Is This A Female?? Please Look And Reply!


Active Member
actually the Sative will prolly take longer to show if you that and Indica growing as well. My sative, all the sativas I had, took longer to sex and flower than my Indica. you really need to wait until they either show small "true" flowers or the small balls that inidicate its a male. The minute you see little balls u still have a few days or even a week before those polon sacks can rupture. Either way its just safer to wait until you have definitive evidence. I kept second guessing my plants and it was pointless to do that. i had 5 females and 5 males exactly...


Well-Known Member
excuse the typos
I may have jumped the gun with the Sativa since her true white 'hairs" didn't come out until a day or two ago. I'll get some updated pics of her pistils soon. I'm pretty positive she's a she... There are no signs of balls anywhere... I'm going to keep my eyes on them tho. Thanks for the heads up!


Well-Known Member
actually the Sative will prolly take longer to show if you that and Indica growing as well. My sative, all the sativas I had, took longer to sex and flower than my Indica. you really need to wait until they either show small "true" flowers or the small balls that inidicate its a male. The minute you see little balls u still have a few days or even a week before those polon sacks can rupture. Either way its just safer to wait until you have definitive evidence. I kept second guessing my plants and it was pointless to do that. i had 5 females and 5 males exactly...
Also I forgot to mention that the Sativa is a week older than the Indica.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Our one Sativa that is almost 6 weeks old indicated tonight. I do believe she is a SHE. I took close ups of the sites she indicated at. Please let us know what you think. The more input the better! Thanks guys!

Is that ovaries on the left branch next to the stipules??

Another shot of the same spot... This is very close to the top of the plant.

I HOPE SHE'S A FEMALE!!! We have been calling her a her the whole time lol Sending her female vibes! Call us crazy but it just may have worked!
Maybe,usually the males show first.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!