Identify Please :)

What does this have to do with this thread.
You know that there is a thread for these kind of pics so please post to the approprate thread.
Thank-you and have a good day,dumb ass

What does your complaint have to do with this thread? Go start the "approprate" thread yourself. You seem to be the only one that is upset.
If its an 8 week strain, yeah it will be smokable...

But waiting till its finished will be much much better quality


yep ^^ , but he is frightened of the mother-in-law or someshit
i don't wont to get involved in that one lol

if its got resin on it, its smokeable i tend to start taking tester nugs at week 6 or so depending on strain if it smells enticing

Hey skunkdoc

how do you quick dry or dry buds you take early for testers and what not...

I start week 7 tomorrow, and ran out of smoke days ago, mis-calculation...

any tips? anyone?
Total Query Jack: I'll wrap a small bud (1-2 grams) in one layer of foil, and set it on top of a lamp. HID is better. Warmer. Dries quicker. Usually about 12 hours-ish and I'm set for a toke. Depends on density, though...Just my 2 pesos.
I see only stipules but I left my spidey senses at the office so.........

you only poiinting out my bad advice moron.
Such as what is bad advice?
I see alot of other people giving bad advice as well so keep it to yourself.
You just didn't like my post back to you so you had to lash back,what a cry baby.
bad advice self explanatory:P

just another asshole that has nothing constructive to say.
I'm on break. come back I will construct something just for you

so who the fuck made u chief mod?
he needs enema

Who asked for your opinion,sit down and shut-up asshole.
fascination with asshole see I told ya

What does this have to do with this thread.
You must be retarted
dats wasisst

What does your complaint have to do with this thread? Go start the "approprate" thread yourself. You seem to be the only one that is upset.
he has delusions of grandeur and fascinations with assholes

hey ASSHOLE! what does that comment have to do with this thread?
hehehe. mb I come hijack his thread and then hijack his grow then delete his profile........
Total Query Jack: I'll wrap a small bud (1-2 grams) in one layer of foil, and set it on top of a lamp. HID is better. Warmer. Dries quicker. Usually about 12 hours-ish and I'm set for a toke. Depends on density, though...Just my 2 pesos.

Sounds decent enough, hows flavor etc at that point?
^^ yep, when supply is running low or just out of curiosity im always picking buds off lol
i tend to pull a few branches off if i have nothing else
it will do the trick, the potency is good its still quick hitting but does not last as long

i find it is the taste that lets it down the most, or the expansion of the smoke
when its only 6 weeks the smoke is much thinner some strains can have plenty of flavor by then
but the smoke is still thin on most plants, maybe some afgani and kush still have a more full smoke
but most are thin takes me a couple of days to get used to, but sometimes i have only smoked
weed i have pulled straight from the plants for weeks until they are ready

First hit is delicious. Then it's kind of black-ashy. But, it works for the "medicinal" purposes usually required. If you have a Vape, you'll barely be able to tell it's pre-ma.

Damn i have to find my pax ploom vape

That thing was like 250, i got it cause it was portable small, and it hit like a fuckin champ! got like 25 hits out of .5 of herb

But since it is used for smoking, and is small.....i lost it...where the hell did i put that thing? the charger here....the box...where the hells the vape!
Damn i have to find my pax ploom vape

That thing was like 250, i got it cause it was portable small, and it hit like a fuckin champ! got like 25 hits out of .5 of herb

But since it is used for smoking, and is small.....i lost it...where the hell did i put that thing? the charger here....the box...where the hells the vape!

Lawls. Yea. I had to wrap my pen-vape in bright orange tape so I wouldn't lose the stupid thing...lost it the next day. Derp.
Jan the 15th gives him almost 7 weeks if its female n stays healthy it would be smokeable by then

Oh yeah, just snip off a seven week bud, twist it up and fire away....sounds yummy to me.....of course, anyone with half a brain dries and cures their weed first, but we must be idiots.....
I like how everyone gave every shitty sarcastic answer in the book except the one that matters: there are no signs of showing sex yet. That's it. It's too soon to tell. Everyone likes to tell you they think your plant is a male, based on literally nothing, because being discouraging assholes makes them feel better about the fact the live in their parents basement and play halo all day.
I like how everyone gave every shitty sarcastic answer in the book except the one that matters: there are no signs of showing sex yet. That's it. It's too soon to tell. Everyone likes to tell you they think your plant is a male, based on literally nothing, because being discouraging assholes makes them feel better about the fact the live in their parents basement and play halo all day. are new pics.....20131125_204818.jpg20131125_204840.jpg20131125_204943.jpg20131125_205007.jpg

The plants getting taller....rather than bushy...
And more importantly i switched back to sunlight...(we are having winter here currently)( about 11 hr 33 mins of sunlight )..

any distinct advantage of using artificial lighting?(lets say CFL vs Sunlight)?