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  • Hey JJ hows it going? i have been a member of this forum for a while now and just been reading all of your post for the greenhouse 2011 and i was very impressed on how much you know and how helpful you towards others and very informative about how to grow cannabis. i didnt reply on any post since i was new and trying to get understand how it works but after reading the greenhouse 2011 i have got alot of new information. now i will be starting my grow as well and i was going to follow the carport style you got going on so i just wanted to ask you if i need any help on any information about the grow will you be willing to help me out, thanks hope to hear from you soon...peace
    aright mate i got a 6 day old auto seed its sprouted in my window im buying a 400w hps for my big cupboard and sticking to ordinary fans in there and ion bloom nutes is this okay ????????????????????
    You can think what you want about me, but please know I would never harm anyone!!!!!!!! Just because I have information that stupid people leave lying around does not mean I am going to use it lol I am for medicial use!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways would you please tell your boy to stop calling, writting or anything form of communitcating with me thanks!!!!!!!!!!! I have tried he does not listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hey doublejj, you are my second friend request.
    I'm pretty cautious of who I let into my life.
    School of hard knocks has taught me this lesson.
    I will send my email through a private message.
    Not paranoid, (legal) merely cautious from many years.:sleep:
    I start giving them both bloom & veg for a couple weeks after they start to flower. Good luck
    Hey double J just dropping by to let you know that the plants are doing great on maxsea outdoors!!! they are bigger then last years for sure! so what i wanted to know is when should i start using both bloom and vegging nutes and when should i start just straight bloom roughly the time of year mid august or early july type of time frame. thanks again!
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