TIP: If you can't afford to buy 20L (5 gallon) grow bags ro buckets...

Is is okay to use 20L bin bag as an alternative to grow in ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Try this website, the 5 gal grow bags are .59 cents each or you can buy the nicer wash/reuse 5 gal fabric pots for under $4 each. Shipping will obviously cost you a bit more to Ireland than Canada but in their shipping info it says to email them and they can arrange international shipping. Cheers man

Wow, those are cheap as hell indeed. But I don't think they ship outside Canada. In the FAQ section it only says we ship anywhere in Canada. But, damn, they are cheap, would love to have that shop here :)

Jay Mac

First of all, I said 150-100. If you wanna quote me, quote me properly at least. I'm telling you, you won't get 10 pots on ebay with delivery for below €100. Go and have a look at ebay.ie or ebay.co.uk. If you are gonna bring up ebay.com than it's gonna be much more, including "import charges" that are always applied when buying from USA, nowhere else btw.

You know what annoys me? When people are genuinely trying to help someone, then that "someone" sits atop a throne and swats these ideas/advice like gnats instead of realizing that the people responding ARENT getting paid to take time out of their day to help your ungrateful ass.

"No that wont work"

"Nope, Im in Ireland"

"Americans always use USA reference points, that pisses me off!"

Man, or woman, get the fuck outta here. Do you think you're entitled to having people attempting to assist you?

Honestly, you would be better off finding fellow citizens either in person or on the internet who are interesting in the same hobby as you. Since they live where you live, they would be better suited to providing an accurate answer.

Why would you get mad that an American would reference an AMERICAN store/product? If I asked a Native South African about a 20 liter bucket or bag, should I expect him to AUTOMATICALLY KNOW BY PROXY BECAUSE IM AMERICAN that he should recommend a Home Depot Bucket? NO, hes going to recommend what he knows! Which is South African shit in most cases.


Im starting to see why RIU members get a little riled up when people ask questions.

Be more appreciative, more respectful and gain some fuckin manners-
then I would help.


Active Member

Can I order The Home Depot merchandise from any country?

Can you ship to any country?

You may order merchandise using the above mentioned ways from almost any country. We can process and deliver merchandise to any freight forwarder who will in turn ship the merchandise to you in your country. Your country cannot be restricted by the U.S. Government / U.S. Customs and the U.S. Department of Commerce to do business with the United States. Some U.S. Government exceptions apply.

Is there an minimum for an export order?
No, there is no minimum purchase for an export order in our stores or the International Sales department.


2.78 USD

Good luck, I am truly sending good vibes your way and hope all goes well.
Okay, I am going to send them an email and ask them personally whether thet ship, Europe, Ireland. Will post a screen shot. I can actually believe that I am arguing the past hour in here over such stupid, childish, crazy shit. If I am wrong, you will receive my apology of course. I have never heard of Home Depot anyway. Not once in my life has it come up in my internet search..


Well-Known Member
Okay, I am going to send them an email and ask them personally whether thet ship, Europe, Ireland. Will post a screen shot. I can actually believe that I am arguing the past hour in here over such stupid, childish, crazy shit. If I am wrong, you will receive my apology of course. I have never heard of Home Depot anyway. Not once in my life has it come up in my internet search..
No worries just try to treat everyone the same......the post about the store in Canada that sells Generic Smart Pots....you wish that store was in Ireland and wish they shipped to Ireland eh? Oh but that was Canadian and not deserving of a US bashing comment....so ya do whatever I could not care less.

I guessed you didn't know of Home Depot you think I could name a store in Ireland? But now you know and hopefully they ship to you its worth a try. I mean I can't say for sure there's a McDonalds or a CocaCola in Ireland but I bet they're there....just an educated guess....we even have Jameson whiskey here ya know?

Its not on anyone here to "check where you are from" that's your job to tell us....you didn't in your OP and your profile doesn't say it either but really should we have to check your profile to help you out?....you admit you are in a place that has a high standard of living and everything is expensive there then proceed to express your frustrations with your view of Americans...not the Canadian though he got a pass....

This may rub you the wrong way but I can go get a 5 gal bucket for 2.02 Euros.....funny you Irish use Euros thought yall would put up a better fight on that.

Also I can go to another store and buy clones of the finest cannabis in the known universe....for 10.91 Euros each.

