Ive learned so much from this site as an indoor grow newb i thought id offer my first bit of advice for other indoor newbs....Walmart, lowes, and home depot give you your money back for purchases made you no longer want even months later. I just thought id remind other new growers of this because i decided to upgrade some of my equipment and they take anything back and dont say anything. Also on they sell air cooled reflectors, nutrients, and even full hydroponic setups that they will ship to the store for free and if you decide 4 months later you dont want them..go ahead and return them. Did you use a bulb your orderd for 4 months and its not as bright as before? say you dont like the light and you want to return it...LOL i dont even care, just tryn to help my fellow RIU'ers on a budget to the best of my ability cause thats how i get down. yah dig?