Riu island


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Staff member
Mojo's island- part 2

Medicinal Garden Experts: doublejj, TWS, F.M.I.L.Y, Garden Boss, SOMEBEECH and TokaLot
Town Crier: unclebuck
Linguist: Lahadaextranjera
Historian: Pad, james2500
CN is multi lingual and i have demonstrated I can get my ass kicked in english, german and barrio mexican spoken with a castilian accent.

Been there, got that, know that...I'm an old guy with lots of skills...but why? Is the goal to repopulate? Let's define this....if we're good we could make a cool internet game. Otherwise, this is just....pick a few people you'd like to hang with for awhile...then why limit it to 7? There are actually many folks here I'd spend a few hours with
Yes but if we vote them off the island early on we don't get a chance to eat them later.

I muster up a crew an steal that Battleship in Camden NJ. I`ll circle the island 24/7/365 to protect against forced entry and you from yourselves. I`ll appoint hereshegrows as Ambassador and she`ll have to visit the ship no less than three times a week for observation and smoke supply. I will not be responsible for her actions.
Ok who can quibble with a post that begins first you steal a battleship! I can :) get us a carrier and at least 4 Hawkeyes and I'll fly em.




Well-Known Member
It`s the only way to get one C2G, wont be easy either. Not a Carrier Skipper in the world would approach a BB with intent ...just an all around bad idea. Spy planes and all !i

I wouildn`t get on the island but wouldn`t mind a lifelong cruise with impunity.


Well-Known Member
I notice you guys have a bunch of people that can set up and manipulate the software side of com. I do notice that you may need someone like me to run ac or dc power as well as the ability to set up the hardware needed to put together a small communications office. Think copper, coax, and fiberoptics, dsx1, dsx3 lightspan, reapter shelfs, frames, mulitplexers, grounding etc. GWN also has the ability, (gonna need your burndy's buddy) but I think he would rather be hunting.


Well-Known Member
I notice you guys have a bunch of people that can set up and manipulate the software side of com. I do notice that you may need someone like me to run ac or dc power as well as the ability to set up the hardware needed to put together a small communications office. Think copper, coax, and fiberoptics, dsx1, dsx3 lightspan, reapter shelfs, frames, mulitplexers, grounding etc. GWN also has the ability, (gonna need your burndy's buddy) but I think he would rather be hunting.
Uh oh, this island is beginning to sound like Dubai.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey! I'm the qualified Divemaster of the group so I'm gonna take you all down , real deep! :)

Vale? Venga!! Nos vamos !!! (Ok, Lets go then! )


Well-Known Member
Hey! I'm the qualified Divemaster of the group so I'm gonna take you all down , real deep! :)

Vale? Venga!! Nos vamos !!! (Ok, Lets go then! )
You can definitely be the beach safety expert. Unfortunately, you too are terminally pretty and will also be needed for breeding. You can bring KK though.


Well-Known Member
You can definitely be the beach safety expert. Unfortunately, you too are terminally pretty and will also be needed for breeding. You can bring KK though.
But you have every female listed as resident breeder. Problem there is population will expand, then you'll have to create more rules/government/taxes...and then sadly the utopian society will go to shit.

-Like the U.S.:lol:


Well-Known Member
But you have every female listed as resident breeder. Problem there is population will expand, then you'll have to create more rules/government/taxes...and then sadly the utopian society will go to shit.

-Like the U.S.:lol:
I'm not trying to make a Utopian society. I'm trying to save humanity! Didn't you read, we need to build a new civilization Sun!!


Well-Known Member
Uh oh, this island is beginning to sound like Dubai.:lol:
How are we going to be able to access riu from RIU Island to rub it in the rest of everybody's face.
I'm all for radio towers only, just thought a couple copper lines around the island would be nice to have.
You guys will need someone for the solar panels I expect to have as a reasonable means of electric yes?


Well-Known Member
How are we going to be able to access riu from RIU Island to rub it in the rest of everybody's face.
I'm all for radio towers only, just thought a couple copper lines around the island would be nice to have.
You guys will need someone for the solar panels I expect to have as a reasonable means of electric yes?
Ah come on! That's too easy. We'll do what we do best and send SMOKE SIGNALS! :)


Well-Known Member
How are we going to be able to access riu from RIU Island to rub it in the rest of everybody's face.
I'm all for radio towers only, just thought a couple copper lines around the island would be nice to have.
You guys will need someone for the solar panels I expect to have as a reasonable means of electric yes?
electric really isnt that difficult, generators to get started. then you can use the air, water, sun for electric.. also i have been searching for weird ways to power the grow lol. magnets seem like a really cool way to do it if i can figure it out. we could also build a giant wheel and tape a stick to finshaggys head with a bitcoin taped to the other end just out of reach. i bet itll be atleast a few weeks til he gives up running


Well-Known Member
I've been educating myself on solar panels. I'm going to get a diy kit. Just a small 60w system to put together and play with. I can immediately take all my charging devices off grid. I've seen some good power through relatively cheap, especially the off grid systems that you don't have to hook back into the grid with.


Well-Known Member
I've been educating myself on solar panels. I'm going to get a diy kit. Just a small 60w system to put together and play with. I can immediately take all my charging devices off grid. I've seen some good power through relatively cheap, especially the off grid systems that you don't have to hook back into the grid with.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be hungry before you guy's get finished stringing all that cable, I'll be cooking dinner in my solar oven until then........:lol:......I'd like to bring a couple of chickens too.....:roll:
nice.. havent seen an oven like that in a long time lol. i like doing weird handy shit. where i live its pretty warm all the time. i have hot water to my kitchen sink without using my water heater. make a box, painted the inside black and coiled 50ft of 1/2" copper in it and put a glass cover over it. that water gets so hot lmao..

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I've been educating myself on solar panels. I'm going to get a diy kit. Just a small 60w system to put together and play with. I can immediately take all my charging devices off grid. I've seen some good power through relatively cheap, especially the off grid systems that you don't have to hook back into the grid with.
I put a 500 w grid tie system in for a guy this summer. Kinda cool, pretty salty tho for the power produced.


Well-Known Member
nice.. havent seen an oven like that in a long time lol. i like doing weird handy shit. where i live its pretty warm all the time. i have hot water to my kitchen sink without using my water heater. make a box, painted the inside black and coiled 50ft of 1/2" copper in it and put a glass cover over it. that water gets so hot lmao..
If we can get a big enough inner tube, we can bake pizzas in those things!.....