Weed spiritual plant?


Well-Known Member
Is weed suposed to be spiritual? I guess any untouched weed species are supposed to be right?Every plant is supposed to be spiritual but not every plant relaxes u, gets u medicated or make u see things from another perspective, i mean it looks really pretty, smells really good so it must be something special about it or just stoners think like that? A weed grown under the sun can give wonderful plant material, so every plant on this earth must have a role, why nature/creator would make it produce resin(thc/cbd) and other good stuff, people use it for different purposes, so when u smoke some sun grown organic stuff it does it make u more meditative? What are ur toughts on that???
Is weed suposed to be spiritual? I guess any untouched weed species are supposed to be right?Every plant is supposed to be spiritual but not every plant relaxes u, gets u medicated or make u see things from another perspective, i mean it looks really pretty, smells really good so it must be something special about it or just stoners think like that? A weed grown under the sun can give wonderful plant material, so every plant on this earth must have a role, why nature/creator would make it produce resin(thc/cbd) and other good stuff, people use it for different purposes, so when u smoke some sun grown organic stuff it does it make u more meditative? What are ur toughts on that???

Eyes rolling .... dont do spiritual shit
Fuck the word "spiritual" as it most often leads to unnecessary thoughts.

But most people do not know the truth of the world and live inside a prison of their own making.

And the only way to realize the truth is to quiet the mind.

Who or what is your true identity?

And sure, psychedelics, including weed, can be useful, but only momentarily.
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The only time I smoke is for spiritual purposes anymore. If I'm stuck or need help finding an answer then I will partake but it seems to be more of a spiritual connection now.
For traditional spiritual use, look into the sufi dervishes, Sheik Haydar (Heydar), and Baba Ku in Afghanistan-cannabis use started through spiritual use in Islamic culture. I don't relish the idea of smoking a massive amount of hash and then spinning in circles though.