Have a blessed day.


Active Member
Have you tried ASDA, I believe they are owned by Wal-Mart. I just did a google search for walmart in Ireland and they came up. I'm just a dumb American though, so that may not be helpful to you at all.


Active Member
You know what annoys me? When people are genuinely trying to help someone, then that "someone" sits atop a throne and swats these ideas/advice like gnats instead of realizing that the people responding ARENT getting paid to take time out of their day to help your ungrateful ass.

"No that wont work"

"Nope, Im in Ireland"

"Americans always use USA reference points, that pisses me off!"

Man, or woman, get the fuck outta here. Do you think you're entitled to having people attempting to assist you?

Honestly, you would be better off finding fellow citizens either in person or on the internet who are interesting in the same hobby as you. Since they live where you live, they would be better suited to providing an accurate answer.

Why would you get mad that an American would reference an AMERICAN store/product? If I asked a Native South African about a 20 liter bucket or bag, should I expect him to AUTOMATICALLY KNOW BY PROXY BECAUSE IM AMERICAN that he should recommend a Home Depot Bucket? NO, hes going to recommend what he knows! Which is South African shit in most cases.


Im starting to see why RIU members get a little riled up when people ask questions.

Be more appreciative, more respectful and gain some fuckin manners-
then I would help.
And I tell you what annoys me since you seem to be oblivious to what's happening. I understand what you're saying. I would hate that guy as well (me, allegedly, in this case). Everyone goes out to him to help him and he is an ungrateful sob. Now, first of all. I am extremely grateful if anyone tries to help me. I also know that people are not obligated and do not have to help me at all, and it's their good virtue and good will. But that's not what's happening here!

They are not trying to help me, they are trying to prove me wrong. I repeat it again, their endeavour is not trying to help me (the good stuff you're talking about), but trying to prove me wrong as if I am some halfwit who doesn't know how much stuff costs in his environment and what's on the net available to him. They are showing what's available to them in the states for much cheaper and saying "see! we told you it's so cheap." Fine, I believe that it costs this much over there, but it's not like that here and they have to accept it and understand it, then it will help, instead of endlessly trying to prove me wrong!! Do you get now?

If they said, "Oh man that sucks that it costs so much over there, but here, have a look here, here are cheap products in the states, maybe it will work out good for you even with the shipping". To that I would say thank you buddy, I appreciate that.

But not like these nasty comments!! I see it often on these forums, people like that want to help and instead demean and infuriate people because they are too opinionated to listen and absorb what someone else might have experienced or known. What happened to mutual respect people?

P.S. by "they", I don't mean everyone who has replied in this thread.



Well-Known Member
Wow, those are cheap as hell indeed. But I don't think they ship outside Canada. In the FAQ section it only says we ship anywhere in Canada. But, damn, they are cheap, would love to have that shop here :)
Yeah, maybe thats my mistake, where it said that you could use other couriers I thought that might mean you could get it shipped out of the country if you arranged it with them, but it also says they ship within Canada so I'm not sure. If you're going to go with 5 gallon buckets I'm sure there is somewhere in Ireland where you could find those without paying shipping from north america.


Active Member
No worries just try to treat everyone the same......the post about the store in Canada that sells Generic Smart Pots....you wish that store was in Ireland and wish they shipped to Ireland eh? Oh but that was Canadian and not deserving of a US bashing comment....so ya do whatever I could not care less.

I guessed you didn't know of Home Depot you think I could name a store in Ireland? But now you know and hopefully they ship to you its worth a try.

Its not on anyone here to "check where you are from" that's your job to tell us....you didn't in your OP and your profile doesn't say it either but really should we have to check your profile to help you out?....you admit you are in a place that has a high standard of living and everything is expensive there then proceed to express your frustrations with your view of Americans...not the Canadian though he got a pass....

This may rub you the wrong way but I can go get a 5 gal bucket for 2.02 Euros.....funny you Irish use Euros thought yall would put up a better fight on that.

Also I can go to another store and buy clones of the finest cannabis in the known universe....for 10.91 Euros each.

