Recent content by Nutella

  1. Nutella

    is miracle grow perlite any good?

    is miracle grow perlite any good? I'm mixing it with foxfarm ocean forest soil.
  2. Nutella

    perlite and FF soil mix ratio ratio?

    more or less what's the ratio
  3. Nutella

    perlite and FF soil mix ratio ratio?

    i have fox farm ocean forest and miracle grow perlite. how much perlite should mix into the soil. thanks
  4. Nutella

    For experts only

    Thanks to every single one of you!!! If any of you have more advise please, I'm just learning. Im going hydro on my next grow, i want to have more controll. This stuff i'm smoking is awesome!!!! I hope my first crop turns the same!
  5. Nutella

    For experts only

    i have a ph meter. Its not a rapitest!
  6. Nutella

    For experts only

    they have only been in the 5 gal pots for two weeks They are about a 1.5 feet high. So the roots haven't spread that much. I did not add any perlite, the soil came with some, I thought it was enough.
  7. Nutella

    For experts only

    I have them in a 5 gal pot. I'm not really transplanting them I'm just gonna change the soil I want to get rid of the low PH soil and change it to a good one. Any recommendations on how to go through the motions? Thanks for your quick answers, you rock!!!
  8. Nutella

    For experts only

    any recommendations on the soil. Something I could get at home depot or easily found in the US? I'm using miracle grow for african orchids. It was really good until I added nutes; it totally went out of wack. I mixed a quarter teaspoon of 20-20-20 into a gallon of water. Someone told me that was...
  9. Nutella

    For experts only

    can I just change the soil? I want to transplant them. How do I remove the soil that is stuck to the roots. Can I rinse it or do something about it? Thanks guys!!
  10. Nutella

    For experts only

    I over fertilized my plant 6 days ago. I flushed it also days ago, and its better. My problem is that I need to bring the pH up because its at 3.5 and its giving my plants an Iron deficiency. I have organic pH up for soil. But the soil is still wet. It seems that it's not drying. Should I...
  11. Nutella

    Problems please help!!!!!!

    I over fertilized my plant 6 days ago. I flushed it also days ago, and its better. My problem is that I need to bring the pH up because its at 3.5 and its giving my plants an Iron deficiency. I have organic pH up for soil. But the soil is still wet. It seems that it's not drying. Should I...
  12. Nutella

    Iron deficeincy cure ?????

    thanks guys i will get the PH under control. And then I'll apply it.
  13. Nutella

    Iron deficeincy cure ?????

    I have an iron deficiency. And my PH is also low. I'm sure its an iron deficiency I've researched it for 4 dyas. Has anyone ever used Ironite? Does it work? Any other cure for iron deficiency?
  14. Nutella

    Soil PH tester

    what kind did u get??
  15. Nutella

    Soil PH tester

    So I bought a Rapitest PH tester and it's a piece-of-shit. Can anyone recommend one? I'm looking at the Control Wizard Soil pH and Moisture it good