring a lawyer to beat the felony charge.

nevermind that black me's job application or resume is less likely to even be considered in the first place, much less when black me is 400% or more likely to have a felony drug possession.

black me doesn't even get the same service at a friggin restaurant.

black me has a grandpa who won't shut up about how he wasn't even allowed to vote without being able to recite the constitution word for word. in greek.

i could go on and on, but you get the point. wherever desperate situations exist, crime exists. this goes the same for white communities, black communities, asian communities, hispanic communities and so on and so forth. no race is inherently immune to crime, crime occurs in all races and strikes worst in historically persecuted and opportunity-diminished communities.

some people have expressed how these facts make them want to get a gun, but these facts make me want to end the plight that so many face.

that to me is the difference between opposing lines of political thought in the issue.
I agree with a lot of what you said, someone's race doesn't have any effect on whether or not they'll commit crimes. It's about the economic situation they're in much of the time. As for the gun comment, I simply want the potential to protect myself from things like this. There are crazy, violent people out there and as much as I'd like to end the plight of millions of people and stop violent crime, I am powerless to do that.


Well-Known Member
As for the gun comment, I simply want the potential to protect myself from things like this.
unless you are physically handicapped, there is a much less lethal and much less cumbersome technique of self defense that you don't have to carry around or worry about your kid playing with. if you are truly worried about that type of thing, that is.

with 300+ million people in this country and so few people falling victim to this type of crime, i concern myself more with slippery staircases and aggressive motorists on cell phones.

There are crazy, violent people out there and as much as I'd like to end the plight of millions of people and stop violent crime, I am powerless to do that.
as long as you convince yourself that you are powerless, you are.

those people whose standard we hold ourselves to convinced themselves of the opposite, and changed things for the better.

no one considers abe lincoln to be a failure because he did not end all slavery in the world.

no one considers civil rights to be a failure because it does not end all instances of voter suppression.

no one considers food stamps to be a failure because some kids still may go to bed hungry at night.

if you let the perfect hold you powerless to the good, then i feel sorry for you. that is another political fault line however, which i will not get into in this section.


Well-Known Member
To elaborate on the getting charged with not breaking up a fight, a man in Buffalo made the news for getting beat up by a group of teens for attempting to break up an after school fight.
Close to where I'm from two people have died from the knockout game.


Well-Known Member
it's sad when you look at the reality of things.

i had a group of about 20 friends when i was a young dumbass doing drugs. only 2 of us ever got busted for pot. one of them had wealthy enough parents to beat the felony drug possession, so it didn't follow him.

now compare that to black me with a group of 20 friends. black me has 8-16 friends carrying drug possession charges with us, since blacks are 4-8 times more likely to be arrested for cannabis. nevermind the lower average SES that often precludes us from hiring a lawyer to beat the felony charge.

nevermind that black me's job application or resume is less likely to even be considered in the first place, much less when black me is 400% or more likely to have a felony drug possession.

black me doesn't even get the same service at a friggin restaurant.

black me has a grandpa who won't shut up about how he wasn't even allowed to vote without being able to recite the constitution word for word. in greek.

i could go on and on, but you get the point. wherever desperate situations exist, crime exists. this goes the same for white communities, black communities, asian communities, hispanic communities and so on and so forth. no race is inherently immune to crime, crime occurs in all races and strikes worst in historically persecuted and opportunity-diminished communities.

some people have expressed how these facts make them want to get a gun, but these facts make me want to end the plight that so many face.

that to me is the difference between opposing lines of political thought in the issue.
Sound like your mammy should have beat your ass when you did something wrong , the first time you did it... as a young child....
You learned no morals as a child.... very did not learn... To stay at home an do your home work, treat elders with respect...and be a good boy.... blame your parents... or thank them, sounds like you should be dead...


Well-Known Member
it's sad when you look at the reality of things.

i had a group of about 20 friends when i was a young dumbass doing drugs. only 2 of us ever got busted for pot. one of them had wealthy enough parents to beat the felony drug possession, so it didn't follow him.

now compare that to black me with a group of 20 friends. black me has 8-16 friends carrying drug possession charges with us, since blacks are 4-8 times more likely to be arrested for cannabis. nevermind the lower average SES that often precludes us from hiring a lawyer to beat the felony charge.

nevermind that black me's job application or resume is less likely to even be considered in the first place, much less when black me is 400% or more likely to have a felony drug possession.

black me doesn't even get the same service at a friggin restaurant.

black me has a grandpa who won't shut up about how he wasn't even allowed to vote without being able to recite the constitution word for word. in greek.

i could go on and on, but you get the point. wherever desperate situations exist, crime exists. this goes the same for white communities, black communities, asian communities, hispanic communities and so on and so forth. no race is inherently immune to crime, crime occurs in all races and strikes worst in historically persecuted and opportunity-diminished communities.

some people have expressed how these facts make them want to get a gun, but these facts make me want to end the plight that so many face.

that to me is the difference between opposing lines of political thought in the issue.
WOW, that was such a racist post, and then you tried to be a moderate to not appear racist. LMFAO