American Dream!?

your Big Mac theory is a FAIL.

BEENTHERE'S THEORY: if minimum wage goes up, prices will SOAR.

2006 - 2009: minimum wage GOES UP 40%

do prices soar?

no, prices go up with true inflation, about 15%.

you are a FAILURE, just like your theory.
You quoted a statistic referencing it higher than the Fed min wage. not all McD pay their workers the Fed min wage, they pay state min wage, How can you even conceive an amount you quoted and expect it to pertain exclusively with the fed min wage. Why don't you give a amount for the mcd's that just pay the fed min wage, and take the others out of your figure. The last I checked the dollar menu is dollar no matter where you go.
"aggregate demand is a LIE", "Sociology is not a science" -kkkynes

serfs were all volunteers for bondage, modern contracts and employment agreements are serfdom, anarchy is not chaos, theres only one ayurveda, mexico is not in central america, Socialism has nothing to do with Marxism, the incas didnt build pyramids, the incas didnt have a calendar, george orwell joined a Trotskyite Marxist Militia but was not a Marxist, Bertie Russel didnt like Marxism, economists and economic theories which support my beliefs are Holy Writ, economic theories I oppose are automatically bullshit, sociology is a real science, fascism has nothing to do with Marxism, Nelson Mandela was never a Marxist, Nelson Mandela was never a terrorist, Nelson Mandela was never a leader in the ANC, mumia abu jamal is a prisoner of conscience, Mexico is not a Marxist nation...
~Abandon Intellect. Does it piss you off? it pisses me off. The top 1% has 40% of all the money is this country. I would consider myself as lower middle class and working my up to maybe upper middle class some day. I'm lucky to live check top check when i am employed, and right now i'm not. There are alot of people doing worse then me. This is the American way? I bust my ass for this illusion of an American Dream? It makes me sick. It makes me want to not perticipate. I'm not a Socialist, but the disrubution of wealth in this country is SOO fucked up that the top 5% have more money then the rest of the 95% off Americans "below" them. How do we change this? We have power in numbers, but what do we do? Do we not work, or buy houses we need to live in or utillities we need like heat, water. Do we not shop at Wal-Mart? Life could be so much better for all of us if this money was more evenly distributed the all classes EXCEPT the top 5%. The money in the pockets of these assholes comes from us, the working people. Meanwhile we cant pay are bills, we worry about how were going to get the car fixed and how were going to put food on the table. It makes us edgy and angry and we take it out on each other... If we could redirect that towards some thing that make a change we would be unstopable.. How? sorry for repost
Like it or not, with out the wealthy, you'd have no job. I suppose you could start some sort of business, work hard and grow the business to where you can help others support their families, and then have those same employees complain about you having more than them. Or you can unite together and forcibly redistribute their money to where they have to shutter their businesses, putting us all out of work so that we can all be equally poor.
These politicians are employees of the top 1%. We could elect a President that could change all of this if one would run and wasnt already on the payroll. Congress is bought now both repubs and dems could of changed this. It's both parties fault. What are you saying we stop paying taxes? Or we should get off welfare? People CANT get off welfair. Free and peacefull tho will emprove your quality of life, truth is were NOT free by anymeans including to "garden" what we want. I dont want to force anyone to do anything, but dont you want to relaim what is rightfully yours and mine in the first place?
How can you say "People CANT get off welfair.(*welfare)"? That is obviously untrue. Millions have done it. How do you "reclaim" what was never yours? And fooling yourself into believing you have a "right" to someone else's property is just rationalizing theft. I can say I have a "right" to your home because I cut your grass? You wouldn't have that nice looking home and yard but for me, so it "rightfully" belongs to me.
You seen the video things are extremley askewed. So far all ive heard was work harder and want less. Mind my business and leave them alone... I want my kids to have a future in this country. A better life that were living now.
And if you succeed, someone will come along and claim you have too much and demand you give it to them.
Like it or not, with out the wealthy, you'd have no job.

that is just so untrue that i am at a lack of words.

how did people even feed themselves before the wealthy showed them how to do it?

simply absurd.

america's right wing is a cesspool of nonsense, bullshit, and racism.
A more even and fair distribution of wealth, is that to much to ask?
Yes, it is, when you consider that you are asking/demanding the property of others be taken from the owners and given to someone else just because they have less. What you are doing is trying to justify theft.
here we go.... 3 idiots like a post that treats wealth inequality like a fable about a mythical goose that lays golden eggs. this is why i can say conservatives are completely disconnected from reality... this is absurd....
Wealth inequality? You're trying to justify theft. You have no right to other's property. You own your own home? I don't. Give me your house. You have more than me. Your car looks better than mine. Give it up. If you want to preach "Wealth inequality", then you are obliged to give every thing you own, because there will always be someone who has less than you. Yeah, let's make everyone equally poor.
Why is everyone hitting on Sky... Did she post some porn of herself or something?
Put twenty men and twenty women in a room and the men will hit on the best looking five and ignore the rest. Take the ugliest woman and put her in a room with those same twenty men and every one of them will hit on her. (Sorry Sky, not saying YOU are ugly)
i beg to differ: 1. we are talking about minimum wage and income inequality/disparity not being able to afford the 4 basic necessities..not wealth 2. the War on Christmas is a slogan:wink: 3. by definition currently there are only about 6* people in the top of 20% and 80% of 6* people respectively, that's roughly what?:lol:
What is "6*" in real numbers?
Yes, it is, when you consider that you are asking/demanding the property of others be taken from the owners and given to someone else just because they have less. What you are doing is trying to justify theft.

i've already explained..the 1% are using the system to subsidize sub par minimum wage..then those same 1% are trying to cut these programs..even though we are footing the bill..then the 1% have their own loopholes ie; "performance bonus"'s earn 380x average workers what they do 380x better than anyone at their company?..try giving people a living wage.
Put twenty men and twenty women in a room and the men will hit on the best looking five and ignore the rest. Take the ugliest woman and put her in a room with those same twenty men and every one of them will hit on her. (Sorry Sky, not saying YOU are ugly)

you could have probably said "she's the only girl here"..