No questions asked returns at walmart :)

Ive learned so much from this site as an indoor grow newb i thought id offer my first bit of advice for other indoor newbs....Walmart, lowes, and home depot give you your money back for purchases made you no longer want even months later. I just thought id remind other new growers of this because i decided to upgrade some of my equipment and they take anything back and dont say anything. Also on they sell air cooled reflectors, nutrients, and even full hydroponic setups that they will ship to the store for free and if you decide 4 months later you dont want them..go ahead and return them. Did you use a bulb your orderd for 4 months and its not as bright as before? say you dont like the light and you want to return it...LOL i dont even care, just tryn to help my fellow RIU'ers on a budget to the best of my ability cause thats how i get down. yah dig?



Well-Known Member
Are you saying you use light bulbs for awhile then return them for a new one???? :sad:
Well I certainly hope they set them aside and resell them to the OP....glad I switched to HPS and don't buy my supplies at any of these stores. This dude is cheating other growers out of lumens...


Well-Known Member
Well I certainly hope they set them aside and resell them to the OP....glad I switched to HPS and don't buy my supplies at any of these stores. This dude is cheating other growers out of lumens...
You and me both :evil: Thievery comes in all shapes and sizes!

You will eventually learn in life that dishonesty and deceit is no way to "get down".
I agree... Not cool at all.

Well put!!!!! Simple and to the point :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I bought a box of 4' floros from HD, and someone had switched the old ones for the new ones and then returned them. They even glued the box shut.



Well-Known Member
Your that son of a bitch that makes me get used crap your lucky I dont no were you live just playing but if your that broke then you need a new hobby anyway thanks for making our fucked up world even more fucked up shame on you and you should be in trouble for stealing


Well-Known Member
Ive learned so much from this site as an indoor grow newb i thought id offer my first bit of advice for other indoor newbs....Walmart, lowes, and home depot give you your money back for purchases made you no longer want even months later. I just thought id remind other new growers of this because i decided to upgrade some of my equipment and they take anything back and dont say anything. Also on they sell air cooled reflectors, nutrients, and even full hydroponic setups that they will ship to the store for free and if you decide 4 months later you dont want them..go ahead and return them. Did you use a bulb your orderd for 4 months and its not as bright as before? say you dont like the light and you want to return it...LOL i dont even care, just tryn to help my fellow RIU'ers on a budget to the best of my ability cause thats how i get down. yah dig?

how would you feel if your mom did this to you?


Well-Known Member
Lucid - This ain't working out so well for you now is it?

As you mature you will discover deceit is ALWAYS discovered. Your actions are a reflection on your character, and your character is what you will be judged by and what you will be known as. You wanna be known as a thief, cheat, con man, that's up to you. You will end up with friends and associates of similar character. A hard way to go through life.

This site has it's share of "characters" but by and large there are way more good-hearted people wanting to help others and share information. Your scam tactics will be better received at Reddit. You'll get blown out of the water on RIU encouraging shady dealings with a fellow man or woman.


Well-Known Member
Lucid - This ain't working out so well for you now is it?

As you mature you will discover deceit is ALWAYS discovered. Your actions are a reflection on your character, and your character is what you will be judged by and what you will be known as. You wanna be known as a thief, cheat, con man, that's up to you. You will end up with friends and associates of similar character. A hard way to go through life.

This site has it's share of "characters" but by and large there are way more good-hearted people wanting to help others and share information. Your scam tactics will be better received at Reddit. You'll get blown out of the water on RIU encouraging shady dealings with a fellow man or woman.
Yep. That first paragraph is like a bunch of stuff I read in the Bible, it's all true. Second paragraph is spot on too, that shit don't fly around here boy, fly right and folks around here treat you right, do it like the way you do, and we just shoot you down.


Well-Known Member
Join Date: 08-01-2013
Last Activity" 12-03-2013 10:29 PM

Hasn't logged on since the 3rd. Most likely watching while logged out and has decided to create a new user account or move on.

It's a good thing this isn't one of the other forums I hang out on... Everything that he has ever posted on the net would get scrutinized, picked through and posted for all to see. Including his address, phone number, pictures of his house, Bla Bla Bla......

Thieves and liars should be put on a pedestal for all to ridicule and throw stones at.................