Have a blessed day.
Just to clear things out buddy. I have no problem with USA — well definitely yes with your foreign policy but that's not your fault and let's not mix in in. I'll be with you absolutely honest. I have no problem with Americans (just1), I do not prefer Canadians over Americans, that's all in your head. On the opposite, I like Americans and Canadians. I think that you as people are good people. So you trying to make me out to be biased is way off. I am not, but you will not believe it. Believe what you want, but I have no beef with you Americans at all. Most of the videos I watch on Youtube are American and I am very fond of them. But one thing annoys me, and that's what I mentioned earlier, you are very self centred. Always using America as a global reference point. Like earlier, you (maybe it was someone else) found a bag like for $0.50c or bucket for $2.50 and there you declare it as the price, it is 0.50c. As if it costs this much everywhere in the world. But it don't. The guy whoever said it (is American) should have said it's so much and this much in USA. But he didn't he said it's so much and this much. That's the problem. I haven't seen anyone else pulling stunts like this, only Americans. Now before you'll make me a hater, I repeat. I don't hate you Americans. I don't despise you at all. I like you, but this particular attribute that I find quite common I don't like.

"the post about the store in Canada that sells Generic Smart Pots....you wish that store was in Ireland and wish they shipped to Ireland eh? Oh but that was Canadian and not deserving of a US bashing comment."

I wish that any cheap store was in Ireland. I wish that U.S. stores would also ship to Ireland cheaply. Sorry if the truth is harsh, but when buying on Ebay from the states you have to pay for "import charges", the best thing is they you are not even shown how much it is, not until you commit to buy. Don't know any other country that applies this charge.
I guessed you didn't know of Home Depot you think I could name a store in Ireland? But now you know and hopefully they ship to you its worth a try.
Yeah, I don't know Home Depot. And the reason I said is because the way you were going on as if I am supposed to know that store. You threw in the name as if everyone knows what Home Depot is. I don't care that you don't know any store in Ireland. It has 0 value to me if you did or didn't. I couldn't care less about trivialities like that.

Its not on anyone here to "check where you are from" that's your job to tell us....you didn't in your OP and your profile doesn't say it either but really should we have to check your profile to help you out?..
Sure, I definitely could update that, no doubt about it. Since the beginning I was using liters, euros (yes gallons as well to make it more friendly for Americans so you needn't convert)

Its not on anyone here to "check where you are from" that's your job to tell us....you didn't in your OP and your profile doesn't say it either but really should we have to check your profile to help you out?..
I never said "high standard of living" but "high cost" big difference

This may rub you the wrong way but I can go get a 5 gal bucket for 2.02 Euros.....funny you Irish use Euros thought yall would put up a better fight on that.
Also I can go to another store and buy clones of the finest cannabis in the known universe....for 10.91 Euros each.
Have a blessed day.

So what? Go and buy it, knock yourself out. And I am the bad guy here, look at this post people how spiteful it is and I am the bad guy....


Active Member
Have you tried ASDA, I believe they are owned by Wal-Mart. I just did a google search for walmart in Ireland and they came up. I'm just a dumb American though, so that may not be helpful to you at all.
Why are you saying that, I never said you are dumb! Why are you turning and twisting as if you wanna play a victim. I never said you were dumb, and thank you for your answer, I will look into it, but I have a suspicion that ASDA is only UK based. But thanks, that's helpful.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me a big deal is being made out of nothing over these home depot buckets. Don't they use the things everywhere? Or other hard containers. Drive some alleyways, check behind restaurants, construction sites, recycling centers, whatever use your imagination. I would drive around scrounging and asking before I tried to grow in a fukkin trash bag.


Well-Known Member
But one thing annoys me, and that's what I mentioned earlier, you are very self centred. Always using America as a global reference point. Like earlier, you (maybe it was someone else) found a bag like for $0.50c or bucket for $2.50 and there you declare it as the price, it is 0.50c. As if it costs this much everywhere in the world. But it don't. The guy whoever said it (is American) should have said it's so much and this much in USA. But he didn't he said it's so much and this much. That's the problem. I haven't seen anyone else pulling stunts like this, only Americans.
Wrong, the Canadian B.B.V.C did the same thing, dude gave you his advise based on Canadian reference which is awesome of him..... you might not have known he was Canadian but I reckon it says he's Canadian right there on his avatar and he linked you to a Canadian store.....yet you make zero comments about what pisses you off about Canadians that offer you a cheaper solution to your problem in Ireland from Canada.

