The Philly Starbuck's Arrest: Negrophobia Is Real -- And Black People Weren't Surprised At All

Literally no-one rational wants a completely repeal of the 2nd.

We just want the "well regulated" part to be enforced.
Ssssh. Don't ruin his fantasy about (((them))) prying his gun from his cold, dead hands. But he wasn't really dead, he had just packed himself in ice in order to fool them. And just at the critical moment... bang! Good guy with a gun gets the girl.

That's from a fucking game, dude.

You don't want to actually address the problem, just project how compassionate and tolerant you are to the world...that makes you part of the problem.
Laugh yup its a kids video game, not a piece of art like any cinematic sequence is but if you want to call ppl problems I see children who think a script as hacking making threats a problem... Dont even go there on who or whos not a problem cause your nothing but a typical black boot street punk who wouldnt last 10 seconds where I come from let alone know how to make a molly. SO plz dont start with me, I even stoned now

Compasionate and tolerant? No its about learning that both black and white smoke crack tonight kid. Dont try and act like a revolutionary with your tweenies political correctness, you have no clue, now I dont like to get heated about politics anywhere especially in an age when everythings polarized, but both my bloods go deep and I dont get into it anymore. Now dont debate me cause your getting blocked, I see you as a problem with your over passive agresive remarks and covert wannabe street militiars with signs let alone if you even tried a Project Mayhem, As stated walk in my shoes then talk
Laugh yup its a kids video game, not a piece of art like any cinematic sequence is but if you want to call ppl problems I see children who think a script as hacking making threats a problem... Dont even go there on who or whos not a problem cause your nothing but a typical black boot street punk who wouldnt last 10 seconds where I come from let alone know how to make a molly. SO plz dont start with me, I even stoned now

Compasionate and tolerant? No its about learning that both black and white smoke crack tonight kid. Dont try and act like a revolutionary with your tweenies political correctness, you have no clue, now I dont like to get heated about politics anywhere especially in an age when everythings polarized, but both my bloods go deep and I dont get into it anymore. Now dont debate me cause your getting blocked, I see you as a problem with your over passive agresive remarks and covert wannabe street militiars with signs let alone if you even tried a Project Mayhem, As stated walk in my shoes then talk
nice meltdown
Laugh yup its a kids video game, not a piece of art like any cinematic sequence is but if you want to call ppl problems I see children who think a script as hacking making threats a problem... Dont even go there on who or whos not a problem cause your nothing but a typical black boot street punk who wouldnt last 10 seconds where I come from let alone know how to make a molly. SO plz dont start with me, I even stoned now

Compasionate and tolerant? No its about learning that both black and white smoke crack tonight kid. Dont try and act like a revolutionary with your tweenies political correctness, you have no clue, now I dont like to get heated about politics anywhere especially in an age when everythings polarized, but both my bloods go deep and I dont get into it anymore. Now dont debate me cause your getting blocked, I see you as a problem with your over passive agresive remarks and covert wannabe street militiars with signs let alone if you even tried a Project Mayhem, As stated walk in my shoes then talk
Is that written in Chinese?
And I usually "like" anything with a tupac lyric in it.. sad day :-(
At least you got the 2pac quote ;)

Rest well if you dont get it Im basically calling him another insipid one. When you think you can differentiate whos the problem and try to label yourself ala nazi reich who the undesireables are sorry but ninja is the problem

Ohh the talk dont worry its not chinese its very good reggies bong rip talk
At least you got the 2pac quote ;)

Rest well if you dont get it Im basically calling him another insipid one. When you think you can differentiate whos the problem and try to label yourself ala nazi reich who the undesireables are sorry but ninja is the problem

Ohh the talk dont worry its not chinese its very good reggies bong rip talk
I literally cannot read anything you post, that massive pile of shit you posted is just 4 mentally unhinged sentences in Chinese.
sounds like an infowars/paul joseph watson piece of propaganda.

if i traced this piece of fake news back to its source, would i be correct? is infowars radicalizing you?
The number of police calls to that Starbucks location skyrocketed when that individual became the manager.

I'm thinking it's less a case of 'racist Starbucks' and more an issue of 'racist employee'.

I believe I also read somewhere that the individual who called the police is no longer with Starbucks.
The number of police calls to that Starbucks location skyrocketed when that individual became the manager.

I'm thinking it's less a case of 'racist Starbucks' and more an issue of 'racist employee'.

I believe I also read somewhere that the individual who called the police is no longer with Starbucks.
Happens everywhere in that area you dont understand, its almost as bad as alabama considering its tri state area///. Im not even black and have been discriminated I just dont throw a fit, but I let a server know that if they want a tip I dont gotta look like Oceans 11 tonight for you to overcharge a drink.... point being, its not just racism, social classism is just as bad in fact affects a broader amount of citizens since as stated both black and white smoke crack tonight.... 2pac knew it so should you