Recent content by Dalek Supreme

  1. Dalek Supreme

    Looking For Old School Genetics That Delivers to NYS

    Thanks Jimi.... Oh yes New York State I'm just setting up a grow for a friend that does not smoke, but wants to tip his bartenders with it. LOL!
  2. Dalek Supreme

    Looking For Old School Genetics That Delivers to NYS

    Anyone know a reliable seed vendor (ships to NYS) that has for example NL#5, or Blueberry, or rather good beginner reg seeds? No fems, or autos. Thanks in advance for any suggestions
  3. Dalek Supreme

    Ancient Jewish Temple Priests Used Hallucinogens

    Also take note: Paul's Christ Jesus and Philo's Divine Word are the same imagined OT Character. Image of God (2 Cor. 4:4, Phili. 2:6), Agent of Creation (Rom. 11:36, 1 Cor. 8:6) Philo: THE SPECIAL LAWS, I "XVI ...Now the image of God is the Word, by which all the world was made..."...
  4. Dalek Supreme

    Ancient Jewish Temple Priests Used Hallucinogens

    The High Priests headdress had a crown representing a plant known for it's hallucinogenic properties at which a golden plate covered the forehead. On said golden plate was inscribed sacred characters for the name of God. Josephus: THE ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS, BOOK 3, CHAPTER 7 (172-178)...
  5. Dalek Supreme

    Help Identify Mystery To Me Object

    Just now! It's a refill cylinder. I'm just missing the outer cap that holds a key chain. I'm a dummy. I was thinking something scifi, or something. I should have not been token, and walking. Thanks....
  6. Dalek Supreme

    Help Identify Mystery To Me Object

    I just noticed it says "Zippo" on it. Silly me. It must hold liquid lighter fuel in it. But is it for a device, or is it portable fuel?
  7. Dalek Supreme

    Help Identify Mystery To Me Object

    I found this cylinder like object about 3" long, and the thickness of around a hot dog. The cap comes off which has a rubber seal inside. Underneath the cap is point with a hole, and another hole at the point's base. There's an odor somewhat like Amyl Nitrate (Rush), but more fuel smelling...
  8. Dalek Supreme

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

  9. Dalek Supreme

    Weed spiritual plant?

    Spirituality is people's Dopamine fueled imagination. There's reward neurochemicals that when released can make just about anything make sense. This same process reinforces thoughts, and, or behaviours. It's a reward mechanism.
  10. Dalek Supreme

    Mens centrum 1 a day !

    I just take one a week of a grocery chain knock off of Centrum. That's because I don't always eat what I'm supposed to. It's better to get vit/min from appropriate foods, but I see it as an alternative sourced backup that one should not take everyday.
  11. Dalek Supreme

    Newbie looking for guidance!

    Check out my tutorial in my signature for some tips.
  12. Dalek Supreme

    Aliens....Do You Believe?

    You know what will not happen. You opening a Youtube account (free), downloading your video, and linking it here.