Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Extra chores and some sweetalk is a much better price to pay than greenbacks.
No matter how I tried to keep it to a minimum, the trips to Napa for wine tours, restaurants SHE wanted to go to, not me.........
(Any place with alcohol and good cow is fine with me, but she was always wanting to try this place or that place that her friend said was good.)
Jewelry, car washes so SHE wouldn't have to wash her X5, trips to Reno or Tahoe..........
List goes on and on.
Whether you realize it at the time or not, you're paying for it, LOL.
Question is......
Are you gettin' yer money's worth?:clap:


New Member
No matter how I tried to keep it to a minimum, the trips to Napa for wine tours, restaurants SHE wanted to go to, not me.........
(Any place with alcohol and good cow is fine with me, but she was always wanting to try this place or that place that her friend said was good.)
Jewelry, car washes so SHE wouldn't have to wash her X5, trips to Reno or Tahoe..........
List goes on and on.
Whether you realize it at the time or not, you're paying for it, LOL.
Question is......
Are you gettin' yer money's worth?:clap:

If it fucks floats or flies RENT IT


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
If you were given $10,000 what would you do with it?
I'd attempt to dodge it. I'm not sure I'd want, or would even accept, a 'gift' of money I did not earn. Further I find money a very dangerous commodity in my life and attempt to stay far away. More than simply enough is dangerous, for me, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Wanna know what makes me a shitty carpenter? Because im fucking awesome at misplacing things. A simple projects takes all weekend because I cant find the tool I just had two seconds ago. Or I got my saw and my tape ready now wtf did I put that pencil. Maybe another bowl will help. Need a beer. Two hours later I havd a couple pieces of wood screwed together.


Well-Known Member
Wanna know what makes me a shitty carpenter? Because im fucking awesome at misplacing things. A simple projects takes all weekend because I cant find the tool I just had two seconds ago. Or I got my saw and my tape ready now wtf did I put that pencil. Maybe another bowl will help. Need a beer. Two hours later I havd a couple pieces of wood screwed together.

They say marijuana leads to other drugs, no, it leads to fucking carpentry"

-Denis Leary.


Staff member
Omg no I want breakfast from the husky
but it's allllll the way past the end end near the reserve near the highway........most Canadian sounding sentence ever hahaah