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  • hi mate no i havnt used the auto-flower seeds i have read about them but i normaly used femminised seeds
    all 5 of mine are from fem seeds.
    Awesome man, thanks. I just started my firt grow ever, and I went with the Green-o-Matic from Greenhouse.

    Hope it produces half as nice as yours looks!
    Well no I haven't. I forgot to look in the seeds container to. I'm right on top of things huh? I'd go check now but the room is off for now and locked up tighter than a wound guitar string. I'll check in the morning.
    There u are. I'm ready dude. All we now is the pollen. I haven't looked in my seed container, but I can't find my auto Diesel pollen. That's kinda weird.
    Cool thanks man. I'm gonna try to produce some seeds later on. Do u know of a way to make sure there feminized?
    I am looking to just create them like the pros... By accident. If one of my plants goes Hermie, I will start then and let it pollinate the female plant next to it. Until I force this process, I will wait for this to happen sometime in another Expedition.
    i have some snowryder seeds im about to grow soon. i still have a few thiings i need for my grow box. this is my first time growing indoors
    hey man how you doing il upload some pics soon as i got my camera back my plants looking top now
    My page always had you on it, but now it's full of other members comments. Dude, where u at?
    I can't believe that there hasn't been any questions on the topped auto. I figured that would be a good subject. I guess maybe are members are so new they don't know what it is. Or, it's just not a very good topic. I don't know.
    hi biteback, how are you mate? as promised i've updated the pictures in the group photos of my little grow operation and things are really starting to happen quite quickly now... the 3 at the back are now exactly a foot tall and are 25 days old, the 2 at the front are now 21 days old and are 25cm tall and the little seedling on the right hand side is 6 days old but it hasn't really done any growing for the past few days. hope you enjoy the pictures mate.

    Yeah I saw it, the romulan that is. It nice. I'll have to see if Attitude carries it. Well, the humidifiers I have were store boughten. Do you have a store over there like Wal-Mart? You may not know what a Wal-Mart store is. Let me know.
    Hay that romulen looks pretty cool. I like it. But don't use that seed bank they send you to. My very first order was from them and they don't send you the seeds you ordered. Buyer Be Ware
    You didn't. Hell I got 2 of em. The tanks are only 2 1/2 gallons (9 1/2L) but it's enough in the immediate grow area. It has a % dial and if you set it to 40% it will run until it hits the 40% then it go's on stand by till the humidity drops below 40% the she kicks right back on. I love it. And with those temp/humidity gages we have, I know high and the low in any 24 hr period
    hi mate, how are you? sorry for not getting back to you sooner, i've been real busy with work. yeah i've smoked ak47 in amsterdam a year ago and it was a real nice smoke and a good start to what turned out to be a real crazy fucked up day lol i got smashed out my skull on mexican mushrooms and smoked a shit load of ice-olator but in saying that everytime i go to holland i get really fuck up, i'm like a kid in a toy shop lol. i'm from scotland so holland is a quick and cheap plane flight away plus i have friends who stay there (good excuse for vistiting them lol). my ladies are doing fantastic mate, i'm noticing a difference in them everyday now. i'm charging the bateries in my camera just now so i'l post some pics real soon bro.

    peace, love and bananas
    Was Bentley growing outside the pot?
    Haven't heard anything about the Romulan Strain. Is something going on?
    hi biteback, how are you buddy? i'm using 250 watt HPS at the moment... i started them on a 250 watt MH for the first week and i'm 90% sure that the blue spectrum caused them to stretch mate, the 3 plants at the back of my box were 19 days old at the time i photographed them and your bang on the money they are indeed ak47's, i also have 2 auto great white shark in there too and 1 feminized fast bud which is only a couple of days old at the moment. i started them on biobizz bloom nutes yesterday (half dose) and when i came home from work tonight they look and smell fantastic, i'll try to get some more pics up soon. i took yours and ripsters advice and got my temperature sorted out and raised the light a bit and the leaves have straightend themselves out so thanks to both of you for that. if you want to know anymore info please don't hesitate to ask bro.

    later buddy
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