First time dwc grow, huge white widows! Please advise!!!


OK, seems I have to post some pix ASAP, and I will! If I take clones now from my biggest, prettiest girl, will it slow down the flowering process and stress out my girl?

Trippyhills, they're huge to me, this is my first grow. I lst'd. and topped them alot in veg, and now they have tons of tops. I measured the biggest one is a little over 70" around, and they are a little over two feet tall and still getting taller. I read on here someone saying his plants were really large and they measured 48" around. So, you tell me if they're huge or not! THERE WILL BE PIX!!! (I certainly am not bragging - this may just be beginner's luck!)

Also, I'm thinking for my next grow, I want to get some clones going so it doesn't take SO LONG next time, hopefully. I have most of the equipment I need to set up a separate grow area and bloom area, just need to get a tent. Anybody have any suggestions for a company to buy a decent/good quality tent that's not real expensive? I believe if I start clones now, they should be close to ready for bloom by the time the first two finish. If anyone knows from experience the preferred length of time to bloom White Widow, please let me know. I have read everywhere from 9 weeks to 14 weeks!

Thanks for all your helpful advice!


Well-Known Member has some good priced tents. I plan on giving my widows 9 weeks, but I might go 10 weeks depending on how they are looking


Well-Known Member
Well you have done a very nice job. Well worth the wait just 2 days lol thx for the pic's. as for yield that's hard to say bro but from what I see I would say an easy 3 zips to be sure.
You did a good job keep it up. That would be 3 ounces a plant but that's just a guess. Just so members don't get confused he sent me a pm asking about yield.


Well-Known Member
They are nice and as far as stretch they are actually doing really well, at 4 weeks of flower I would think a week or two more and all verticle should slow. Not familiar with the strain though so not sure. But really not a bad problem to face.....plants to big lol.


Thanks guys from this newbie for all the thumbs up! :-P

They have been in 12/12 for 4 weeks, and I think it's going to be at least 6 more weeks since most people say they flower widows for 10 weeks. I just checked on them and they are at least an inch or two taller than they were last night. I think they're beautiful and can't wait for them to finish!


Waterdawg - Man, those are some good looking tall plants!!! That's why I'm concerned about my plants getting way taller! They seem to grow an inch or two everyday. I guess only time will tell!


Well-Known Member
4 weeks in 12/12? I don't see any real pistil development are u sure theres no light leaks in your setup?


Well-Known Member
Actually I never gave that any thought re pistil development, it does seem kinda lacking, I'm not sure I would worry about it yet unless as stated there is light leakage. FYI i have a digital stat in my room the gives off a low level light with no effect. I think its kinda what a plant gets used to as well to a point. Again a real newb lol. I typically have to move my lights every day when at peak stretch and its a pain in the ass lol.