Try this website, the 5 gal grow bags are .59 cents each or you can buy the nicer wash/reuse 5 gal fabric pots for under $4 each. Shipping will obviously cost you a bit more to Ireland than Canada but in their shipping info it says to email them and they can arrange international shipping. Cheers man

Wow, those are cheap as hell indeed. But I don't think they ship outside Canada. In the FAQ section it only says we ship anywhere in Canada. But, damn, they are cheap, would love to have that shop here :smile:

But look what happens when an American suggest a route that you may try that happens to work for him in America...........

Well the thing about landscapers around here, once they plant the containerized plant, they have no use for the container. At least not hundreds and hundreds of them. They throw them away or recycle the plastic. Growers don't want them back for fear of introducing pathogens into their operation.
and your response to this dude that was just trying to help you was........drumroll please.............

This is one thing that kinda pisses me off about Americans; they always use USA as a reference point. It's only 50 cent....and never check where's the other person from, what's the cost of living there, everything is always based on USA.

I am not at you, AimAim, just used this reply as a proxy. But please people from the states, be more open-minded towards people from other parts of the world. What costs 50c in your town could be a fortune somewhere else.


Active Member
Why are you saying that, I never said you are dumb! Why are you turning and twisting as if you wanna play a victim. I never said you were dumb, and thank you for your answer, I will look into it, but I have a suspicion that ASDA is only UK based. But thanks, that's helpful.
Actually, I was tossing in some humor, while trying to help...Geeze...loosen your knickers a bit. As far as only UK based, there are locations in Ireland. Not sure where in Ireland you are, but there are locations in [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Enniskillen, Omagh and Cookstown. [/FONT]

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]As far as everyone, well most everyone, tossing in USD figures and US products, that's probably because most of the members here are in the US. No one does it to be unhelpful, or insensitive to your location, culture, region, etc. Also, with most non-North American, English speakers, you can see the difference in their language when they type, but your usage of grammar and vocabulary does not come off as overtly European, British or Australian. Keep in mind, where you are seeing someone being offended or unduly taking offense with your responses, it could be working the same way on the other end. So, just chill, smoke one if you got it and good luck with your search.[/FONT]


Active Member
Unsubbed from the USA.....good luck in Ireland growing in trashbags.
And I am the one who is resentful? Look at this comment. By the way, I didn't open this thread to get help people? I am already determined to do it. I'll be transplanting tomorrow as I need to switch 12/12 asap. I created this thread to help other people who are struggling with budget. You know that's kinda the way in Europe at the moment, (Euro may appear strong) but things cost here and incomes are smaller and smaller. Of course it is cheap to buy from China with almost free shipping, but they just don't do pots and crap like that. But hey, twostrokenut, since you're so arrogant here ".good luck in Ireland growing in trashbags." I will give you reality check. We in Europe are used to be very resourceful when necessary as the necessary can be can be quite frequent in here, sure Europe ain't the worst, the standard of living is better in comparison with most of the countries, well used to be half of decade ago. Now it's awful. But even in the good times it was nowhere near USA, and you know why? Because your government cheated the whole world with their ponzi fiat currency and got very, very rich on it. Using the petrodollar and the dollar before that. The reason I am telling you this is not because I'd be jealous that you were better than Europe, not at all, but because your country got very rich because of it and as a result of that your standard of living massively increased (that's why you might say, "hey it's only 100 bucks). Even for Europeans the USA was a paradise. Here's is the problem, you are too accustomed to the life of affluence and affordability (of course that's gone today, going faster and faster). You make much more than we and the rest, everything is much more affordable. Nearly every family had a house or two, several cars. All that at the expense of others, especially Middle-East, your affluence and standard of living has exploited those nations so much and brought so much misery and death to those regions that it's just unthinkable, but your government keeps and kept it stealth for a long time. The reason I am saying this is because you have no idea how much harder it is to make good living, buy stuff in other countries. The result is to be frugal and resourceful. So next time you laugh at me for using trash bags think about this. The life of affluence and high standard of living is over. The petrodollar is dead. No one wants the dollar any more. Your currency soon will be worthless, half of your industry is dead by now, China makes everything now (apart from the buckets I want :D). You'll have to buy their currency soon. The U.S. standard of living will drop rapidly in the future, it's already happening. It will be an extreme change for you and you're not used to it!! You well might be growing in trash bags yourself in years to come!!


