Well-Known Member
LOL.....Did I even say it was scientific?!?! The whole point of that grow was to see how a plant would grow with just Miracle Grow compared the the mother grown in Happy Frog. The myths about Miracle Grow being crappy soil are unfounded as far as I'm concerned....and that thread proved it.Haha lol mg taste better then organics?!
haha. Ive heard some crazy shit before, but that tops it all!!!
Ur experment is not even close to being valid or legit.
Hahaha excuse my rude humor but man..
I only brought up the taste thing because my wife is an organic-nut and she could swear that she could tell the difference....when there was no difference. I've done the same with her with "organic" peanut-butter, and "organic" apples.....she's guessed wrong each time.
As far as my thoughts on the taste between MG and HF....the MG DID taste better, smoother, and didn't make either of us hork-up a lung...unlike the mother. I will admit much probably had more to do with the curing than anything.
I don't know why someone is so fired up about smoking something grown in bat-shit and poo-poo's nutrients like Jacks. Nitrogen is nitrogen, Phosphates are phosphates, and minerals are minerals. The plants don't know the difference.
More power to those of you that grow organically. There's a market for your product.