US lawmakers reveal 9/11 cover up


New Member
It has been one of the worst kept secrets since 9/11 - Saudi Arabia's involvement & support of the attacks, before and after the event.

Inside the Saudi 9/11 coverup

They said former US president George W. Bush censored 28 full pages – approximately 7200 words – of the 800-page report detailing "specific sources of foreign support".

The Saudis deny any role in 9/11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically. The intelligence files cited in the report directly implicate the Saudi embassy in Washington and consulate in Los Angeles in the attacks, making 9/11 not just an act of terrorism, but an act of war.

I hope this turns out to be the nail in the coffin of the House of Saud.
There are so many loose ends, how the fuck could it not be a conspiracy......

Deborah Palfrey....the Dc Madame, she filed writ to invoke the Classified Information Procedures Act in US District Court in DC during her trial before her "suicide".

Jonathon Luna - Assistant US Attorney, read about how he died and they initially ruled it a suicide too....

Jack Abramoff owned the Sun something Cruises in Florida and Mohammed Atta was a on a cruise there, a day or two before 9/11.

Roland Carnaby was thought to be investigating Abramoff, before he was shot by Houston Police in 2005.....he was denied at the time being involved in any US intelligence agency [pretty standard], although his phone contained contacts for FBI,CIA and NSA chiefs and agents, which wasn't explained and had called the Dallas Fbi AIC during the chase of the police before the shooting. hmmmm......

Porter Goss? He was the former CIA Director and Co-Chair of the JOINT 9/11 Intelligence Inquiry and then he resigned in 2006 prostitution scandal [Deborah Palfrey- Dc Madam]. On the Morning of 9/11 he had breakfast with Pakistan's ISI chief Mahmoud Ahmad, who had ordered a wire transfer to Mohammed Atta for $100,000.

Aint just the House of Saud, this was a global effort and continues......I have more research notes, that was just a one page paragraph of info, all I could find at the moment....
Wayne Madse in the Washington Post 5/14/2008, connected Deborah Palfrey, Roland Carnaby and Jack Abramoff.

The National Reconnaissance Office, Chantilly, Va: Ran a hi-jacked plane crashing into the Pentagon drill on 9/11.

Newsweek Article September 13th, 2001......discussed how a flight was cancelled days before 9/11, for Pentagon brass, but wondered how that same info wasn't passed to the 4 hijacked planes.

How about the Pentagon Renovation Project, suspiciously the wall that A77 hit, was the only wall completed of the project.

WTC7- First steel frame high rise in history, that collapsed.
Jason Ingersoll - Pentagon Navy Anney. Nov 16,2006...He committed suicide again, about 2.5 months after giving photos to the website Pentacon, the Ingersoll Photos.

Also pictures shown by the Pentagon of the tail end of A77 from the lawn across the road are suspiciously dated Sep 12th @ 5:37 pm. Sep 11 happened @ 09:34 AM

The BIA just happened to have 2.5 TB's of data destroyed by the Pentagon plane crash, which was part of the biggest SEC investigation ever.

Operation Vigilant Warrior

Tenet lies under oath to the 9/11 Commission, about 8/24/2001 Meeting with the President and the CIA compounded the misrepresentation. [CIA omits that date from list of Bush-DCI Meetings in the weeks before 9/11

List of characters with unusual stories that can't be dismissed....

Sibel Edmonds
Christopher Landis -Operations Manager Safety Service Patrol VDOT
April Gallop - might have worked in the Pentagon.
Ted Olson
Barbara Olson
Jonathon Pollard [Israeli]
The Israeli Movers in Staten Island who were led by an Israel citizen named Dominic
Julie Shonterre
Indira Singh
Craig Bartmer
Barry Jennings
Kenny Johannemann
Beverly Eckert - Sean Rooney's wife
Kevin McPadden
Jason Ingersoll - Pentagon Navy Anney. Nov 16,2006...He committed suicide again, about 2.5 months after giving photos to the website Pentacon, the Ingersoll Photos.

Also pictures shown by the Pentagon of the tail end of A77 from the lawn across the road are suspiciously dated Sep 12th @ 5:37 pm. Sep 11 happened @ 09:34 AM

The BIA just happened to have 2.5 TB's of data destroyed by the Pentagon plane crash, which was part of the biggest SEC investigation ever.

Operation Vigilant Warrior

Tenet lies under oath to the 9/11 Commission, about 8/24/2001 Meeting with the President and the CIA compounded the misrepresentation. [CIA omits that date from list of Bush-DCI Meetings in the weeks before 9/11

List of characters with unusual stories that can't be dismissed....

Sibel Edmonds
Christopher Landis -Operations Manager Safety Service Patrol VDOT
April Gallop - might have worked in the Pentagon.
Ted Olson
Barbara Olson
Jonathon Pollard [Israeli]
The Israeli Movers in Staten Island who were led by an Israel citizen named Dominic
Julie Shonterre
Indira Singh
Craig Bartmer
Barry Jennings
Kenny Johannemann
Beverly Eckert - Sean Rooney's wife
Kevin McPadden

There are a couple of names on that list I've heard of; Sibel Edmonds & April Gallop have serious credibility and have made some pretty explosive allegations. It was a shame these two women were not taken more seriously considering their former positions.

This thread is more to do with state involvement of the attacks. the timing of these news articles should be taken seriously considering we are in the middle of pulling out troops in Afghanistan - is the subtle message were are finally going to look towards terrorist central aka Saudi Arabia?
The nail in the coffin will be when they run out of oil, otherwise bidness as usual.

That can't happen soon enough. Meanwhile, Iran is looking to develop new sources of energy for their domestic supply - they are one of the few, maybe only in the gulf states that are looking towards the future, post petrodollar. Maybe this is what the US is looking to capitalise on; the end of mid east oil.
that's a shitload of shake 'n' bakes...

What I think happened is the Saudi government set the whole thing up. They had some dirt. We called their bluff. It was no bluff. I want to know how much lithium, opium, and hash we send the Sauds. This whole we crashed the planes is bullshit. You need taxes and that doesn't happen when you destroy your tax base.
I am with ND the nail in the coffin......I think battery tech will push EV's fast and hard here soon so we might be able to hammer nails a little faster and leave some oil in the lipo powered heli scaled up would fly for hours.
I am with ND the nail in the coffin......I think battery tech will push EV's fast and hard here soon so we might be able to hammer nails a little faster and leave some oil in the lipo powered heli scaled up would fly for hours.

The third generation eneloop NiMH are pretty good too. money is on the LiFePo.......supposed to not blow up lol this is going to be interesting in the coming years.
Guys we already know the governments a piece of shit cooperating with federal reserves to keep the masses seized.

The real question is..
When are we going to stop the shit talking, and grab our rifles.
I don't care what anyone says, our government is not going down without a fight.
I've had two Android phones melt on me. All my lithium devices are real hot except my Macbook Air.

Mine too.....the LiPo's in the helis are always hot too and have a big liability releasing warning label on them about swelling, possible explosion and fire hazards....I am sure this is why they aren't already in cars...the iron in the LiFePo is supposed to negate this and retain like 98% efficiency compared to the LiPo but I could be wrong.

I have this quad copter.....stays up for 12 mins with a tiny little battery.....I know its a single cell lipo....not sure the exact scale of it and what that would scale up to precisely....I am just picturing that thing with motors attached to wheels, regen brakes and would be a liberal green agenda dream imho...according to the green mission statement anyhow.... maintenence would be next to it would be a righty conservative dream as well...I think the batteries are holding this up a bit...although I do buy into the conspiracy that battery tech is being suppressed.....EV1 style.