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  • hi man been reading up about led grows thinking of doing it myself, im pretty new to the site could you drop me some infor about ur grow, what kind of led lights uve got floor space etc...
    i'm thinking of having about 4 plants not too sure what size of light/s i should have

    any info would be appreciated cheers, kyle
    Yes, I've been keeping the plants short because I too have read that LEDs have trouble penetrating the canopy. Having kept them short I'm very pleased with the results. I'm running a similar set up as you are planning, two tiers, a harvest every 4 weeks. I hope this was helpful, let me know if there's anything else I can do.
    I'll be using the 180w UFO fixtures with each lighting 16 sq ft for veg, and 9 sq ft for flower.

    The references I've found to the growth characteristics of the LED say that the plants keep a lower profile (short and stout as opposed to long and lean). If this is the case I'm hoping to use two teers and have twice the production out of the same floor space. Do-able if I can finish the flower at under 3 ft tall.
    How are yours doing growth vitality wise. Short and stout? comparitivley?

    OK, enough chit-chat, back to work,

    Hey JadeLeaf, Thanks for the comeback.
    This web page is telling me that you haven't made any friends yet. Since I'm constantly being told that "That's never been done/ happened/ been heard of" before I'm going to tap this link, cause friends are hard to find. Especially when you grow with LED!

    I'll be posting all of my data as it developes. At this point the "Space Station" is still under construction, but I'll be starting with plants vegged under the standard 600w M/H in the "Sea of Green" manner, ready to put to flower, and clones to veg. You see, I was drafted into the program by an established grower that needed to "expand" so to speak.
    I love them. I'm running two 90 watt UFO triband LED grow lights on 6 plants in a grow chamber measuring 3' X 3" X 6.3'. This will be my first harvest using exclusively LEDs. I'm about 2-3 weeks from harvest and at this point I see no difference in yield. I prefer them because they don't give off heat and use a fraction of the energy costs. Yes, LEDs are slightly more expensive but your electricity bill and the environment will thank you in the long run. My energy bill is literally 2/3 less than it was when I was running a 400 watt HPS. You can keep the lights right on top of the plants without worrying about burning them. I say, if you have the money go with LEDs. At the very least use them as supplemental lighting. Good luck with your grow and I hope my response was helpful.
    JadeLeaf, Greetings! I am upgrading from "private stash" to a 3 patient garden and need 1st hand info on your satisfaction level with the LED's. Are you using LED exclusively or just supplimenting an HID or flourescent?
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