Well-Known Member
Idk. I have been using Flora + for a good while now and have to say it works wonders with plants that's grew in a soil medium.
I've tried my fair share of gimmicks to attain these goals and found them to be a waste of time and money. Just today I poured a bottle of Floralicious Plus into my compost bin. Not only did it screw with the pH in (aerated) ebb/flow hydro, but I discovered that "aromatic oils" are on the ingredient list. That's pure bullshit designed to affect the perception of the user and does zero for the plant. (GH likes to go on about how this product is supposed to improve "aroma".) Genetics determine aroma but they will be happy to stink up your reservoir with essentially useless products.
The trick is to identify a superior plant, clone it, and then work with that clone to determine the optimum nutrient levels it can take over the shortest flowering cycle needed to get the effect you are looking for. That takes more than one cycle to perfect, but once you get it down, you can crank it out like a factory.