Recent content by BlondeBabe420

  1. BlondeBabe420

    eh i prefer doing it by myself. ive been alright shits been real hectic though.

    eh i prefer doing it by myself. ive been alright shits been real hectic though.
  2. BlondeBabe420

    stoner swagg

    stoner swagg
  3. BlondeBabe420

    yeah i havnt been on this shit on maaaad long. but you write too?

    yeah i havnt been on this shit on maaaad long. but you write too?
  4. BlondeBabe420

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    ...........when you only buy dutches for one reason. and it isnt to smoke it.
  5. BlondeBabe420

    COD Xbox Players?

    condemned is where its at!!
  6. BlondeBabe420

    What's Up Jersey Growers?

    sounds pretty nice, hope they turn out lovley. but nah i started growing a couple years ago then tried the hydro system back in october. i really should start up again, just been busy though
  7. BlondeBabe420

    What's Up Jersey Growers?

    of course, how are you?
  8. BlondeBabe420

    New to the Sight. Thought I'd Say What's Up.

    what are you growing?
  9. BlondeBabe420

    A Little Help Please

    yeah its a blood test. and you sure those detox drinks work? it seems like a bit of a scam to me. but hey, anythings worth a shot i guess
  10. BlondeBabe420

    A Little Help Please

    i have a blood test on tuesday which is being tested for drugs (today is sunday). the last time i smoked was exactly one week ago, last sunday, but ive smoked every day before then until i found out about my test. anything at all i can do? or am i shit out of luck?
  11. BlondeBabe420

    What's Up Jersey Growers?

    central jersey here ;)
  12. BlondeBabe420

    Salvia Trip

    smoked salvia twice and i do not plan on doing it again. the first time was in a hotel room. as soon as i exhaled, circles were forming on everything in the room. i looked down and saw them on my leg. so i tried kicking them off but when i did that, the floor cracked down the middle and lava...
  13. BlondeBabe420

    Favorite Tripping Movies

    yess it is, its nuts
  14. BlondeBabe420

    Favorite Tripping Movies

    haha yeah that was like freshman or sophmore year of high school. you ever see that movie though?
  15. BlondeBabe420

    Favorite Tripping Movies

    i was on dxm