Active Member
Actually, I was tossing in some humor, while trying to help...Geeze...loosen your knickers a bit. As far as only UK based, there are locations in Ireland. Not sure where in Ireland you are, but there are locations in Enniskillen, Omagh and Cookstown.

As far as everyone, well most everyone, tossing in USD figures and US products, that's probably because most of the members here are in the US. No one does it to be unhelpful, or insensitive to your location, culture, region, etc. Also, with most non-North American, English speakers, you can see the difference in their language when they type, but your usage of grammar and vocabulary does not come off as overtly European, British or Australian. Keep in mind, where you are seeing someone being offended or unduly taking offense with your responses, it could be working the same way on the other end. So, just chill, smoke one if you got it and good luck with your search.
Sorry, didn't see the humour. I thought you were really offended. Well, my command of English might not be perfect as I am actually not Irish, but I would presume my English would be Hiberno-English. But you may be right, maybe we all just come across rude and don't really mean it, you really might have a point there :)


Active Member
Wrong, the Canadian B.B.V.C did the same thing, dude gave you his advise based on Canadian reference which is awesome of him..... you might not have known he was Canadian but I reckon it says he's Canadian right there on his avatar and he linked you to a Canadian store.....yet you make zero comments about what pisses you off about Canadians that offer you a cheaper solution to your problem in Ireland from Canada.

But look what happens when an American suggest a route that you may try that happens to work for him in America...........

and your response to this dude that was just trying to help you was........drumroll please.............
What are you on about all the time. The only bad thing I said about Americans is that they are use USA as a point of reference to everything (self centred) get over it already.


Active Member
You know, you can also use a storage bin, like a rubbermaid tote. Just pop some holes in the bottom and around the lower edges. You could set up some blocks, or big rocks even, in a circle and pack your soil in that. You can repurpose a small file cabinet, take out the drawers, lay it back side down, drill a couple holes for drainage. You could use old water or milk jugs, or even those cloth bags they sell for a buck(approx .75 eur) at the grocery store. Old paint buckets, old drywall compound buckets, an old cooler, get a stapler and go to work on one end of an old t-shirt, an unused gasoline can, there's all kinds of options for Americans to think of, when we have to resort to buying Chinese currency, without having to use a garbage bag. But, in a pinch, I'd use a garbage bag too.


Active Member
You know, you can also use a storage bin, like a rubbermaid tote. Just pop some holes in the bottom and around the lower edges. You could set up some blocks, or big rocks even, in a circle and pack your soil in that. You can repurpose a small file cabinet, take out the drawers, lay it back side down, drill a couple holes for drainage. You could use old water or milk jugs, or even those cloth bags they sell for a buck(approx .75 eur) at the grocery store. Old paint buckets, old drywall compound buckets, an old cooler, get a stapler and go to work on one end of an old t-shirt, an unused gasoline can, there's all kinds of options for Americans to think of, when we have to resort to buying Chinese currency, without having to use a garbage bag. But, in a pinch, I'd use a garbage bag too.
I am using 10L buckets at the moment which I got for free form a fast food. Buckets of mayonnaise. I was hoping for bigger but they just don't have them. I was, of course, shopping and looking for pots in local shops and online before and during. But time has run out and I'll have to resort to those bags, but I don't think that it is a bad idea. And by the way, I don't know why everyone is trying to tell me to buy buckets since the thread opened. I already know that I cannot get 10x 20L pots for under €100. I spent hours and hours of looking. But it doesn't matter, I didn't open this thread looking for buckets; I open the thread saying that I will be using the bags. I wanted for other people to see that there is an alternative if they don't have the outlay at present.


Active Member
You know, you can also use a storage bin, like a rubbermaid tote. Just pop some holes in the bottom and around the lower edges. You could set up some blocks, or big rocks even, in a circle and pack your soil in that. You can repurpose a small file cabinet, take out the drawers, lay it back side down, drill a couple holes for drainage. You could use old water or milk jugs, or even those cloth bags they sell for a buck(approx .75 eur) at the grocery store. Old paint buckets, old drywall compound buckets, an old cooler, get a stapler and go to work on one end of an old t-shirt, an unused gasoline can, there's all kinds of options for Americans to think of, when we have to resort to buying Chinese currency, without having to use a garbage bag. But, in a pinch, I'd use a garbage bag too.
Thanks for all the ideas, however. Creativity knows no limits.