Recent content by notool

  1. notool

    What thoughts make YOU freak out when you baked?

    :clap: lol thats the greatest thing iv ever heard
  2. notool

    My first glass bong experience.(share your stories!)

    my first bong rip sucked ass. my buddy told me just keep inhaling and he would work the lighter and stem.... bad idea he let that thing fill up and pulled the stem wihtout me even knowing what was going on. then i puked
  3. notool

    Some of my plants are growing balls

    sounds like a male. you got any pics?
  4. notool

    Will my plant keep flowering?!?! Help!

    yea i figured. you might be alright i but i would say maybe a large cardboard box or somthing the bag might let some light through not to mention if its black its going to get hot probably. either way you go good luck
  5. notool

    Will my plant keep flowering?!?! Help!

    i dont know if i would use a garbage bag that might cause some heat issues. im assuming its in the ground and not a pot right
  6. notool

    Well its been a while. i mean wow.

    welcome back thc.
  7. notool

    Solar Rips: who else loves em?!

    so i went and got a magnifying glass and tried this and its the shit definantly want some shades tho rep+ for the post
  8. notool

    Spray sugar water on my buds

    Hey thanks for the great tips everyone sounds like somthing worth trying
  9. notool

    Spray sugar water on my buds

    ok so is there any way of doing this with a hydro or bubbleponics system, feeding them not spraying them
  10. notool

    Solar Rips: who else loves em?!

    whoa that sounds like a pretty kick ass idea there poplars i will also be hitting up the hardware store very soon. oh and how long does it take to get a bowl burning doing that im not tryin to wait to long
  11. notool

    Help Fire Inspection

    yea i would just buy a large box or maybe a large trash can to set them in
  12. notool

    Would you grow this close to others?

    yea you should be fine man she probably doesnt even know what weed smells like
  13. notool

    Refrigerator Grow room Pic/advice wanted!

    yea my bad thats what i was tryin to say cfl for the freezer area led should work through the whole grow
  14. notool

    Cali legalization News!!! Gov. Open To Debate

    yea arnold is the man i just hope other politicians take notes and maybe they will all realize that legalization would really help out our country in these tough times
  15. notool

    Can you re-harvest?

    yea it should keep budding as long as you didnt cut off all the leaves and i beleive your suppose to leave some of the lower small buds in place i have never tried but from what i have read your not suppose leave it just bare stems you need to leave some foliage on the plant